An extensive federal report just released concludes that roughly one in four of the 697,000 U.S. veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War suffer from Gulf War illness.

That illness is a condition now identified as the likely consequence of exposure to toxic chemicals, including pesticides and a drug administered to protect troops against nerve gas.

The 452-page report states that “scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and serious consequences for affected veterans.”

The report, compiled by a panel of scientific experts and veterans serving on the congressionally mandated Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses, fails to identify any cure for the malady.

It also notes that few veterans afflicted with Gulf War illness have recovered over time.

While veterans live in agony and illness, it only took our government a decade or so to recognize the “problem” – dragging their feet all the way.

  1. LibertyLover says:

    That’s the nation’s healthcare plan in action.

  2. Buzz says:

    … Agent (fill in the color blank).

  3. Raff says:

    So thats what my problem is…

  4. LinusVP says:

    So if the gov’t. takes over healthcare, will we have to wait 10 years for blood test results?

  5. Stephanie says:

    This absolutely sickens me. Sort of reminds me of the human experiments that the Nazis performed except these are our own American soldiers. So very sad.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #5 “Sort of reminds me of the human experiments that the Nazis performed”

    What experiments were being run?

  7. Pagon says:

    “consequence of . . . . . including . . . a drug administered to protect troops against nerve gas.”

    The anti-nerve gas drug was so notorious that several people were couts martialed for refusing to take it – while the military insisted it was safe. That’s why they delayed a thorough investigation.

    Yet another Bush/Republican disaster: 174,250 patriotic American soldiers poisoned (1 in 4 of 697,000).

    I had some friends – Vietnam vets – who were poisoned by Agent Orange. It destroyed their lives. One of them committed suicide.

    If anyone on this blog takes the attitude that they enlisted so they deserve whatever they get, I’ll personally come to their house and punch them out.

  8. Mister Mustard says:


    Hey, here’s one you ought to like:

    Hitler and the German High command made a list rules for the fellow Nazis to follow. The new rules required all SS before marriage must submit to general testing to insure racial purity. The rules for marriage were unbelievably complex. Thousands of marriages were denied. If the laws for marriage were broken it could mean the death penalty.

    Hey, GodHatesFags, so if they break the laws concerning marriage, gas the fuckers!

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 Mister Mustard said, “>>What experiments were being run?

    Freezing / Hypothermia
    Infectious Diseases
    Interrogation and Torture …”

    That’s what caused “Gulf War” illness?


  10. Raff says:

    Well I can attest to the fact that we got nerve agent pills, and that it said right on the packaging that they were experimental and included a list of side possible effects, and we were ordered to take them.

    I also recall going into a tent one day for a couple of injections that I have no idea what they were and they didn’t go on our shot record for whatever reason.

  11. Dallas says:

    Since the democrats will soon assume control of the executive branch, it’s time to uncover all the untold problems that the Bush regime has swept under the rug for years. Gulf War illness is just one in a long list of them.

  12. Nimby says:

    As a physician, I will not defend the involuntary inoculations but I will say aver that knee-jerk reactors on this blog always see conspiracy when I would easier believe (Occam’s Razor, you know) that the drugs were given in good faith and believing Saddam would retaliate with nerve gas. It is history, not conspiracy, his regime had used gas on the Kurds.

    As for the length of time it took to recognize the disease: A decade or so for a completely new syndrome with varying symptoms and (then) obscure causative agents, ain’t so bad. I read some (certainly not close to all) of the research literature as it was published and, for a long time, it certainly appeared Gulf War Syndrome was supra-tentorial (i.e. all in the head). Kudos to the gov for insisting on continuing the research and for what I’m sure will be an on-going search for treatments and possibly a cure.

    As for idiotic suggestions that it was all Bush’s fault, geez guys, get real. I live in another country these days. My electricity failed yesterday. I betcha Bush flipped the wrong switch, again.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Mister Mustard said, “Hey, here’s one you ought to like:

    “Hitler and the German High command made a list rules for the fellow Nazis to follow. The new rules required all SS before marriage must submit to general testing to insure racial purity.”

    Cool. I wonder if Obama will set rules like for his SA guys?

  14. JimD says:

    See, Bush I and Bush II BOTH WERE KILLING US TROOPS !!! Way to ***SUPPORT THE TROOPS*** !!! They made BILLIONS, AND “SALUTE” THE TROOPS WITH A ***MIDDEL FINGER*** AND A “FU*K OFF A-HOLE” !!! Such “Super-Patriots” !!!

  15. Thomas says:

    Well put. If I remember correctly Schwarzkov struggled over the decision to inoculate the troops with a vaccine that might be worse than the disease. That’s why he is (was) a general. He has (had) to make those kinds of tough risk assessment decisions that will generally cost lives no matter which decision he makes.

  16. ECA says:

    20 year later..
    we get the information..
    AFTER those responsible, are OUT OF THE PICTURE, and you CANT SUE THEM..

  17. Nimby says:

    Actually, I don’t think soldiers can sue for things that occurred while on active duty, anyway.

  18. Thomas says:

    You certainly cannot sue them for decisions made during combat. The most that could be achieved is a court-martial.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    Cool. I wonder if Obama will set rules like for his SA guys?

    Are you still shooting your wad at this crap? Please, give us something that would explain why you think Obama is setting up an Armed Civilian Security force like the “SA”.

    I saw your writing skills leave a lot to be desired (#6), so please, keep it as simple as you can.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Nimby,

    Good points. I hope your electricity comes back soon. I don’t set the VCR clock as every time I do the power goes out here.

  21. ECA says:

    Yes, you can SUE..But mostly to get the word out and to get MEDICAL COVERAGE of the problem..

  22. Wretched Gnu says:

    Do conservatives *ever* get tired of being wrong?

  23. Thomas says:

    Clearly liberals do not.


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