Shows how little they know about America. Obama was in the SENATE.

  1. eaze says:

    Al Queda and the Taliban were created by the US as an excuse for invading their countries. This is pathetic. Is there even a link to a story here?

  2. Special Ed says:

    The PC term is knee grow.

  3. brendal says:

    I guess I’m not the only one who noticed the similarity:

  4. PettySox says:

    FYI, given the references made to Malcolm X on the tape I would have to assume that the use of “house negro” is a reference to a speech given my Malcolm X gave in the early part of 65 to a group in Alabama.

    House negro being a slave who was the owners favorite and who was loyal to the owner and did not care about the “field negro” who was made to do hard labor, eat leftover rotten food, and live in huts, while the “house negro” lived in the master’s house, did light labor in the house, and ate from the master’s table.

    The references to Malcolm X and Obama turning his back on his people and being a disgrace to his Muslim heritage strongly support my conclusion that the “house negro” reference had nothing to do with his place in Congress, but rather his revolt against his people in the eyes of a few.

  5. J Goode says:

    Amazing. How bigoted and non-PC. Ironic that the uber-PC, multicultural, eco-feminist, male-hating MSM in America are their greatest defenders!


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