• Mark Cuban in trouble for insider trading.
  • Vista Capable suit causing problems.
  • Obama is going to have to stop using the Blackberry.
  • Look for the AVCHD fake Blu-ray discs.
  • Intel rolls the i7 as AMD rolls the Shanghai.
  • Google has new sketch-up art program

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. B. Dog says:

    Keep that microphone. It’s you.

    Do you mean the Candace Lombari review of the new James Bond film? Hell, a cellphone is quite a gadget these days, so what’s so anti-tech about that?

  2. stopher says:

    Sketchup has been around for a while. You can import your models into google earth.

  3. James Hill says:

    The Core i7 processor is going to become mainstream in the middle of next year… around the same time people start talking about the Wintel monopoly again, since the Windows 7 hype will be building around the same time.

  4. brendal says:

    Well, of course, he’s in trouble! Look at his last name!!

  5. ECA says:

    I remember long ago, when an UPGRADED CPU was a real increase in speed. NOW days you cant tell WHAT is going to happen.
    Im still wondering WHY Multi core- Is SUPPOSED to be faster then Multi processor..When most systems dont even USE the other cores unless you dont SOME interesting programming.

    Then comes the problems of BOTTLE NECKS. 2-3 chips on the Mobo handle ALL the swapping and transfer of data..THEN it all goes thru the CPU.

  6. hhopper says:

    I first got Sketch-up a couple of years ago.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #7 – Eric

    >>Sad that the change candidate is going to be
    >>keeping secrets from us.

    Only an imbecile would put anything down in e-mail that they didn’t want to come back later to haunt them. Those who have real secrets to hide use other forms of communication right from the get-go.

  8. McCullough says:

    That opening recording sounds suspiciously like Al Gore…

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #9 – Eric

    >>OK, you are really missing the point here.

    Uh, no I’m not. I’m pointing out that the fact that the Secret Service (or whoever) may force Obama to give up his Crackberry IN NO WAY implies that he’s got secrets to hide. It wasn’t his idea to give it up, he was coerced into doing so. If he sent messages using his Crackberry, they would be just as accessible to prying eyes as if he had sent them from obama@whitehouse.gov. And he knows it.

    And if he DID have something to hide, he’s smart enough that he wouldn’t commit those vile thoughts to something as easily retrieved as Crackberry messages.

    Only a dimwitted bimbo like Sarah Palin, who DOES have things to hide, would be such a rube as to think she could hide her clandestine government dealings by using an anonymous freebie e-mail account.

  10. deowll says:

    Will the AVCHD format work on my regular dvd player?

    To bleep with the nuts working with what Jobs called “a can of worms” people. They’ve messed it up to bad for me to want to waste time with it.

    The new chip from intel needs to ship.

    Good luck to AMD.

    I hope MS has to pay a bundle on the Vista ready when they knew it wasn’t ready.

    If Bombast didn’t know he should be fired.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #12 – Eric

    >>It’s not the secret service that is
    >>requiring him to give it up. His staff is.

    That’s why I said “the Secret Service or whoever“.

    The fact remains, it wasn’t Obama’s idea to give it up to “hide secrets”; if he wanted to “hide secrets”, he’s smart enough to do it with or without a Crackberry.

    Unlike Sarah Palin. Whatever happened to the confidential goverment she was conducting via her Yahoo! account, btw? That scandal seems to have gone the same way as the “rectangular object” that Dumbya was hiding under his jacket during the debates. Damned drive-by media. They never investigate malfeasance on the part of the right-wing politicians.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #13 – deowll

    >>I hope MS has to pay a bundle on the Vista
    >>ready when they knew it wasn’t ready.

    MS should go bankrupt-without-a-bailout for ever releasing that POS in the first place. That OS sucks even for a couple of guys sitting around programming in Mom’s basement.

    To think that’s the best that the Mighty Behemoth of Redmond, with all the resources in the world at their disposal, can do is a disgrace. A damned disgrace.

  13. Networkedd says:

    Google sketchUp new? It was released in August 2000! I have been using it for years. I think Google bought the company that made it in 2005 or 2006? It’s plugins for Google earth is really neat.

  14. ECA says:

    Loved seeing VISTA ON some of the CRAP systems DELL/HP were selling..
    These people wanted a CHEAP computer…VISTA ISNT NICE on cheap machines..

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #18 – ‘dro

    You’re babbling again, Kuzco.

    Did you have a point? Or did you just want to see your words in “print”?

  16. eaze says:

    I don’t think you can blame Microsoft for the Vista ready scam. Manufacturers should be testing it out on their own products before making claims that they cannot back up.

    When you have a manufacturer like HP that loves to cut corners to stay in business you should punnish them when they deceive consumers like this.

    If they try to blame Microsoft then Microsoft should consider the option of not allowing them to ship products with Windows until they clean their act up.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    #20 – Eaze

    >>If they try to blame Microsoft then
    >>Microsoft should consider the option of not
    >>allowing them to ship products with Windows
    >>until they clean their act up.

    Haw! That would be the biggest boon to the consumer in the past 100 years! And it would open the floodgate of defections to OS X and Linux.

    Microsoft will NEVER choose to go that route, though.

    How many copies of Vista do you think they would have “sold” if the OS weren’t rammed down the hapless customers’ unwilling throats with every PC purchase? A dozen? Fifteen?

    Their only road to continued monopolization of the OS industry is to make people “buy” their product, whether they want to or not.

    If they have to pony up a few buck$ to settle up for their shoddy product, the bean counters have determined that they are STILL way ahead of the game compared with where they’d be if they had to market Vista to consumers who actually had a choice in the matter.

  18. WhoKnu says:

    Google SketchUp is not new. Just checked, and I installed my copy in Aug 2006… and I hate the new mic. Burn it.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 21 Mister Mustard said, “Their only road to continued monopolization of the OS industry is to make people “buy” their product, whether they want to or not.”

    It’s not really a monopoly in the legal sense. If Apple choose to license their OS instead of wanting to be a H/W company, we wouldn’t be having this discussion at all.

    A shame really that Apple has chosen to not compete with a better product.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:


    Expect it to see it first on Macs.


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