A miracle pup clung to a speeding car for more than 15 miles after being knocked down.

The motorist, Marco Menozzi, didn’t even stop when he mowed down the one-year-old pooch while doing 70mph on a side road in Cozze, southern Italy.

But he hit the dog so hard he was embedded in the grill under the bonnet of the Peugeot 207 and managed to cling on until the car eventually stopped.

It just wasn’t this dog’s time yet.

  1. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Poor little guy – glad he’s going to be OK. Did the idiot driver even know he hit him?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    If that were an American car not only it would have been totaled but the pooch would pick up a baseball bat and beat the crap out of the driver for owning something so lame.

  3. clone4crw says:

    #1, doubt it.

  4. hhopper says:

    Peugot 207:

    I’m surprised the car didn’t flip.

  5. The DON says:

    what a b@stard, he didnt stop. How can you not know you hit a dog at 70. I have to say fishy on this one. The mosquitoes have done more damage to the car than the dog did?

  6. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #4 – Good point. The story doesn’t say the guy was going downhill either. Hard to believe a little POS like that could do 70 on the flat.

  7. mthrnite says:

    Oh man, the Specter of Death is gonna be following the dog till the end of the movie. DOG! LOOKOUT FOR THAT TRAIN!

  8. Ron Larson says:

    “Hard to believe a little POS like that could do 70 on the flat.”

    Obviously you have never driven in Italy. I was doing about 100mph on the Autobaun between Venice and Milan, in the rain, and was being passed by small cars like this one.

    They are crazy.

  9. JoaoPT says:

    #4 #8
    Yeah! That’s a very USA view of things. European cars(and Japanese even more so!) tend to be small, but usually pack a lot of power. A Peugeot 207 can be bought with a 1.6 Liter petrol engine delivering 175bhp, for a car this small it’s a lot of punch. It can easily go over 230kpH…

  10. sargasso says:

    I owned a 206, great little cars, they won the world rally championship.

  11. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    OK, so I’ll grant they can go fast. How do you fit 4 adults with a weeks worth of camping gear? Absolute minimum requirement for a vehicle to be useful.

    However, it can hit a dog without killing it, so that’s something good.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    well this dog wasnt “embedded” in the grill..
    he was caught in the air-dam…
    huge difference…

    now as for driving 70 (was it really 70 mph?? and not 70kph??) and not knowing you hit a dog… i remember a comparison of driving style of europe-(along with several other style comparisons) and italy was made out to be the worst..

  13. Anonymous says:

    that’s a a good sound of relief. good thing Scooby (the Dog) didn’t make it to heaven yet. 😀

  14. James Hill says:

    Not that living in Southern Italy isn’t punishment enough, but this guy was arrested or something… right?

  15. Shane says:

    No reason for him to be arrested…

    I call shens on this story…

  16. Chris Mac says:

    You can tell by the dog’s eyes, that it’s a joke, right? 😉

    It looks far too happy and .. There would be blood @ 70mph

  17. Gary in Gilroy says:

    Come on people,,,, doesn’t the Dvorak BulsH!t meter spark up for anyone? This is clearly a phony story tied to a photo. The dog crawled under the car and got stuck.

  18. chloe8100 says:


  19. I once had a cat jump out when I opened the hood of my car at a gas station in the cold of a Winnipeg Canada winter
    The cat had ridden under the hood of the car for a good two hour period after crawling in from the cold 2 hours back
    Poor cat

  20. bitswt02 says:

    Are you sure it’s 70mph and not 70kmph or something? Perhaps something was lost during translation…
    Or not. Weirder things like the guy getting pregnant for the second time have happened.

  21. thargon says:


    I own a Peugeot 207 here in the UK, it has a 2.0 litre diesel engine and I have had it upto 120mph on the motorway (highway) and it still had plenty to give.

    Also 4 adults easily fits into it and as it’s a hatchback there is still plenty of room for gear in the boot.

    Plus I am currently getting an average of 60mpg.

  22. alejmora says:

    Italians drive like crazy people.

  23. Paddy-O says:


    That dog is 20-30 lbs. Damage to the plastic grill would be massive.

  24. MPL says:


    dog looks like a cat.

  25. green says:

    Does Sirius have anything to do with this storys timing…

  26. Steve Jibs says:


    Or I could drive a smaller more efficient vehicle and rent a truck/van when needed instead of having a large vehicle on the off-chance that I’m hauling 6 people around with tons of material in the back.

    Unless you go camping every weekend there is no reason to drive a huge vehicle.

    I had a friend who hit a small metal garbage can at 40 mph. It did a number to the plastic on his grill. A dog hit a plastic bumper and grill at 70 and there is minimal damage?


  27. maga says:

    I do subscribe the comments of at least 2 of the users above…If the story isn’t one of the false silly jokes on the net, the only thing to say about someone who hits an animal and doesn’t even stop is that HE IS AN ANIMAL HIMSELF (hope animals will forgive me !)

  28. bob says:

    has to be fake, but italian drivers are crazy.

    especially those folks driving scooters..

    And our bus driver the continuously pulled up to within about 10cm from smart cars.

  29. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #26 – I’ll allow you to own both and drive the dinghy around town. That’s barely acceptable though. What if you’re on the way home from work, the wife calls on a whim and wants you to stop off right away for a new refrigerator and two dozen sheets of plywood?

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, SnotTooBright,

    Ya tell her to pick the effen crap up herself with her Vespa. That is why they put a cargo pad on them. You’re not an errand boy!!!


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