Barack Obama’s transition team appointed three people to develop technology policy priorities for the Obama administration.

Blair Levin, an analyst at financial services company Stifel Nicolaus focusing on telecom, media and technology regulations, served as chief of staff for Reed Hundt when he was chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.

Sonal Shah runs Google’s philanthropic initiatives. She’s the head of, which aims to use technology to address climate change, poverty and disease. Shah has worked for the Treasury Department and the National Security Council and serves on the Obama-Biden Transition Project Advisory Board, which has been managing the transition.

The third member of the working group is Julius Genachowski, cofounder of Rock Creek Ventures and LaunchBox Digital. Genachowski has worked at IAC and served as chief counsel at the FCC. He, too, is on the Obama-Biden Transition Project Advisory Board.

Obama has laid out a technology plan that includes investing in scientific research, ensuring that the Internet is open and bringing broadband to more people. He has said he plans to be the first president to appoint a chief technology officer who will guide technology priorities.

Cripes. We’re still waiting to see who will be the CTO?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    3 D.C. hacks. Change we can laugh at.

  2. FCC dominates… Where are those supporters now who claimed that Obama will make change…

  3. Dallas says:

    Finally, a president that understands the significance of technology as a driver of America’s future. What a stark contrast to the Republican POS now in the White house that undermines the roles that science and technology have.

    How embarrassing it must be for the rudderless GOP party. They should take note of how to assemble a leadership oriented government.

  4. jayv2010 says:

    I think Ted Stevens has a little time on his Hands… He is free to act as CTO.

  5. JimD says:

    # 5 jayv2010, Yeah, Stevens knows all about DATA PIPES !!!

    A little Federa Pump-Priming should get Internet 2.0 Bubbling, maybe even INTERNET BUBBLE 2.0 !!!

    Just make it GO FASTER !!!

  6. Hmeyers says:

    This is one of the reasons I like Obama.

    He isn’t an out-of-touch 60 or 70 year (*) who has no computer knowledge and can’t turn on a PC and he is someone who understands the internet.

    Nice to see the first administration that is at least thinking about issues that matter in the future.

    He has kids that use cell phones and the internet and understands there are issues and needs there to be addressed.

    (*) No I’m not slamming McCain. I’m slamming every out-of-touch oldy in both parties that ran for president this year that isn’t tuned in with modern times, which was just about everyone except Obama.

  7. sargasso says:

    #8. держите пари ваш ишак

  8. Ian says:

    At #8:

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  9. ECA says:

    Its interesting..
    Who do you HIRE.?
    HOw do you know WHO knows WHAT?

  10. Montanaguy says:

    What’s the problem that’s being solved here? What’s the problem being solved that cannot be solved by the entrepreneurs out there in the free market? Another example of the heavy footprint of the government, with all of it attendant inefficiencies and political machination attempting to get its grubby hands into something that others can solve much better.
    I could care less if the president of the U.S. has used a computer or not. If you want to use that line of reasoning, then Obama is not qualified to be pres./commander in chief because he’s never been in the military, never flown a jet, never run a business and so forth. He’s never really done much of anything, as we will soon see first hand.

  11. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    I wonder if Barry has decided which White House toilet he will use first? I wonder if he’s looking forward to leaving his first skid mark.

  12. eaze says:

    Too scary how close Google has become with the government.

  13. deowll says:

    If you were looking for new faces in Washington it looks like Obama wasn’t.

    At least they know where most of the bodies are buried.

    The question is are they going to clean up are just add some new ones.

    Time will tell.


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