Hundreds of homosexual activists rushed out of bars and swarmed a group of Christians who were singing songs in San Francisco’s Castro District – and some even threatened to kill the worshipers. A group of Christians had been singing and praying in the “gay” district for several days, but they never expected an angry mob would run them out. However, that’s what happened Friday night.
One woman who was attacked told her story with Pastor Lou Engle at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She said the group’s fellowship had been peaceful for several nights before the riot. “People would come stand with us and join us,” she said. “We got to pray for some people.” But then angry men began yelling profanities and warning the Christians to leave the district.One asked, “Why are you here?” The leader of the group said, “We’re here to worship God, and we’re here because we love you.” A group of men approached the Christians and covered them with a large cloth, backing them into a corner. Then the angry mob began swearing and growing larger. The bars began emptying out, and a crowd completely surrounded the Christians.
The worship group began singing “Amazing Grace,” while an estimated 500 “gay” advocates sang, “We Shall Overcome.”
The woman said she and her friend were doused with hot coffee. One man took a Bible from her friend, hit her on the head with it, pushed her to the ground and began kicking her. People began lunging at the Christian group, blowing whistles in their ears.
“They started saying, ‘We’re going to kill you,'” she said. “They started taking our pictures and saying, ‘We’re going to kill you. We know who you are.”
This amounts to inciting a riot. I’m not a Christian basher, but these people are loony. Next time, stay on your own side of the fence and pray all you want. Also, it’s nice to see the cops handle this situation with restraint.
if a pack of gay men came into your neighborhood to sing and pray every night, you’re really going to tell me that you’re not going to shoo them?
really? gimme a break.
I couldn’t have cared less about gay marriage. It doesn’t affect my life so why should I get involved?
Now I TOTALLY support the ban. If these people can’t respect others, I have no respect for them and now actually detest them. I don’t detest their lifestyle (that is their choice), but I detest them as human beings. I hope they loose their battle in every state and I hope those who are doing these things are arrested.
bobbo, about “Do the gays go to Sunday Churches to publicly annoy the sheep about their intolerance and douchbagery?”
A Los Angeles restaurant whose manager made a small donation to the Prop. 8 campaign has been besieged nightly by hordes of protesters who have disrupted business, intimidated patrons and brought employees to tears. Out of fear for their jobs and their lives, workers at El Coyote Mexican Cafe pooled together $500 to pay off the bullies.
Scott Eckern, the beleaguered artistic director of California Musical Theatre in Sacramento, was forced to resign over his $1,000 donation to the Prop. 8 campaign. Rich Raddon, director of the Los Angeles Film Festival, is next on the chopping block after the anti-Prop. 8 mob discovered that he had also contributed to the “Yes on 8” campaign. Calls have been pouring in for his firing.
Over the last two weeks, anti-Prop. 8 organizers have targeted Mormon, Catholic and evangelical churches. Sentiments like this one, found on the anti-Prop.8 website “JoeMyGod,” are common across the left-wing blogosphere: “Burn their f—ing churches to the ground, and then tax the charred timbers.”
Thousands of gay-rights demonstrators stood in front of the Mormon temple in Los Angeles shouting “Mormon scum.” The Mormon headquarters in Salt Lake City received threatening letters containing an unidentified powder. Religion-bashing protesters filled with hate decried the “hate” at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif. Vandals defaced the Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, Calif., because church members had collected Prop. 8 petitions. One worshiper’s car was keyed with the slogans “Gay sex is love” and “SEX.” Another car’s antenna and windshield wipers were broken.
In Carlsbad, Calif., a man was charged with punching his elderly neighbors over their pro-Prop. 8 signs. In Palm Springs, Calif., a videographer filmed unhinged anti-Prop. 8 marchers who yanked a large cross from the hands of 69-year-old Phyllis Burgess and stomped on it.
In San Francisco, Christians evangelizing in the Castro District needed police protection after the same-sex marriage mob got physical and hounded them off the streets. Enthusiastically shooting themselves in the foot, anti-Prop. 8 boycotters are now going after the left-wing Sundance Film Festival because it does business in Mormon-friendly Utah.
Also targeted: Cinemark Theaters across the country. The company’s CEO, Alan Stock, donated just under $10,000 to the traditional marriage measure. Never mind that Cinemark theaters are hosting the new biopic about gay icon Harvey Milk. They must pay for the sins of the company head who dared to exercise his political free speech.
I don’t really see these as examples of reasonable debate and tolerance. I do respect your point of view but do not share it.
This is just history repeating itself. The homosexual “activist” of today are the brown shirts (Hitler’s SA) of 1930’s Germany. Remember, Ernst Rhom and the leadership of the SA were all gay.
#33–Dave==I agree, but you are being a bit slippery.
How “reasonable” should jews be during a Nazi parade?
wrestle with the unavoidable “logical dissonance” of any answer to that question and then we can deal with:
How “reasonable” should gays be during an anti gay prayer vigil?
Its the same thing, but here is at least one critical difference==the nazi’s and the christians are de-humanizing the jews/gays. The target group is fighting back against them who started the argument and got in the other’s face first.
Now, I am lucky==neither gay nor religious so I have no dog in this fight.
YOU are avoiding my initial point twice made==the religious are starting the argument by trying to make their morality the law of the land. IN FACT, they are not being religious or moral==they are being political. Anyone “forcing” anything onto someone else should be contested.
You are confusing the violence of self defense with the violence of the initial attack. Be more linear/casual in your analysis/appreciation and the equities will be more clear.
hmmm can you imagine what would have happened back in the 50’s if a group of blacks had gathered in a neighborhood full of bars frequented by the KKK and sang spirituals pray for their souls for being unholy bigots?
There are effective ways of changing minds and then there’s Darwin at work.
I think the Christians got what they were hoping for a Fox news video bite. It did take them several days of poking the hornet’s nest with a stick to stir up the response they wanted. Patients is one of there best virtues- almost 2000 years and still counting on that Rapture thing still every generation thinks the time is near. You’ve got to love them.
I wonder how long a group would be aloud to stand next to Temple Square and chant your god is a Flying Spaghetti Monster before they got a reaction.
Bobbo, it’s great to have an actual discussion. You don’t see that very often on most comment boards. I will try to address your twice-made point. Marriage has been man-woman for a very long time and “Anyone “forcing” anything onto someone else should be contested” does express very well the feeling of the average person when they are told that the rules must be changed. To many people marriage is a traditional and emotionally special event that builds a foundation for a family. This is not meant as an attack on gays as much as a defense on tradition. Most of these people would never condone dehumanizing anyone but they do want to protect elements critical to their own way of life. My viewpoint, I am not trying for conversion, just a little understanding.
Just another video clip that will be used to kill the next ballot measure that the homosexual mafia attempts to pass to counter prop 8. You people are so fucking easy. The prop 8 supporters could not have planned this shit any better. A thousand TV ads will be made showing the gay mafia attacking churches and old people and sound clips of HATE spewing. You fools would shoot holes in the bottom of a boat to empty it of water. Im laughing my ass off. 🙂
#37 A group of blacks gathering in the 50’s? I’m not sure blacks had the right to assemble, much less protest at a KKK neighborhood.
A more modern example is for the KKK, today, to come to a black neighborhood to spew the virtues of a “pure America”. I’m surprised the gay community put up with “..several days..” of taunting. Too bad at least one of those Taliban fuckers wasn’t carried out with a permanent physical reminder of how not to worship.
Whatever. The marchers should just bring tasers next time.
Dave==well, now you are avoiding my other once made point==gay marriage does nothing to straight marriage but not allowing gay marriage DOES do something/deny rights to gay people. So, there is a mismatch, not a congruity.
More narrowly==nothing is being forced on straight marriage by including gays. If you disagree==then state what it is. Fairly considered, considered afresh without talking points, gay marriage is a civil right being denied a group of people. To make YOUR point, one must say that the voting rights of white people where negatively impacted by allowing black people/women/landless/under 21 to vote. Now, “in a sense” there is actually more validity to the “impact” argument when it comes to voting than there is to marriage but the former argument is never made while the latter is winning elections.
Amusing. So==BE ON POINT==how does that gay couple living down the street affect your marriage when they are allowed to be marriage themselves?
There should be some kind of “Christian Pride” parade – maybe an annual event where openly-Christian people can walk down the street expressing their faith without fear of reprisals.
#44 Well, there is a KKK pride parade. Maybe they can split the costs.
It was on point but let me be a little clearer, a little simpler. If Civil Unions bestowed all of the rights and privileges of marriage but without the name, would that make these groups happy. Of course it would not.
This is not taking anything away from gays, just maintaining the traditions the country started with.
At some point the majority may change but note that Martin Luther King empathized peaceful demonstration. The most persuasive arguments are made rationally. Not with threats and intimidation.
I’m am not avoiding points, I am just sharing my viewpoint. It is pointless to think you can convince in these forums but a little understanding should be possible.
Validation is something only the insecure crave.
46 said
“This is not taking anything away from gays, just maintaining the traditions the country started with.”
oh lets list some of those we have thankfully moved on from
own any slaves know any women who voted this could be a long list.
Good point, I now remember that a few of us did chase away the back street boys a few years ago.
Thermo – judging an entire group of people by the actions of a few makes no sense. There is a lot of emotion around this issue and some, in their desire to have the same rights that you do, will overreact and make mistakes. How do their actions justify the denial of their rights?
wow, if I ever want to show my students an example of biased reporting I’ll show them this. WorldNetDaily is a hatchet site. All the stories on their front page are about “OMG Obama is TEH EVAL!!!!”
The story cites KTVU so I went and found what seems to be the original story which presents a less “the homersexuals rioted against us normal people!”
Dave–my take away absent further posting from yourself is you want to maintain the mantra that gay marriage will destroy straight marriage but you offer not even a hypothetical example of how that might be the case.
What that means is you simply want to deny rights to other people who are different than yourself and when these people get upset with this discriminatory treatment you want THEM to be seen as unreasonable.
Cool. Let’s vote next on whether or not women should have the vote. If we keep them at home on election day, I’m sure a majority of good bible thumping men will want them to be the empty vessels we were meant to fill with our “good will” and we won’t be taking anything away from them either since that is the way things were at our founding. Very progressive.
By default, you admit gays being married has ZERO impact on your marriage. Engaging discussion indeed.
As long as discriminated people will allow themselves to be preached to about the value, even necessity, of the discrimination continuing, then the status quo will remain.
Social change only comes with militant violent elements being a part of it. Perceived rights and privileges are never shared absent force. That such force may be accompanied by a legitimate logical non-violent discussion and movement does not negate the need for action as well. Its all diffuse, layered, conflicted, difficult.
The gays have civil unions that give them all the legal rights of a married couple but they are not happy until they destroy marriage which is a religious tradition between a man and a woman cant they just be happy with civil unions and leave it at that.
ohh I also love how I am supposed to be tolerant of the gay man in drag in running down the street but a few holy rollers praying for people get attacked and accosted but that is ok because because the church did bad things to people hundreds or even thousands of years ago so take it out on the peaceful holy rollers.
Mickleby said
“If you cannot understand that gays are murdered, assaulted, sodomized, brutalized”
lol sodomize is what they do to each other so how is that a bad thing to them
that is like me having a Heidi klum rape me ohh how horrible a thing that would be to endure
#52–myself==I misspoke. Violence is not a necessary element for social change, it just most often is. Each example stands on its own.
Non-violence for the blacks in the South in the 1900’s==would not work. Probably not in the 1970’s either. Non-violence only worked in the USA as a whole and the North forced equal rights on the South as part of Federal Authority. South is still pissed off.
I love how getting death threats, f bombs and being spit at is the Christian fault and not the disgusting behavior of the perpetrators.
Just another example of how “” should put a banner up that says “Christians not welcome here, move along.”
hmm, i wonder who the haters are in this scene?
#56 I like where you going with that – “Christians not welcome..”.
Getting spit on and insulted is retribution for centuries of murder, torture, ethnic cleansing and other ‘Godly missions’. You got off easy. Just watch your back.
#57 – the ones saying “we’re gonna follow them home” and threatening them..
Peaceful protest is peaceful protest.. Apologists in this thread have no leg to stand on.
gays are the most retarded morons on the planet. I still can’t believe they get goated into situations like this. Don’t they realize that all these acts are done for the sole purpose of getting footage for the next prop ballot to come if the State supreme court overturns prop 8 Add this video to the one of that granny holding the cross getting attacked by gay rights activist. All these attacks are gonna give the anti gay marriage side the visual sound bites on the same level as the idiot Mayor Newsums (Whether you like it or not)
I like the idea that WE are living by Law/Rules from 2000+ years ago.
when you could have SLAVES and BEAT your wife.
When LAW was an EYE FOR AN EYE..
when the Birth rate was 1-3% and the MOTHER had a 60-80% chance of DYING in child birth..
When you raise KIDS to be SLAVES on the farm, so you could ACTUALLY have enough MAN POWER to raise something.
#61 Ah yes, the good days when time honored traditional values were passed down from generation to generation.
Where oh where did we go wrong? Sigh.
These things happen when evangelical Christians stick their noses in place they are not wanted.