I think this just might be my favorite thing ever, this week. The Tiddy Bear is a little bear-shaped pad that keeps the seatbelt from digging into your… shoulder. It’s basically a Beanie Baby that fits on your seatbelt. Man, Beanie Babies… what ever happened to those? 85% of all grandmothers out there have a large portion of their life savings investing in those ridiculous things. Fifty dollars for an elephant with a fireman’s hat? Come on!

Really though, Tiddy Bear thing is genius. They already sell high-quality seatbelt pads at Target for under 10 dollars. The makers of the Tiddy Bear took that idea, and made it shaped like a bear so they could use their ultra-hilarious double entendre name, and charged an extra 5 bucks. Well played, makers of the Tiddy Bear Comfort Strap, well played.

By the makers of WTF Products Inc.

  1. UnaKRon says:

    So…that “swivel technology”…Who wants to bet it breaks a bone when you crash 🙂

    I want crash test data now…. 😛

  2. John Craft says:

    I am sorry, but I kept hearing Titty Bear and seeing where it was placed, I wanted to be titty bear too!

  3. Dallas says:

    Very clever viral advertisement strategy.

  4. Deep-Thought says:

    Did he say Titty-Bear?

  5. Brian says:

    Titty bear and of course it helps to reinforce that by showing it on the women’s chests over and over and over.

  6. OvenMaster says:

    All I gotta say is that is one lucky bear 😀

  7. Kev50027 says:

    “I like the titty bear because when going over bumps, I have an orgasm” – hot girl.

  8. Adam says:

    no, he said Tiddy
    thats T-I-D-D-Y


  9. 9yo says:

    I love it when a hot babe says “Titty”

  10. AdmFubar says:

    saw this on the tonight show several weeks ago………


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