Laid Off Engineer Shoots And Kills Siport CEO And VP — This could become a trend.

Things took a terrible turn yesterday when an Engineer laid off from a local semi-conductor company, Siport, shot and killed the company CEO, Sid Agrawal, VP of Operations, Brian Pugh, and an unidentified woman.

According to the (cached) company Web site, SiPort is a fabless semiconductor company incorporated in 2004 that received its first round of funding in 2005. Sid’s bio states that he held executive management positions at Alliance Semiconductor (IPO), Layer Five Networks (acquired by Juniper) and Synaptics (IPO) and leadership marketing, sales and engineering positions at Adobe, Intel and Bell Labs. The company is backed by Lightspeed Venture Partners, Morganthaler, New Venture Partners, and Intel Capital.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #61, Liberty,

    However, when you say you are going to invade a country, you don’t have to say you are taking your guns with you either.

    Since you read the speech, where did he say he was going to arm this public service group?

    Read his speech again. He is saying he wants to achieve this without guns. Where the pen and a smile is mightier than the sword. Where helping those less fortunate than you brings more rewards than holding a gun to someone’s head does.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #62, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    What’s really interesting is that the current military budget is ~51% of the total Fed budget. So, add another 51% for the Civilian SA & 49% for the remainder and you are at 151% WITHOUT all of Omama’s additional spending on Health care.

    This guy is NUTS.

    If brains were made of dynamite you wouldn’t have enough to blow your own nose.


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