Shows how little they know about America. Obama was in the SENATE.
By Marc Perkel Wednesday November 19, 2008
Shows how little they know about America. Obama was in the SENATE.
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Ha ha ha. Funny guys, those ragheads.
They’re bummed that their guy lost.
I still think Osama is living on Bush’s ranch with Ken Lay who faked his death.
Well they’re hardly likely to invite him over for tea and scones. Business as usual for them as long as the US is in the Mid East.
Western media are calling Obama names.
This slander of the Messiah is all over the news today.
* 9/11 – ho hum
* Iraq War – move on, nothing to see here
* Al Qaeda / Syria Nuclear Plant – sniff
But boy, oh boy, this House Negro comment really went over the line! The MSM is in a tizzy making assumptions and suggestions how the President-elect needs to respond.
And how much do Americans know about the world??? Not more than them, certainly?
>Shows how little they know about America. Obama was in the SENATE.
Well, thats not how some people interpret it as.. the people at NBC said it was full of racial slurs–so I’m thinking “house negro” has a whole different meaning here…
#6 – Jay Benson II
>>* 9/11 – ho hum
>>* Iraq War – move on, nothing to see here
>>* Al Qaeda / Syria Nuclear Plant – sniff
Yeah man, I never heard of ANY of those things in the MSM! It’s all “HOUSE NEGRO”, all the time. How come that darned MSM never mentioned 9/11, the Iraq War, al Qaeda, or the Syrian nuclear plant?
Not a gosh-dang word about ANY of that stuff; it’s all about the HOUSE NEGRO.
#8 House Negro as in House of Representatives vs. the Senate.
Wow, Al Qaeda is still echoing liberal talking points. Didn’t they get the memo that Obama is a Democrat, therefore talk such as house negro should be proscribed?
#11 – Lyin’ Mike
You should go back to what you do best: Lyin’.
That post made no sense whatsoever. Stick with what you’re good at, son.
It shows how little Al-Qaeda understands the west. Obama is the Whitehouse negro. That means he’s in charge.
They stole that line from Ralph Nader.
Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Who the hell cares?
#10–Mark Perkel==very funny post. Only loses a little bit when you stoop to explain it.
#3 Marc, “I still think Osama is living on Bush’s ranch with Ken Lay who faked his death”
I think, if you apply the same standards as were used for the WMD in Iraq, you’ll find you ‘know’.
Al Qaeda is worried that now there is a Democrat in the White House, there will be an attempt to capture them. Or kill them. I don’t think it matters which.
The right wing nuts are just upset that they couldn’t get Bin Laden after seven years of trying. I expect them to be really upset when they find Osama hiding in a Crawford Texas area Ranch House guest room where he works creating brush to be cleared.
#7 – The difference is that the rest of the world doesn’t matter.
Al Qaeda knows so little they don’t even know how much they need to be killed.
This is REALLY funny. The speaker on the tapes didn’t use the term “House Negro”. News media gets it wrong, again.
I think it’s amusing that the news anchors are having a ball saying “House Negro.” Listening to CNN, Fox, MSNBC, it was of course the top story and every five minutes the anchor would say the phrase with such relish it came across as something they’ve longed to say but now had a “legitimate” reason to do so. Too funny.
Wow this should really help the upswing of Islamic Radicalism in Africa.
They just wanted headlines, and they got it. Besides people committed to war has no interest in peace. You can never please a radical.
All americunts are house niggers. Filthy honkey porkers.
#12, That post made no sense whatsoever. Stick with what you’re good at, son.
Just because you aren’t very bright is no reason to take it out on others. 😛
I think that the nutters are just having a hard time adjusting to the fact that we elected someone who’s name means “the blessed and good.” The whole “the west against the east” shtick doesn’t work too well when the leader of one side straddles the middle of the supposed conflict.
#27 Li said, “The whole “the west against the east” shtick doesn’t work too well when the leader of one side straddles the middle of the supposed conflict.”
What leader is doing that?
I don’t know, I voted for the other guy, and I still find it offensive as hell. Wonder how that guy feels about all of the peaceful black muslims?
Those terrorists keep calling him names, and Obama is going to stop “palling around” with them.