Monty Python has launched an official YouTube channel, serving up high-quality clips of the British comedy troupe’s popular skits.

The group took a crack at widespread illegal uploading of its copyright-protected clips in a notice posted Friday to the new Monty Python Channel.

This is great news for Monty Python fans!

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. Digby says:

    Finally! A reason to use YouTube!

  2. billabong says:

    Spam spam spam spam spam

  3. Thinker says:

    F#$%^*& Awesome!!! 🙂 I’d buy their stuff all again! (I got the whole TV back at best buy, but this’ll be great for work!)


  4. bobbo says:

    Yea, MORE MONEY. Poor millionaires need more. Most of their stuff is still funny though.

  5. Zybch says:

    #4 I hope you’re trying to be funny, rather than just trying in general.

  6. bobbo says:

    #5–Zybch==not being funny at all. Every person in the video is a millionaire. Every one of them complaining about their Python material being stolen from them and them looking forward to getting more money from You Tube Sales.

    That all is true and that is all I said.

    How/whether the copyright act should be modified for what broader societal interest is debateable with pro’s and con’s on both sides.

    Now, the boys certainly weren’t whining, and I’m sure they are just doing what their holding company wants them to do==but look at South Park. Giving it away for free, they are “happy” with the money they have already made.

    How much money does anyone need==balanced==how much free tv does anyone need?

    [Bobbo, it’s FREE on YouTube… and in much higher quality. – ed.]

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Once again, some tycoon waits until practically no one cares anymore, to release their product in a more accessible media. I guess the DVD sales of this had gone flat. Speaking as a fan, their outdoors productions were generally better written. And their indoors (sound stage) productions, weren’t. A lot of the Python classics take place out in the country side. Whereas the skits that never leave the BBC studios, tend to be forgotten (with a few exceptions). Most of the ones I had bought on VHS tape, were of outdoor skits. Look for “Tompkinson’s Schooldays”, “Escape From Stalag Luft 112B”, “The Testing of Eric Olthwaite”, and “The Curse of the Claw”. All Ripping Yarns.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    This is great.

  9. prophet665 says:

    Wow…someone finally understands what we have all been complaining about for years and you guys rip on them because they made money over the years?

    This is awesome and I wish them untold millions more from people buying their stuff from the links on their youtube page.

    You get free, high quality, funny (for the most part) Monty Python and you complain?

  10. JimD says:

    They are all Lumberjacks, and their OK !!!

  11. furry_wolf2001b says:

    I just want a donation button, something simple like paypal or something.
    I don’t want the rl stuff, just to show my appreciation.
    Perhaps they have one, have to go and look.. >_>


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