He claimed to have been living in the house alongside the body, still suspended from a noose, for eight weeks before finally calling the police.
Officers rushed to the property in a cul-de-sac in Lymington, Hants, after receiving his call and found the woman hanging in one room, heavily decomposed.
The man, whom they have not named but is understood to be in his 50s, was arrested and was being questioned last night in connection with the investigation.
He has allegedly told detectives that his wife hanged herself as part of a joint suicide agreement in September but that he backed out once she was already dead. He claims he then spent the next eight weeks hesitating before finally calling the police.
While the man’s claims are being treated with care they have not been ruled out and Hampshire Police said it was not yet treating the investigation as a murder inquiry.
“At the moment we’ve only got an account and we are trying to get the evidence.”
Did he call their insurance agent before he called the coppers?
When I click on one of your links in Google Reader it displays the comments for your post but not the actual post? That’s really annoying. Why is that and can you fix it?
I just get the headline but no post; then you click the headline to get the post [doesn’t work all the time, btw.].
But, if readers don’t mind ‘hanging around’ for a while to let you solve the problem, it can be solved…
NEVER go 1st! 😉
Yeah, it’s pretty tragic. Counseling might be in order.
Slightly related: That woman in Wisconsin who had a dead relative on the toilet in her home for months and tried to pass it off as a religious thing — well, she and her minister were splitting the cadaver’s Social Security check. She got a $350 fine and probation.
Don’t use Google Reader for RSS; so, I have no suggestions. Generally, I try to test everything I post – in Firefox. That covers over half our readers.
Brings a whole new meaning to the term “Until death do we part”
I guess he called the police to complain about a strange smell.
Sometimes the cops do not get paid enough.
Don’t use Google Reader for RSS??? Google Reader is how I browse the web, DU included. I too frequently get the issue YojiffySkippy and especially Steve mentioned, though hilariously enough it didn’t happen on this article. I’ve definitely always hated it, figured it was a scheme to get more pageviews since I always had to visit the page twice. I don’t think the URL changes or anything. I am using Firefox.
Henry Poulson, eat your heart out.
Ok, I have to pipe up to about this too.
Google Reader / iGoogle Hompage / Firefox / Windows just loads the article header and commenter names. Is the above combination truly that exotic?
I’ll say it yet again. FIX IT.
I swear the ppl here at DU aren’t even THINKING of ME personally. Gah.
So, he just left her hanging. Happens all the time I hear.
I have handled decomps. This fellow must be certifiable if he stayed in that house eight weeks.
Same thing happens to me, everytime I try to read an article I first found on Google REader I need to refresh this page several times until it displays properly…
BTW I’m using Firefox on linux
# 13 RTaylor said, “I have handled decomps. This fellow must be certifiable if he stayed in that house eight weeks.”
About 35 years ago a shut in died in the apt next to mine. God, the smell. I don’t see how it would be possible to live in the same space…
Police: “Sir, where is you wife?”
Man: “Oh she’s hanging around the house somewhere…”
She was a bitch anyway !
“I was gonna hang myself, but as soon as she did, I felt better.”
Makes sense to me.
For eight weeks he told her,
“Hang on honey, I’m coming.”
Why she waited around all that time we’ll never know.
Just another item on the list of chores she gave him that he keeps procrastinating about…
To @1 and others who use RSS readers and can’t see the post but can see the comments.
It looks like dvorak.org/blog blocks access to content from certain sites. I noticed this first with my RSS reader at bloglines.com. When I migrated to google reader, I saw the same problem.
I use firefox. I installed the Refcontrol plugin and told it to give no referer(sic) to dvorak.org. I’m now able to view the contents in google reader. If you don’t use firefox or don’t want to use refcontrol or similar, you can open the link in a new tab/window and then go to the address bar and press enter. that’ll reload it with no referrer (I think, in any case, the referer won’t be your RSS reader). Note: opening the link in a new tab or window and then clicking refresh didn’t work for me. Likely my browser was being too helpful and remembering what my previous referer was.
I don’t know if this is on purpose (at dvorak.org/blog) or not. If it’s on purpose, well, you might not see this post. And there’s a philosophical conundrum there. or something :-).