A miracle pup clung to a speeding car for more than 15 miles after being knocked down.

The motorist, Marco Menozzi, didn’t even stop when he mowed down the one-year-old pooch while doing 70mph on a side road in Cozze, southern Italy.

But he hit the dog so hard he was embedded in the grill under the bonnet of the Peugeot 207 and managed to cling on until the car eventually stopped.

It just wasn’t this dog’s time yet.

  1. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #30 – Mr. Confusion
    If I were already out and about and she made a special trip, that would be wasteful of fuel. That’s bad for Mother Earth: Algore said so. You should really think about conserving more.

  2. Lou says:

    Lucky dog/not.


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