Africa’s first all-electric locally engineered car has been presented at the Paris Motor Show. Known as Joule, its creators say it uses about 20% of the energy needed by a conventional car and produces no damaging environmental emissions.The six-seat multi-purpose vehicle’s interior and exterior was styled by Keith Helfet, the South Africa-born designer who became famous as Jaguar’s chief stylist. He was responsible for the iconic style of the XJ220, the XK180 and the F-Type Jaguar models.
Joule uses two lithium ion battery packs similar to those used in mobile phones and notebooks – just much bigger.
It takes 7 hours to fully charge batteries using an ordinary 220 volt home outlet. Two batteries ensure 400 kilometres for the Joule’s driving range – practically the same 244 miles range the much-touted Tesla roadster has boasted.
I’d buy it. Link from the article is:
You know==with the bailouts coming for the auto unions, its too bad REAL CHANGE likely won’t happen.
Why not use some Billions to provide universal healthcare? That way, everyone does benefit from the bailout AND structural change is brought to all industries making them more competitive in the world market?
So far, like any other bankrupt industry(s), further cash infusion only delays the time of bankruptcy and increases the money lost–no change, just delay.
Perhaps, on his own, Obama is smart enough to avoid these obvious errors, but the Democratic party/Washington Establishment he is a part of, is not.
#1. Oh don’t worry. The health care will probably get bailed out sometime next year. We can’t have all those doctors and nurses sweating their next paychecks, like the rest of us.
As for Africa’s all electric car. As I’ve said before, it seems that everyone else can make these things work, except Detroit automakers. Who can only promise it, some time in the future. It’s not as if they had a head start over everyone else. Oh wait! They did. Back in 1991. After which they crushed and shredded the results of their engineers’ labors. And went back to designing SUVs and MiniVans. The reason Detroit needs bailing out, is they refused right up to the end to retool vehicle production for a depressed economy. Electing instead to force larger more expensive models on the buying public. Counting on the George Bush’s tax incentive (for small businesses) to keep their production lines viable. So technically, the automakers have already gotten some government help, selling their largest vehicle lines. But these vehicle owners soon sobered up to reality, when the price of gas soared to $4 a gallon. And even with its currect $2 a gallon price, they’re not so willing to drive a gas guzzler again. So Ford, GM and Chrysler basically gambled against long odds, and lost. And yet we can sure they were counting on this bailout, all along. Oh they’ll get it, mark my word. That’s probably why the DNC got so much money this election. The Democrats are pro-labor. And the bailout is being pitched as saving hourly jobs, rather than corporate bonuses. But I think the real reason is that these three are all defense contractors. And that makes them fail proof.
#2, Glenn,
The reason Detroit needs bailing out, is they refused right up to the end to retool vehicle production for a depressed economy. Electing instead to force larger more expensive models on the buying public.
Not true. Detroit built vehicles the American public bought. If you wanted an F-150 or a Durango loaded to the tits, you could have one. If you wanted a bare bones Focus, you could have one of those too. No one forced the buying public to buy anything.
The big three always experienced problems whenever they introduced small run specialty vehicles. Consequently, they stuck with what they did best, build high volume lines.
Yes, the rapid paradigm of expensive gas has hurt large vehicles sales and made the public more wary of what they buy. This though is a cultural thing and to my knowledge, nothing in our history has changed as quickly as this has.
Was this foolish for the public to want expensive gas guzzlers? Maybe. But, if you can (could) afford one and the fuel it took, then why not. BTW, fuel is the third highest cost of owning a vehicle after purchase and insurance.
“It takes 7 hours to fully charge batteries using an ordinary 220 volt home outlet.”
Nice toy. Not really something anyone I know could replace their current vehicle with.
Just wondering?? Anyone have any cost related comparisons to electric vs. petrol? It says here that 7 hours fully charges one for a certain amount of mileage, but where are the cost figures? If my electric car costs me double to run, is it worth it? I also wonder about if our electric grid is ready for this infusion of high charge electric vehicles?
#5 Higghawker asked, “If my electric car costs me double to run, is it worth it? I also wonder about if our electric grid is ready for this infusion of high charge electric vehicles?”
It doesn’t say. No, the grid can’t handle this. Obama doesn’t have any plans for additional base power generation. In other words, electric cars are not coming anytime soon in mass quantities.
>>The owner of Joule will also be free to
>>replace original batteries with different
>>configurations to improve performance and
Obviously, Steve Jobs had nothing to do with designing the car. Otherwise, it would come with an integral battery that could not be replaced by the user, requiring that the car be shipped back to the manufacturer for replacement at a cost of about 1/2 what you paid for the car in the first place. And it would have no air conditioning.
#4 – Paddy-O’Pinocchio
>>Nice toy. Not really something anyone I know
>>could replace their current vehicle with.
That’s the attitude, O’Pinocchio!! If the first prototypes off the assembly line don’t get 1000 miles with a 15-minute charge, let’s just keep a-driving them Humpers and Naggravators and bailing out the $20,000,000.00/yr Lear Jet crowd.
And I know what you mean about not being able to use this as a regular car; everyone I know needs a Humper or a heavy-duty pickup to haul the brush they clear from their “ranch” too. They never leave their ve-hicle in their garage overnight (so the recharging time is not feasible), and no place they go is within 120 miles, so the 220-mile round trip is out of the question.
# 8 Mister Mustard said, That’s the attitude, O’Pinocchio!! If the first prototypes off the assembly line don’t get 1000 miles with a 15-minute charge,”
No, seriously. I don’t want to have to own different types of vehicles for different driving tasks. I think that is wasteful of resources.
Your comment re: Steve Jobs was funny.
You also assume that everyone in the US is just like you. THere are quite a few people living in urban and suburban areas who can use this quite well for commuting, saving them and us money, pollution, and stress.
This is an excellent of a very useful car for a large percentage of commuters. Having a 200 mile range with overnight recharging is a terrific set of attributes.
I can see this type of electric vehicle as the primary office and grocery store commute car. If you want (need) more range or horsepower, a fossil fuel car would do.
The US must move as many cars on the street to be all electric. President Obama gets it.
I see the usual parochial know-nothings aren’t aware that this vehicle was built for 220v – precisely because that is the usual residential voltage for the market it was intended.
Do you klowns ever even cross a county line and shop somewhere besides Wally-Mart?
I don’t get what’s so great about a plastic car that is unsafe at any speed over 25 mph.
# 13 Ban Energy said, “I don’t get what’s so great about a plastic car that is unsafe at any speed over 25 mph.”
That’s why you’ll never see anything close to this in the US. Trial lawyers would BK any company within 24 months that sold s/g like this.
A mass roll out of electric vehicles would require a construction spree of nuclear power plants. Also remember, just like an internal combustion vehicle, the mileage is dependent on driving habits. I would think that if you are heavy footed, or took this vehicle on a 70 mph freeway, the range would drop considerably. That said, personally my life style would fit this vehicle. If I needed more range I could just rent a car. Also people speak as if electricity is free. My utility provider just announced a 15% rate increase. How many watt hours does a charge take? Will battery life decline over time, just like my laptop battery?
Africa beats GM with first electric car… not exactly… GM came out with the EV1 in the late 90s. Took it off the market afterwards…stupid of them… check out the movie “who killed the electric car”, explains a lot !
About a car that charges in 7 hours…so what ? I can live with that.
Only does 244 miles per charge…well, I guess the commute I have of 20 miles per day should be tuff on that car 😉 … I can live with that.
Not perfect, for sure but what is perfect ( in the tech sector ) the first time round….
# 17 GetSmart said, “Need a truck to haul something from the home center or furniture store, etc? Rent one. It’s gotta be cheaper than $400 a month payments, plus insurance, gas and maintenance.”
You DO realize that this isn’t a vehicle that could be sold in the US? Thus, your statement above doesn’t really matter.
The problem is, Africa doesn’t have cheap electricity.
For most people in Africa, the only way to get heat and hot water is through burning wood on a small indoor fire. This is probably the least efficient and worst polluting method – but it’s cheap.
Without cheap electricity, an electric car is useless.
#19 South Africa (where this car will be buid and sold) is not the rest of the continent. They have quite a modern infrastructure.
That is true for the rest of Africa, but South Africa has nuclear plants and it has the cheapest electricity in the world. Those are facts, but unfortunately, due to poor planning from the governments side, demand has outstripped supply and they had a long time of load shedding to ease the crisis.
But the car would work, it’s like the first cellphone, not really that good, but as it becomes more popular, the more people will take it to heart to make it better.
You know what happens when you finally recognize the crises you have failed to deal with for 30 years?
You have to change your attitude.
Paddy-O==you’re joking right? I don’t know how you keep the “I’m an idiot” persona going for so long. Good performance art, but doesn’t it get tedious?
I’m rather sick of hearing “we (car companies) only sold what the customers wanted.”
Dope dealers can say the same thing.
Considering our addiction to oil, it amounts to the same thing.
If the Smart Car can pass crash testing, then a version of this can as well.
You have got to be putting on an act, nobody can be that dense on so many issues.
That car looks like it’s safer than a Miata, which is sold on the US market, last I looked. And using current electricity rates (likely to go up a bit with lots of ecars until the decentralized grid comes into play) it takes 1-3 dollars to ‘fill’ the Tesla; I assume it will be the same for this vehicle.
Naysayers have their place, but if they keep repeating themselves, “Nay! Nay! Nay!” they usually come to resemble braying jackasses more than thinking human beings.
Super Cool. But it’s not the first! I see electric cars right here in my neighborhood.
But, I’d like this Porsche conversion
It has a 80-100 mile range which is more than enough for my commute.
The main killer is the $15,000 price for the kit plus the used Porsche.
Still, very cool.
#18 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>You DO realize that this isn’t a vehicle
>>that could be sold in the US?
You DO realiize that it is technologically possible to convert the car to run on 120V AC?
>>Thus, your statement above doesn’t really
Oh yes it does. GetSmart was right on the money in #17. He took is own advice and got smart. You might consider doing the same…
“But the flight lasted 12 seconds and covered only 120 feet. This flying thing will never catch on.” – Paddy-Cake’s Grandfather after watching the Wright brothers first flight.
Certainly not the first. There was a time (about 1900) when electric cars were more common than gasoline cars in the USA. And then there’s the GM EV-1.
But all of them, this one included suffer from some of the same problems. Decent range, but, 7 hours to recharge? You certainly ain’t taking this puppy to Vegas for the weekend, lest you want to spend the better part of a day in Baker!
For a 2 or more car family, I can see a nitch market. For me, who can only afford to buy and insure one vehicle, it had better be able to go where I want, when I want. Until someone comes up with an electric car with all the utility of at least a Chevy Chevette, I’m not even looking.
# 29 Dave W said, “For a 2 or more car family, I can see a nitch market.”
That’s the point. Until it can actually duplicate the functionality of existing cars it won’t replace them in any meaningful quantity.
Either one of the oil corps, big 3 or the saudis will hire a bunch of hitmen for pennies to kill the ones responsible in developing these cars or selectively kill the first owners of these vehicles to ensure enough fear to not drive them.