Something changed in Cincinnati this week.

In a city where police often find themselves begging eyewitnesses to come forward, this week, they have been inundated with solid leads and tips from the community on where to find members of a powerful gang.

The public came through in such huge numbers that phone lines at the police department were jammed with tips about the Northside Taliband. Some parents even gave up their own sons, saying it was time for them to face their charges.

The good citizens of Cincinnati run this city, not the Northside Taliband,” said Capt. Daniel Gerard.

By Day 2, in what police have dubbed the largest roundup ever of gang members, 26 people had been arrested, eight of them on gang charges.

Court paperwork unsealed Monday showed that 13 people are charged in a 95-count indictment. The group, which police say might number more than 90, is the most organized of any gang that police have ever seen here, they said. Some gang members had assigned jobs. Some were the thieves while others were the shooters. Some members are as young as 14.

Police say that by the time they are done, 50 members of the gang will be off the street – some possibly for life.

Throw away the key!

  1. Paddy-O says:

    Here’s some pics of these fine citizens of Cincinnati…

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    With a name like “Taliband” they were asking for it.
    What a bunch of f$cktards.

  3. This is the only way gangs can be dealt with. If there is a gang, there is a community tolerating it.

  4. Improbus says:

    The police doing their job? Shocking.

  5. BillM says:

    Citizens getting involved? Shocking.

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    If they want to shoot shit let them knuckle up next to some poor bloke humping a deuce deuce out of Pakistan into Khyber Pass. Kush the bush, humpty

  7. M0les says:

    #6 – eyeofthetiger

    My hat goes off to you sir, for you are indeed Shakespeare reincarnate!

    (Oh… erm.. yeah, gamngs suck, man!)

  8. Mac Guy says:

    I’d love to get that AR-15… Will someone from Cincinnati notify me when the trials are over? I’ll buy it off auction! 🙂

  9. turbo says:

    I wonder if any of the Cinncinatti Bengals were arrested? Usually if I read a story that has arrested and cinncinati in the headline I assume another Bengal has been arrested.

  10. Digby says:

    Nice looking AR 15. Looks like mine! Since you can’t get them right now, since BO got elected, the cops should sell it to someone who is not a criminal.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    What got into these people?

    Seriously, why all of a sudden do they do this?

  12. Improbus says:

    @Olo Baggins of Bywater

    Haven’t you heard? It’s morning in America … again.

  13. Sinn Fein says:


  14. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Throw away the key. Hmpfh. Why waste money feed them – just kill them and be done with it.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #10 – Digby

    >>Since you can’t get them right now, since BO
    >>got elected

    What, he changed the gun control laws before he even takes office?

    What power! He truly MUST be the Messiah.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Maybe with Obama in office once again the local forces will be helped to hire more officers. Too bad that program was discontinued under the Republicans.


    Digby, Cow-Paddy’s gay pal,

    Dream on. That is a real one and it doesn’t shoot water.

  17. Lou says:

    Another product of a failed drug war.

  18. gquaglia says:

    The mere fact of belonging to a violent gang should qualify you for life in prison. These gangs serve no useful of legitimate purpose in society and their members are violent thugs with nothing to contribute to this earth. Best lock them up and let them kill each other in prison.

  19. MikeN says:

    They were working for the Cartelecast.

    One of their associates was Ol Sammy’s Bin Ladles

  20. grass4 says:

    Known gang members should be shot on sight by the police. They serve no useful purpose whatsoever.

  21. ECA says:

    then you wish to PAY over $40,000 PER prisoner, PER YEAR, for the next 40 years?? $1.6 million PER prisoner..
    OK, its YOUR MONEY.. Im on Social sec..It isnt going to bother me.
    Think about a person Working FULL TIME at $20 per hour..(I dont see many poor persons making that much) So, they arnt going to care either. They would do better, better medial, HOME/housing then WORKING, by going to JAIL.

  22. Digby says:

    Mr Mustard,
    Think about it for a bit. I’m hoping it will come to you any minute now. Slowly. Clear your mind… Now, think about your statement and your inability to understand. Think, think think…. getting anything yet? No? Keep trying. Put down the Cheetos. Think… think.. Oh, maybe this is just too hard for you. Nevermind.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Digby, Cow-Paddy’s gay sidekick,

    Think about what you just wrote. Read your post over and think about the message. Are you seeing how stupid you came across? If you can’t see it then that explains why you wrote such a stupid comment.


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