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Britain’s Queen Elizabeth is set to step down from the throne and allow her son Prince Charles to become the country’s monarch in five years’ time, according to senior palace sources. The 82-year-old monarch has reportedly told confidantes she is planning to abdicate when she is 87 and allow Charles to become king at the age of 65.
The report has emerged after senior courtiers were allegedly overheard discussing the queen’s plans at a party to celebrate Charles’ 60th birthday last week. In order for the throne to be handed over to Charles, an act of Parliament would have to be passed, but it is not a complicated process according to Dr. Stephen Cretney QC, Oxford University’s Emeritus Fellow in Legal History.
He told Britain’s The Sunday Express newspaper: “When Edward VIII abdicated in 1936, Parliament passed the Act in a day. There is no reason to suppose the same thing could not happen in this case.”
Yup, she’s been hogging that throne for a long long time.
Charles could make a good point: “An old monarch does not serve his/her people well.” Then decline service and let the welfare fall to the next generation. Nice slap in the old lady’s face==a return shot well deserved, the old bag.
God bless Her, and all who sail in Her.
i don’t about these people at all. didn’t we fight a couple of wars with these people so we didn’t have to hear about this mess anymore?
Not going to happen.
She’s a right good Sheila and not at all stuck up.
The Queen is… Retired. God save the King!
Does that mean that England has to wait another 20 years until they have a handsome monarch on the throne?
Screw the Queen mum. I don’t give a shit about her or any of the other “royal” bastards who were yanked from her “royal” crotch.
I can’t believe the British still revere the Monarchy system.
Charles should not accept the throne. He should pass it directly down to William. Then he, and the horse he married can quietly disappear into history.
She’ll stay at least until she is the longest reigning monarch so far.
That will be the end of 2015 I reckon
#8 hey at least when the British meet their head of state its normal to get down on only one knee.
Ian said I can’t believe the British still revere the Monarchy system.
Ya, but we keep the system because it keeps the upper classes busy and out of our hair …. you actually voted to have George Bush….
She will never abdicate…
Queen Elizabeth will be queen for another 20 years God willing.
#13, Gosh I hope not, she died hundreds of years ago. Queen Elizabeth the Second, FTW
# 10 Jess Hurchist said, “She’ll stay at least until she is the longest reigning monarch so far.”
If she quits in five years she won’t quite tie Victoria’s 63 year reign.
But I believe the longest reigning European monarch was Louis XIV. (72 years?) But he had the advantage of starting when he was five. She’d have to stay on the throne til she was almost a hundred to whoop his record.
The King of Thailand is one year younger than Liz2, already been on the throne for 62 years and shows no signs of quitting.
However, in truth, don’t you just think she’s hoping for Charles to kick off first? He is truly whacko. (And I don’t just mean preferring Camilla over Diana.) If he ascends to the throne, the crown is likely to be tinfoil lined. Stops radio waves, don’t cha know…
Let’s hope that when Elizabeth leaves the Throne, she remembers to wipe and flush !!! Oh, not that throne !!!
Solution to “ROYALS PROBLEM” – OFF WITH THEIR HEADS !!! They’d do it to you in a heartbeat !!!
Fucking great, Charles will be the queen.
This is so Terry Gilliam. Throne Hogg! Why doesn’t the UK just flush these dole bludgers. What a waste of money. Gook luck England, you’ll needed. Oh…. I guess I shouldn’t say anything… I forgot about all them damn cameras you have watching…. GEEEEZZZZ!!!
@ #18 at least we KNOW the cameras are watching:-)
Also, the Queen does dod all really. No real power – even her veto (which she rarely uses) can be overturned by the courts.
So this will take place after Obama’s second coronation, I mean inauguration.
What matter does it make?
They’re all a bunch of germans anyway.
Hasn’t been an Briton on the throne since 1063.
Maybe that queen photo is real, maybe not. Don’t be left out: Other places are beginning experiments with journalistic integrity.
The Queen actually makes money for Briton from tourism and its offshoots. Besides, if one counts all the money spent on flag worship in the US, they would find it costs about the same.
Bonus, Briton’s don’t have to worry about who’s face to put on their money or stamps, they don’t have to change the picture in Civil Service offices every four years, and anyone can sing the National Anthem.
But, I agree, they won’t allow Camillia or whatever her horse face’s name is to become the Queen Consort.
What exactly does the monarchy do, anymore. Besides hold title to bunch of castles in England? Just like all the other military “super powers”, its their Military Industrial Complex that actually rules. The Queen or King just goes along with whatever the goals of the MIC is. The Royals are too inept to plot the overthrow of a rival nation, any more. A bunch of generals and industrialist confer with the monarchy, and tell them, “it’ll be really keen to invade Grenada”. And the monarchy nods their head, and goes back to sleep. Then people die, and profits are made, and so on.
So when this queen steps down, another will get to be the royal figurehead of English might. We’ll have to stop using the term Elizabethan Era, and come up with one for Charles. Or don’t kings get eras named after them? How sexist.
#24, Glenn,
What exactly does the monarchy do, anymore.
If you have to ask you wouldn’t understand.
What does the US flag do for Americans?
What does singing The Star Spangled Banner do?
Why do we teach school children to stand at attention with their hand over their hearts?
Why do old men remove their hats for the flag?
Why do we have this lovely mansion in Washington for the President?
Have you ever heard of “Uncle Sam?”
Why do we insist on people swearing “allegiance” to America?
I know and understand why, but do you?
Its great to hear that some of the US’s citizens haven’t even a basic understanding of modern history. Keep it up chaps, you’re flying the stars and stripes loud and proud!
Her Majesty is pretty old but it’s not like she’s been ruling forever. Queen Victoria ruled for 60-something years! It seems to be in the Queen’s blood to have a long life; her mother died at the age of 101.