• Now that Yahoo has gone under $10 Microsoft is not interested anymore. Apparently the company is not interested when it’s a bargain.
  • MSFT decides to do anti-virus for some unknown reason.
  • Company also unable to promote Silverlight against Adobe Flash.
  • HP story from yesterday actually explained.
  • I run down all the stocks that are in the tank.

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  1. brendal says:

    WHOOSH! It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

  2. JoaoPT says:

    Hey JCD, glad to know you’re in my country. Hope you enjoy it. Hope you visit my hometown (Porto). Be sure not to miss a trip up the river to the Port wine region, if you got the time. It’s a spectacular sight.
    Sorry, couldn’t help it, being nice. I know it’s too much for the blog…

  3. Glenn E. says:

    John your “5 Minute” show was only 4:50 at most. You need to pad these things out better, at the ends. Or talk about more things tech, in between.

    Microsoft execs probably owned some Yahoo stock. So they use their company to boost their Yahoo stock’s value, by threatening to buy them out. But at Yahoo’s currect stock level, it could only keep it from falling faster. The MS execs have probably already sold their Yahoo stock, by now. So that’s why they’re not interested. You don’t believe that Microsoft buys other companies to improve its Windows product, do you? Yeah, right.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    MS bought an AV company a few years ago and always planned on rolling out a product for sale. It will be sold via an ad on the OS itself.

  5. GregA says:


    Its even less complex than that. Microsoft wanted to buy Yahoo to grow their internet offerings. Now some time later, their internet offerings are growing. Yahoo no longer has any value to them.

    For example… If you haven’t tried live.com yet… Nothing to say at this point other than you are being willfully ignorant. Live.com is now much better than google. No more hiding it. Google is many years behind microsoft on a technology front.

    The disparity is even more apparent on devices such as the iPhone. M.live.com makes mobile safari useful. Mobile google… does mobile google even exist??? I hate to say it, but google absolutely sucks on the iPhone. Live.com on the other hand makes it a tool.

    So here we are, Microsoft has a growing internet marketshare. They have superior search technology compared to google. Their product works better on the iPhone than the iPhone native product.

    It is kinda funny, because Microsoft is about ready to dominate the internet the way they have dominated software, and the tech media is still stuck on brown zune jokes.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 5 GregA said, “For example… If you haven’t tried live.com yet… Nothing to say at this point other than you are being willfully ignorant.”

    Thanks GregA. I hadn’t used this since the Beta version.

    I tried a test. I used a search term that is very unique, Google & Live.

    Google returned ~3,000 good results.
    Live returned 168,000 good results.

    Live.com news search wasn’t as good.

  7. hhopper says:

    Yeah, I just tried Live.com too. It blew away Google’s results.

    Who knew? We’re so damn busy busting MS’s balls that we don’t ever find out what they’re doing well.



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