Hundreds of homosexual activists rushed out of bars and swarmed a group of Christians who were singing songs in San Francisco’s Castro District – and some even threatened to kill the worshipers. A group of Christians had been singing and praying in the “gay” district for several days, but they never expected an angry mob would run them out. However, that’s what happened Friday night.
One woman who was attacked told her story with Pastor Lou Engle at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She said the group’s fellowship had been peaceful for several nights before the riot. “People would come stand with us and join us,” she said. “We got to pray for some people.” But then angry men began yelling profanities and warning the Christians to leave the district.One asked, “Why are you here?” The leader of the group said, “We’re here to worship God, and we’re here because we love you.” A group of men approached the Christians and covered them with a large cloth, backing them into a corner. Then the angry mob began swearing and growing larger. The bars began emptying out, and a crowd completely surrounded the Christians.
The worship group began singing “Amazing Grace,” while an estimated 500 “gay” advocates sang, “We Shall Overcome.”
The woman said she and her friend were doused with hot coffee. One man took a Bible from her friend, hit her on the head with it, pushed her to the ground and began kicking her. People began lunging at the Christian group, blowing whistles in their ears.
“They started saying, ‘We’re going to kill you,'” she said. “They started taking our pictures and saying, ‘We’re going to kill you. We know who you are.”
This amounts to inciting a riot. I’m not a Christian basher, but these people are loony. Next time, stay on your own side of the fence and pray all you want. Also, it’s nice to see the cops handle this situation with restraint.
Wow! Holy rollin’ and bitch slapping!
Where’s the tolerance? Oh yea, I forgot that liberals are not required to be politically correct or even reasonable.
Good, those holier than thou assholes need to be taken down a notch. You are not welcome … get the hint.
Liberal homosexuals are so tolerant and supportive of free speech. Haven’t heard of any Mormons throwing hot coffee on any gay protestors or taking away their butt plugs and hitting them over the head with them…hmmm…
2: You must be feeling terribly victimized by all of this. Would you like a hug?
Stay on your side of the fence?
If they said that to the gays, what would people say?
Listening to a bunch of religious wackjobs singing for several nights in a row would drive me up a wall too.
Religious nuts have been rioting and killing people they don’t agree with for centuries, but when a bunch of gay activists finally run them out of town they’re out of line?
Good riddance. They deserved to get beat up.
Thats a pretty gay video.
“We love you too much to allow you equal access to the the financial and civic benefits granted to homosexual marriages!”
“We love you so much that we will enlist the government to pass laws that specifically target homosexuals!”
I think we all could do without Christian love for a while. The love you have smeared on the planet over the centuries has caused quite a bloodbath…
Religion–a private relationship with god, All things done in such circumstances to be respected.
Anything done in public===politics, to be confronted immediately.
IOW—STFU and mind your own business.
FREEDOM–other people doing things you disagree with.
LAWS–for the common good, not the elevation of one private value over another.
So nice to see McCullough, #9, #3 defend people right to assemble. Who caused the trouble??
I suppose if she was dressed like that was she was asking for it, huh. Do I hear you correctly??
Christians go to circuit bar scene to insight riot. Riot errupts. Is anyone surprised by this???
So… If a bunch of Peta activists show up here in michigan at the wilderness bar scene up there in the Cabelas district, the Red Neck Christianists will be as well behaved as these gay rioters??? I think not.
Freedom, such as being able to pray in public?
Oh, this is tiresome.
Who titled this? McCullough? Is it worth my time to ask where the “Gay Activists” are in this video? These are normal people trying to protect themselves from violent oppression.
If you cannot understand that gays are murdered, assaulted, sodomized, brutalized, and excommunicated from church, state, friends, and family–of course you cannot interpret this video.
I am disgusted that is troll baiting this very important issue.
We are the techies. We are supposed to be the smart ones.
Angry and Gay? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
I think prop 8 was a wakeup call. There are people that are actively trying to make a second class citizen out of the gay community.
Creating laws that are a slippery slope toward gas chamber genocide. I think people are pist and it is better than sitting back and letting them take you away quietly in the night…
#14 a..searcher – Freedom to escort you out of the community too. Everyone’s a winner here.
lol i don’t believe the report at all. look at the website that it is coming from. in the middle of the “article” is an ad for about about how evil gay people are.
i would like to see the whole video. all we see is the police escorting these people away. it shows nothing to the lead up to it nor does it show any of thing things that those nasty evil gays were suppose to do. (yes i heard the cat calls, but didn’t see anyone being attacked)
#14–soulsearcher==yes, either answer contains a bit of logical dissonance, so the issue is one of “values.”
As I tried to structure the debate, this “praying” is an inappropriate injection of religion into the public arena of politics and is suspect on its face. Pray/love the gays at home in private==that is ok. Once you are in the street doing it, only a retarded idiot will be fooled into thinking it expresses anything positive.
So–whats your position? Is praying for other people in their sinful state a really great thing to be doing, or is it just BS intolerance that should be pointed out for what it is?
“Next time, stay on your own side of the fence and pray all you want.”
So now we’re suddenly we’re going to tell people to stay on their “own side.” Does that mean gays should stay on their own side and mind their own business and preach that all should accept them or be bash like so?
The logic of this discussion pertaining to gays here is illogical and disturbing to say the least. You want your rights but prevent others from having theirs…yeah that’s fair alright.
#20. Try this link…
Basically praying would be someone expressing their rights to freedom of speech in a public location. While it would not in reality be effective, I sure it made these individuals feel that they were doing something positive. There was no violence or intimidation created by those words. My point , which went way over the heads of many on this site is that there is a double standard. The very group that screams for tolerance does not display much tolerance. Gay marriage is something that different groups feel completely different about but it was put to a vote and one side lost. There are valid concerns that something is being taken away from traditional couples. Civil Unions can provide the same rights and benefits as marriage but this “in your face” demand that society be changed to accommodate a small group at the expense of the majority bothers many people. If the arguments support this change, follow the rule of law and convince people. This kind of behavior is uncivilized and only supports the viewpoint that this group is not reasonable.
So the Christian Taliban wants to come to a gay neighborhood to “pray”? So glad they got their asses kicked.
Perhaps they can unite with the KKK and agree on a costume.
stupid fags
#8 If they said that to the gays, what would people say?
actually, american society says that to the gays everyday: stay out of the military, etc. in fact it’s perfectly legal in most states to discriminate against gays just because they’re gay.
#5 Haven’t heard of any Mormons throwing hot coffee on any gay protestors or taking away their butt plugs and hitting them over the head with them…hmmm…
no, but gay men and women are routinely attacked, beaten and killed nationwide — it’s called “gay bashing” and getting the cops to prosecute perps is next to impossible.
also, if you go into the gayest neighborhood in america with the attitude that being gay is immoral, the locals might get upset by that.
just sayin’
#23 Mr. Chainsaw – Have I done something to upset you?
They should of brought pancakes. After all, pancakes is international pray food. Interesting rationale: sing songs of love to drunk guys. Drunk guys either fight or repent and share their personal relationship with Jesus.
#24–soulguy==nothing is over anyone’s head here. There is the “tolerance dissonance” issue only. How tolerant should any group be about someone else’s intolerance? Do the gays go to Sunday Churches to publicly annoy the sheep about their intolerance and douchbagery?
GOD (nature==genes) made the gays/straights/inbetweens/outsides the way they are, they don’t need the devil and his verbally assaultive minions to feel less for being what they are.
BTW–how in the world does two people doing “anything” impact any other two people doing “anything?”
How about some education?==tell us how allowing gay marriage does anything to non-gay marriages? Whats the connection?
Monster- Nope, meant for 20. stupid delay in the F**king posting software….arghhh!!!!