Hundreds of homosexual activists rushed out of bars and swarmed a group of Christians who were singing songs in San Francisco’s Castro District – and some even threatened to kill the worshipers. A group of Christians had been singing and praying in the “gay” district for several days, but they never expected an angry mob would run them out. However, that’s what happened Friday night.

One woman who was attacked told her story with Pastor Lou Engle at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She said the group’s fellowship had been peaceful for several nights before the riot. “People would come stand with us and join us,” she said. “We got to pray for some people.” But then angry men began yelling profanities and warning the Christians to leave the district.One asked, “Why are you here?” The leader of the group said, “We’re here to worship God, and we’re here because we love you.” A group of men approached the Christians and covered them with a large cloth, backing them into a corner. Then the angry mob began swearing and growing larger. The bars began emptying out, and a crowd completely surrounded the Christians.

The worship group began singing “Amazing Grace,” while an estimated 500 “gay” advocates sang, “We Shall Overcome.”

The woman said she and her friend were doused with hot coffee. One man took a Bible from her friend, hit her on the head with it, pushed her to the ground and began kicking her. People began lunging at the Christian group, blowing whistles in their ears.

“They started saying, ‘We’re going to kill you,'” she said. “They started taking our pictures and saying, ‘We’re going to kill you. We know who you are.”

This amounts to inciting a riot. I’m not a Christian basher, but these people are loony. Next time, stay on your own side of the fence and pray all you want. Also, it’s nice to see the cops handle this situation with restraint.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 63 hhopper said, “These things happen when evangelical Christians stick their noses in place they are not wanted.”

    Can be said of the other “side” also. Still, if people want to resort to violence to stifle free speech, that can be countered…

  2. Montanaguy says:

    Isn’ the right of people to assemble protected in the U.S. constitution? The gays may not like it, but it’s also what makes it possible for them to demonstrate and play out their drama in the public strets with the parades and demonstrations they have. Their hatefulness in this video doesn’t make me any more sympathetic to their cause. Much less so, unfortunately. Makes them look like an extremely intolerant bunch of people yammering that the rest of society should in turn tolerate the desires of their tiny minority to turn tradition on its head.

  3. Joe_C says:

    Let’s take away heterosexual marriage rights, and then go stand outside Christian churches and sing showtunes all week.

  4. gadgetenvy says:

    That “praying” seems awfully passive-agressive to me.

  5. lakelady says:

    ok folks a few things need straightening out
    Drunks – hetero, homo, bi, whatever – do stupid and often violent things. Blame the alcohol, not their sexual orientation.

    Civil unions do NOT have the same rights as marriage. Period. They grant many of the rights of marriage but not all of them. If they did this entire arguement would be moot.

    the one good thing I see in the approval of pro 8 is that a lot more discussion about the need for equal rights for homosexuals is going on.

  6. Cephus says:

    The biggest problem, and I’ll absolutely agree that the gay activists were way over the top, is that the Christians were pretty much asking for trouble. You don’t go into a neighborhood, telling the people who live there that they’re going to hell, and not expect some kind of retribution. It’s like the KKK going into a black neighborhood and “praying for them” and not thinking some people might get rightfully pissed at them for being there.

    If these Christians want to disagree with homosexuality, fine by me, more power to them, but the second they start imposing their views on others, even in a peaceful manner, they’re just asking for trouble. You want to pray for gays? Do it in your church and not in the streets.

    Oh wait, they wouldn’t get public attention that way, would they? That’s really what they’re looking for, after all.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #65 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Can be said of the other “side” also.

    Yep, you betcha. Let’s see a video of gays going into a redneck holy roller church for “several (Sun)days” and proclaiming the virtues of anal sex and cock rings and the “rough trade” to the congregation.

    Yelling “bigots out of the Castro” would be like hugs and kisses compared to what would happen to those guys.

    Those stupid fucking Christians want to assemble in a place packed with drunken homosexuals and proclaim, day after day, that the bar patrons are dirty, foul, less-than-human perverts who deserve every bit of discrimination, hatred, and abuse that can be heaped on them?

    I guess God failed to give them any fucking common sense. Maybe they should be praying for that.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 74 Mister Mustard said, “Yep, you betcha. Let’s see a video of gays going into a redneck holy roller church for “several (Sun)days …”

    Fail already. A church is private property. Try again.

  9. Thomas says:

    I predict that Dvorak will be beaten by a gang of Apple fan boys. He will suffer more brain damage and become a member of the effeminati.

  10. DanTheMan says:

    Excellent, this gives us an excuse to publicly humiliate, annoy, and threaten gays.

    I’ve always wanted to be on the winning side of a civil war…

  11. deowll says:

    Cast not your pearls before swine least they turn and rend you and trample them into the mire.

    Might be the same as; Let sleeping dogs lay.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    I believe the most intolerant group of all are the geeks. Specifically the computer nerds, you could assume that with access to more information they could be more open minded than the rest of the population but in the end they’re bigger bigots than the average redneck Joe because the redneck one once he gets all of the information can make wiser choices whereas the computer nerd is obsessed in refuting his idea over and over and over even if all he gets is failure.

  13. Special Ed says:

    I’m not a homo but I think the “Christians” should learn to just STFU.

  14. Who says:

    I think it is only right that the gays go to these peoples church and do some butt fucking.

  15. ECA says:


  16. mthrnite says:

    Just give civil unions the exact same rights as marriages currently have, and strike the term “marriage” from all legal documents. Keep the religious ceremony out of government and vice-versa. After that, you can call your civil union any damn thing you want. Call it Barney.

    “Hey! I just got Barney’d, buy me a drink!” or whatever…

    If so many of you good Christians are assuming there’s no functional difference between C.U. & M… then it’s just a name anyway. Does your religious viewpoint really have to be government sanctioned for you to feel safe about it not disintegrating? Get married in a church, under the visage of your savior, nobody’s gonna stop you, have fun!

    I tried to get a “civil union” when I got married, but I still had to sign papers that involved the word “God” in them, effectively turning me into a liar so that I’d get the same partnership rights as married people do. That sucked (maybe that’s just a North Carolina thing, idunno). If it’s a legal process, let’s run God out of that part of it, please.

    I haven’t heard anyone protesting against atheists getting married. Perhaps I haven’t been listening closely enough. Maybe we’re next? All the more reason to keep the “civil” union and the “religious” union separate.

    There’s a whole ton of people in this country that don’t worship Jehovah. Why is it so hard to understand that they would like to be equal in the eyes of our government and it’s laws?

    I just don’t get it.

  17. GetSmart says:

    So supposedly Civil Unions are the same thing as Marriage? Separate, but equal, huh? I know a whole 15% segment of the population that aren’t about to buy that “Separate, but equal” shit. They know where it leads.

  18. FRAGaLOT says:

    the constant police whistle blowing was driving me insane. I couldn’t tell what group of people where what, other than the police. Horrible video.

  19. Billy Bob says:

    While I don’t believe in loony Rev. Phelps’ pronouncement that “God Hates Fags”, there has certainly been abundant evidence over the past couple of weeks that “Fags Hate God”.

  20. brm says:


    “We are the techies. We are supposed to be the smart ones.”

    This attitude galls me.

    It assumes that all “techies” share similar morals and politics, which is false. Worse, it implies that there *should* be such a set of obvious politics.

    This annoying attitude is held by people who believe their deep and narrow knowledge in one subject makes them an expert in everything else.

  21. ECA says:

    YEP, and you are the one..
    Please look up your information, and decide on a better analogy..There are ALLOT of gays in church..they have even made there OWN when needed.

    Im hoping that MOSt of us TECHIES, are MORe open minded then OTHERS.. AT LEAST I would hope we dont GIVE a darn on WHOSE side people are on, JUST QUIT the HATE on BOTH sides.
    The 1 thing I have seen, in my life, is that it takes 2 to start a FIGHT/WAR/ARGUMENT/DEBATE..
    But it only takes 1 to PISS OFF everyone ELSE.
    1 person to INSTIGATE a riot..
    1 person to PISS OFF THE COPS..
    1 PERSOn to open his mouth and SHOw his lack of THOUGHT/INTELLIGENCE/KNOWLEDGE/THINKING..

    WOW, these guys are fine by ME…It only MEANS I get MORE GIRLS to CHOOSE from…
    OR do you THINk that ALL the GIRLS are going LESBO because they CANT FIND A GUY??

  22. Dallas says:

    #87 Billy Bob. It’s not God that “fags hate”, it’s his followers, his minions. The Christian Taliban has disgraced what was likely a Mother Teresa like male figure in his time to represent a gang of holier than thou bigots.

    As far as this ‘riot’ goes, the ‘over the top’ actions also apply to the religious dingbats . They chose to taunt the gay community in their own yard immediately following the passage of prop 8, a highly sensitive, emotional topic whether you agree with it or not. The Christians got what they deserve.

    As a matter of fact, I visit San Francisco about twice a year when traveling to silicon valley. It is not uncommon to find the Christian Taliban routinely taunting the gay community at street corners. In fact, you will even find those loonies dragging a crucifixion approved cross up and down the street (with a wheel). The gays usually dismiss these ding bats for what they are.

    On this occasion, the Taliban sang one too many tunes during a friday happy hour at a time of heightened emotions. Seems to me the Taliban miscalculated just a teeny weeny bit.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 91 Dallas said, ” The Christians got what they deserve.”

    I’m just afraid that if these guys keep up the illegal activities someone is going to blow some of them away. “Live by the sword”…

  24. Billy Bob says:

    Sorry, so I should change it to “Fags Hate Christians But Christians Are Actually the Real Haters So It’s Ok–And No I’m Not a Hypocrite”. My earlier snarky slogan fit better on a sign.

  25. bobbo says:

    #93–Billy Bob–if your heart/head were in the right place, surely you could have come up with:

    “Fags Hate Nags”

    Spewing hate in the name of God and criticizing those who object. The new evangelical movement (circa 1600’s) continues.

  26. QB says:

    Billy Bob weighs as much as a duck, therefore he’s a….

  27. Sinn Fein says:

    Those “tolerant of others” pseudo-men best not invoke the wrath of God…again. Didn’t they get the message with AIDS? Apparently not.

  28. Wretched Gnu says:

    Sinn Fein: When God struck you with stupid, didn’t you get the message…?

    When you consider that a far greater percentage of heterosexual couples commit child abuse than among gay couples with children — surely that affliction is God sending the heterosexuals a message… Oh, when will they listen?


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