Colorado Independent reports that Focus on the Family “is poised to announce major layoffs to its Colorado Springs-based ministry and media empire today.” The layoffs come after the right-wing group spent more than $600,000 to defeat marriage equality in California. Praising the passage of Prop. 8, the group said that the measure “helps protect millions of children from radical indoctrination in the homosexual lifestyle.” The group also touted its involvement collecting signatures and gathering donations, patting itself on the back for being “integrally involved” in the fight against marriage equality.

Seems like some sort of poetic justice? Oh well, I’m sure God will provide.

Thanks to Mr. Justin

  1. Dallas says:

    I knew there was a silver lining here. It was God’s will.

  2. billabong says:

    I think God provided the punishment for prejudice and bigotry.

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    Good – may they rot in Hell. And I’m an Atheist!

  4. JimD says:

    Focus On The Family “Fagged Out” ???

  5. Named says:


    What the hell are you talking about?

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    Apparently, Jesus loves the Mormons more. They spent more money. Good news. Like magic underwear?

  7. Improbus says:

    Karma, it works bitches.

  8. contempt says:

    You gotta applaud the effort considering the prize is a win against the venomous homosexual community.

  9. dawn says:


    and, you know venomous!

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Enjoy your schadenfreude but let’s get some perspective here: $600,000 didn’t break the bank at Focus on the Family.

    Their annual budget is something like $150 million in a good year.

  11. OmegaMan says:

    I just hope that Babara Streisand boycotts California just like she did Colorado…he wait…she lives there. Never mind.

  12. Balbas says:

    “Marriage is an institution” is a religious term, not a secular term. “Protecting marriage” means to insure that a religious heterosexual definition is imposed on the state, but don’t we have a Constitutional guarantee to the contrary in the US?

    I used to be a fairly devout Lutheran many years ago, and went to a parochial high school, so I know what all this terminology really is about.

  13. MikeN says:

    Wow a group that accomplishes something and shuts down instead of taking people’s money and trying to find new things to do.

    If only MADD would do the same.

  14. fredonia says:

    and don’t you know, god is punishing the californians for opposing gay marriage by providing that state with bountiful wildfires…

  15. Li says:

    Apparently, that faith based accounting they were practicing didn’t work out too well for them.

  16. JimD says:

    “Faith-Based Accounting” ??? Check out the Salaries of the Chief Evangelical Officers !!! With a budget of more than $100 Million – probably from the Federal “Office of Faith-Based Initiaves”, the Executives will still be paid !!! They are laying off minions, not shutting Satan down !!!

  17. EvilPoliticians says:

    I love the tolerance demonstrated by Prop 8 supporters.

    I could care less about gay marriage. Sorry that is crass and doesn’t fit into the “you are either with us or against us” mentality of either side.

    But being neutral on the topic, the extremes on both sides are not going to win any new supporters to their cause.

  18. Just doing the education the gub’mint schools won’t do.

    Hey. Anybody seen the latest CDC stats on which group consistently tops the list in drug abuse, depression, domestic abuse, suicide and STDs?

    It’s not a healthy lifestyle, people. Why are we, as a society, so h3ll bent on condoning and facilitating it??

  19. Dallas says:

    I’m gay and I believe the gay community as a whole is barking up the wrong tree.

    As I’ve said many times before, ‘marriage’ is an obsolete relic and ritual from the church. Don’t want it, don’t need it. The issue that should be pursued has a a good chance of success is civil unions.

    The church, Christian Taliban, the mormons and the rest of the ‘holier than thou’ crowd can shove marriage up their ass.

    If anything, the government needs to get the hell out of the business of legislating human relationships. The fact that the Taliban has infiltrated government is one of the biggest tragedies of democracies.

  20. EvilPoliticians says:

    #20 – locomotivebreath1901

    I’m no sociologist (though I did stay at a Holiday Inn a while back) but I would suggest a theory that those bad stats are among the gay community because of lack of acceptance.

    Just a thought.

  21. Li says:

    Did you know that European Jews in the 30’s had an unusually high suicide rate?

    More proof that being Jewish is an unhealthy lifestyle.

    That was a joke, for the humorless among you.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:


    “Hey. Anybody seen the latest CDC stats on which group consistently tops the list in drug abuse, depression, domestic abuse, suicide and STDs?”

    The answer to that is simple: Men are pigs and gay sex means sex without the LOOOONG B.S. courting that happens in hetero sex. You either know you’re going to get some or not right away.

  23. Cap'nKangaro says:

    I do not believe for a minute that group is laying off employees. They may be letting temp workers go now that the elections are over.

    But having grown up near the “Praise The Lord” aka PTL Club, I would bet that Focus on the Family talking about the possibility of layoffs is meant to lay the groundwork for a big solicitation drive.

  24. Shubee says:

    While personally I would not have wanted to be adopted and raised by homosexual parents, I still don’t see organizations like Focus on the Family as doing any good.

  25. fredonia says:

    #23 – if you were god, wouldn’t you punish oprah?

  26. Wretched Gnu says:

    Douchebags losing their jobs?

    oh, the humanity!

  27. Billy Bob says:

    Maybe they’ll become a bank holding company and apply for TARP money.

  28. Rich says:

    I’ve always admired Dr. Dobson and his ministry. I may send $10 to his operation and a pic of my rear end to “McCullough” for him to kiss and sign 🙂

  29. So … now these assholes are both morally AND FINANCIALLY bankrupt? What a concept!!

    #15 – MikeN,

    Wow a group that accomplishes something and shuts down instead of taking people’s money and trying to find new things to do.

    I have to agree that it would be nice if more groups did that.

    However, in this case, they are not shutting down because they accomplished their goal. They’re shutting down because, much like Off-The-Wall Street and the Bush administration, they spent all their money and are bankrupt.

    Unfortunately, the latter two are having far reaching effects on all of us.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    I just hope the last hypocrite turns out the light on their way out.

    The part that burns my butt is this whole budget gets to be “A Charity”. Bullshit. This no more a charitable organization that any other telephone call asking for money. When so much of the money ends up in the organizers pockets, it should be called the scam it is.

    Fuck each and everyone of them.


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