Hundreds of homosexual activists rushed out of bars and swarmed a group of Christians who were singing songs in San Francisco’s Castro District – and some even threatened to kill the worshipers. A group of Christians had been singing and praying in the “gay” district for several days, but they never expected an angry mob would run them out. However, that’s what happened Friday night.

One woman who was attacked told her story with Pastor Lou Engle at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She said the group’s fellowship had been peaceful for several nights before the riot. “People would come stand with us and join us,” she said. “We got to pray for some people.” But then angry men began yelling profanities and warning the Christians to leave the district.One asked, “Why are you here?” The leader of the group said, “We’re here to worship God, and we’re here because we love you.” A group of men approached the Christians and covered them with a large cloth, backing them into a corner. Then the angry mob began swearing and growing larger. The bars began emptying out, and a crowd completely surrounded the Christians.

The worship group began singing “Amazing Grace,” while an estimated 500 “gay” advocates sang, “We Shall Overcome.”

The woman said she and her friend were doused with hot coffee. One man took a Bible from her friend, hit her on the head with it, pushed her to the ground and began kicking her. People began lunging at the Christian group, blowing whistles in their ears.

“They started saying, ‘We’re going to kill you,'” she said. “They started taking our pictures and saying, ‘We’re going to kill you. We know who you are.”

This amounts to inciting a riot. I’m not a Christian basher, but these people are loony. Next time, stay on your own side of the fence and pray all you want. Also, it’s nice to see the cops handle this situation with restraint.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 97 Wretched Gnu said, “When you consider that a far greater percentage of heterosexual couples commit child abuse than among gay couples with children”

    Would love to see that study. Link?

  2. Pmitchell says:

    #85 where on earth did you pull 15% out of your ass

    your not even close try about 4% of the population as homosexual

    Can some of you spin doctors explain to me how a group of Christians asking to and praying for a bunch of homosexuals because they believe they are wrong in what they are doing and want to try to help them. I dint recalll the Christians yelling epithets and cursing the gays but the Christians are called the Taliban because they want to try to peacefully gather and pray for people whos live they wish to change does this make them Taliban and I don’t want to hear about what some ones brothers sisters cousin saw on cnn a few years ago or what the church did 1000 years ago, I want you liberals idiots to explain why it is when your side acts like asses and disrupts the public it is always ok because some one, some where always did something worse ( that excuse quit working o my parents in 2nd grade)

  3. El Fido says:

    They’re just lauding their victory over the gays.

    How would you feel if someone anulled your marriage and came round your neighborhood, singing songs, rubbing your face in it.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 100 El Fido said, “How would you feel if someone …”

    Irrelevant. You still can’t commit crimes because you feel bad.

    How about this, you do something (legal) that I don’t like and I shoot you?

    I guess you’re cool with that because I’m upset.

    Sounds good.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 97 Wretched Gnu said, “When you consider that a far greater percentage of heterosexual couples commit child abuse than among gay couples with children —”

    As I thought. Another lie brought to you by a Wretched Person.

  6. El Fdo says:

    Let the vindictive bigots have their day on Fox News.

    The fact is, Gay Marriage is a absolute certainty. 48% sure as hell looks better than the 89% of people who were against inter-racial marriages.

  7. bobbo says:

    #103–Pedro==maybe I looked away but I saw no violence in that video clip==it was all verbal taunting back and forth.

    Whats your postion?==Bible thumpers can pass a law denying your civil rights, pray to a god that condemns your very being, then come to your home and sing songs about it and its “Violence” to yell back “Shame on You!”

    Pedro–pedro–predro. Why so kneejerk?

  8. El Fido says:

    Let the vindictive bigots have their day on Fox News.

    The fact is, Gay Marriage is a absolute eventuality. 48% sure as hell looks better than the 89% of people who were against inter-racial marriages.

  9. kinto says:

    christian backs are to the wall in a very real sense. every generation produces more and more logical, educated, free thinkers and less people who believe in fairytales.

    quick! retreat to the catacombs! the big scary secular humanism monster is comin’ to getcha!

  10. Helzerman says:

    No one deserves to be assaulted. That being said, any fool would know that walking into Gay Mecca and, in essence, rubbing Prop 8 in everyone’s face is like like a walking into the heart of Crips territory wearing a red spandex jumpsuit shouting, “Y’all a bunch of pussies, yo!”. Legal, but real f-cking stupid.

  11. Helzerman says:

    # 61 ECA If it makes you feel any better about the Bible, it doesn’t actually say that marriage has to be between ‘one man and one woman.’ That’s just crap that a bunch of people who don’t actually read their Bibles think. The Bible doesn’t say much about the rules of marriage at all and when it does, its not what you might expect. Anyone who really wants to know, check out the book of Ruth for a good starting point.

    For those of you who really do want to live up to Biblical family values –forget gay marriage. Here is one thing that the Bible is crystal clear on: DIVORCE. It’s a no-no. You can get stoned for that crap.

    So any religious people who are for Prop 8, I hope you’re not getting divorced, because divorce and adultery -in the Bible- is mentioned way further up on God’s personal hit list than two dudes wanting to live together monogamously. Check out Deuteronomy 22:19. 🙂

  12. the answer says:

    Good. i am not much for violence, but things like this need to happen for us as humanity to move forward.

  13. the answer says:

    BTW I meant for christians to be harassed for getting into people’s lives

  14. Helzerman says:

    #112 – To be fair not all Christians are “getting into people’s lives” and not all people who supported Prop 8 are Christians. The idiots who went into the Castro harassing its residents claimed to be Christians -that’s all we really know about them.

  15. Chemo says:

    #109, they had been going down there for three years now. It wasn’t something random, or in response to anything. #113, they are believers from an organization called the Justice House of Prayer. Part of their initiative is to use prayer and intercession to help the oppressed, including the gay community. These are believers at their best.

    Why aren’t their protests in the predominantly black areas of California? That’s the reason Prop 8 got approved. It’s ironic that Obama, being the savior of all the gay community, was actually the reason why the bill was voted down. When 70% of black voters are against you, and you have a black president running, you’re in a bit of trouble. Obama should have been white, rather than a combo deal. The bill would have passed easily! Seriously, get a clue. California is as blue as it can be. Evangelicals aren’t the reason why you lost.

    #111, your an idiot. There are plenty of people who believe the exact opposite, that all the gays need to be wiped off of the planet by the hand of God for society to progress. All of the people who believe that others should be harmed for the sake of an agenda are complete morons, and this line of thought has produced some of the most evil individuals throughout our history.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #75 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Fail already. A church is private property.
    >>Try again.

    OK, on the SIDEWALK out in front of the church, assmunch. With all the tight-asses coming in and out in their Sunday best.

    #98 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Would love to see that study. Link?

    Haw. Haw haw!! HAW HAW HAW!!!! Paddy “I have never posted a link in my life” RAMBO, requesting a link!?!?! That is just hil-fucking-larious! LOL! LOLOLOL! ROTFLMAO!!!

    You DO know how to use The Google, right? Or is that another one of your myriad technical deficiencies??

  17. kinto says:

    i’m not gay, but SHOCKINGLY i know some good folks who are… and others who are pierced/ tattooed even! and i have negro friends! EXTREEEME!!!

    but seriously, if you want some lulz, click the ads on the link to this…

    wow, he’s a doctor and he wrote a book…

  18. kinto says:

    to save everybody tome…

    “Before I finished half of the book, I felt the leadership of my church should read it also,” Brewer said.

    the entity did it. in florida with the menorah. it was totally gay.

  19. Glenn E. says:

    I don’t think California’s Prop 8 was about discriminating against gays. It was protecting what heteros consider their own legal definition of a union. The gays want to be treated just like heteros in every way. But they don’t want to have the same lifestyle or relation. So why do they need to have the legal term of marriage apply to their most recent relationships. Because there’s money involved, you can betcha. Tax status, health insurance, etc. The thing is, “Marriage” was intended as a contract to further the species. And gays generally can’t procreate. So why should a union of two who aren’t capable of raising children, get the same benefits as those that do. You might as well give such benefits to any couple, whether then get married or not. And yes, I know that not all married hetero couples raise children, and some gays intend to adopt some or raise some from a previous marriage. But that tends to be the exception, not the rule. And I can just see our courts dealing with gay divorces, down the road. Who gets the kids? The father or the other father. The mother or the other mother. Straight judges will be pulling their hair out. So I guess they’ll need another Prop. that says only gay judges can decide what divorcing gay couples get. For being only a lousy 3% of the population, gays are getting far more consideration than the blacks got in greater numbers, for ages.

  20. bobbo says:

    #118–Glenn==can you read your post and see how self-contradictory it is?

    Also, you frame your position as if it was “fact based” but if the numbers you use to make your argument were changed against you, would you change your position or accept that numbers control your position?

  21. Sparky says:

    # 118 –
    “So why do they need to have the legal term of marriage apply to their most recent relationships. Because there’s money involved, you can betcha. Tax status, health insurance, etc.”

    Am I missing something here. What’s exactly wrong with this?

    # 118 –
    “The thing is, “Marriage” was intended as a contract to further the species. And gays generally can’t procreate.”

    Utter bilge. And denying someone the right of Marriage because they can’t conceive (like some woman or sterile men ) should never be a reason in this day and age to deny marriage.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #118, Glenn,

    I don’t think California’s Prop 8 was about discriminating against gays. It was protecting what heteros consider their own legal definition of a union.

    In other words, they were protecting something they held dear and would not allow those who did not measure up in their opinion equal access to that. Which, by the way, is the definition of discrimination.

    As long as sterile heterosexual couples are allowed to marry the argument that marriage is for procreation doesn’t hold water. As long as divorce is allowed, the argument that marriage is for the safety and health of the children can’t be used.

    For being only a lousy 3% of the population,

    What a bullshit argument. Why not deny anyone with the Huntington’s gene in their family from marrying? That would only be 1% of the population. Huntington’s can not be diagnosed until it develops. What about anyone with ADD or ADHD? They are also less than 1%. Discriminating because they only make up a “small” percentage of the population is wrong on so many levels.

    OK, idea time here. How about we euthanize everyone with a G, E, L, and a couple of Ns in their first name. Surely they make up less that 0.25% of the American population and no one will miss them.

    Glenn, of course you don’t understand what I’m saying. You are too busy trying to justify your own discrimination. Get over it.

  23. #18 – Glenn E.

    That has got to be the stupidest post I have read on the topic of gay marriage.

    If that’s the sort of intellect the anti-freedom set brings to the table, same-sex marriage is pretty much a done deal. “Straight judges will be pulling their hair out.“. Haw! Is that your attempt at humor, or what?


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