“Today’s weather, unseasonably warm.”

A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

This was startling. Across the world there were reports of unseasonal snow and plummeting temperatures last month, from the American Great Plains to China, and from the Alps to New Zealand. China’s official news agency reported that Tibet had suffered its “worst snowstorm ever”. In the US, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month, and ranked it as only the 70th-warmest October in 114 years.

So what explained the anomaly? GISS’s computerised temperature maps seemed to show readings across a large part of Russia had been up to 10 degrees higher than normal. But when expert readers of the two leading warming-sceptic blogs, Watts Up With That and Climate Audit, began detailed analysis of the GISS data they made an astonishing discovery. The reason for the freak figures was that scores of temperature records from Russia and elsewhere were not based on October readings at all. Figures from the previous month had simply been carried over and repeated two months running.

The key point this article makes is not that a mistake was made — that can happen. It’s that Gore’s guy screwed up. Again. And showing higher global warming figures (which, oddly, support his theories) than anyone else. Global warming is happening, but with inaccurate or falsified data, how can we determine why? Or is panic the goal?

But whether, on the basis of such evidence, it is wise for the world’s governments to embark on some of the most costly economic measures ever proposed, to remedy a problem which may actually not exist, is a question which should give us all pause for thought.

  1. canuck47 says:

    #8 Mr Moss

    So far none of this so called “peer reviewed” nonsense has explained why the polar caps on Mars began melting at the same time as earth’s.

    I guess the Mars Rover must be spewing out CO2 at a hell of a rate.

    Face it the IPCC report is aimed at one thing alone, transferring money from the industrial world to the third world in the form of carbon credits. Global warming is the ruse to effect the scam.

  2. Manny Barilow says:

    Back in August, the Farmer’s Almanac (or rather the secret guy there who comes up with these things) predicted that Northern latitudes would have a colder than normal winter this year. Some of this speculation was supposedly based on “sunspot cycles” and the like.

    Actually, they have a roughly 50% chance of being right, according to their previous predictions. When they correctly forecast it, everybody goes “Wow those guys are good!”. When they get it wrong, everybody forgets.

    Anyway, the point is that trying to “know” what such a chaotic system as the Earth’s climate is going to actually DO six months from now is pretty much the same as saying that, say, the coloration of wooly-bear caterpillars or the position of squirrel’s nests in trees can tell us what the future will be like…(wait a minute, how do THEY know?) And yeah all this human pollution must have some kind of effect, it would seem…but who out there actually sees what the result of it is in the long run?

  3. Thomas says:

    Dvorak was wrong about McCain being elected . . . So there is no reason to ever believe anything on this yellow journalism post again.

  4. deowll says:

    If sun spot activity is down we might be better off with a little global warming…

    Climate changes. People adapt as best the can…History suggests governments fall and a lot of people die due to …famine and fighting.

  5. jim h says:

    As I’ve posted before, within the scientific community this debate has been over for years.

    Continually linking this enormously important scientific issue with Al Gore, in an attempt to discredit it, is just juvenile.

    I now cease reading this blog. It’s become a haven for anti-scientific cranks and conspiracy buffs – guys who just seem to be angry at today’s world, for reasons I can’t fathom.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Well this is yet another nail in the coffin of the G.W. scare. But unfortunately, not quite a stake thru its blood sucking heart. Count Al Gore (fitting name) will continue to keep IT alive, and provide it shelter from the towns folk with their pitch forks and torches.

    I do believe that Gore is really out to create a new monetary instrument, based literally on thin air. Or rather CO2, which is just as thin. And he’s probably in on the ground floor to profit handsomely from its establishment. But it’s just more “Emperor’s New Clothes”. Or a virtual commodity. Worth only what he and his hand picked experts say its worth. We’ve just witnessed this whole economic mess caused by mortgage derivatives and such. Things not worth the paper they were calculated on. But their consensus backing gave them the appearance of worth to the finance world. Until too much pressure was heaped upon their fictitious worth, until they broke. Or rather those institutions holding the bulk of them broke. The scoundrels who created and sold them, have long made off with their initial worth in more stable monetary instruments.

    So do we need this latest example in experimental money? A Carbon Credit? Will Al Gore be their Treasury Officer? Or just chief among its profiteers? I suspect the Carbon Credit is just a back alley around various world trade agreements and treaties. Whatever hasn’t already been “given away” by NAFTA, WTO, G8 and G20 conferences. Will no doubt be covered by this Carbon Credit currency. I just wonder how much US “Green Backs” currency will be paid out to Congressmen and Senators to vote in favor of it? It may actually be the first of its kind, World Currency. Without labeling it such, for fear of rejection. Why wait, reject it now!

  7. canuck47 says:

    Please explain why the IPCC’s own data shows CO2 rises 300 to 1200 years AFTER temperatures rise.

    If they won’t I will. As the Sun’s output increased ocean temperatures rise over a long period. When ocean temperatures rise, dissolved CO2 is expelled from the ocean. It’s as simple as that.

    We do have global warming but it has been the result of increased output of the sun which amazingly has been melting the poles on Mars as well.

  8. Canuck47 says:

    IPCC Meteorologists, the gang who couldn’t shoot straight. It turns out not only do the incorrectly interpret the data, it’s wrong in the first place.

    Anthony Watts, a veteran meteorologist has been studying weather stations and concluded that only about 4% are properly maintained. Included in the research is a little tidbit that since 1970 weather stations are no longer whitewashed. It seems semigloss latex has been used which has a higher heat retention rate than whitewash, accounting for an erroneous 1 degree increase in average temperature.

  9. HMeyers says:

    Arguing facts with a global warming believer is as pointless as arguing evolution with a born again Christian.

    I think the “global warmers” should have to register with the government as a religion if they wish to keep their tax exempt status.

  10. HMeyers says:

    Global warming in a nutshell:

    “You always wanted to blame someone else for the weather: now you can!”

  11. soundwash says:

    what..? nobody knows about the global
    warming, er, climate change con and the
    political money scams behind it?


  12. #11 read this..

    http://snurl.com/5oxqu [www_newsbusters_org]

  13. amodedoma says:

    Denial and distraction kept Billy in a fantasy world of his own creation. This was fortunate for him as it was his destiny to die a slow painful death. Ignorance is the universe’s method of weeding out the inadequate, it provides the context for elimination.
    Maybe politicians take advantage of the issues, well duh; that doesn’t make an issue false.
    Maybe climate change is too big for the human race to handle. So let’s not even try then?
    Maybe climate change is false, sure, polar icecaps, permafrost, and almost all glaciers melting, sheesh – talk about denial.
    Maybe climate change is a good thing. Ask a meteorologist that knows and he’ll tell you these changes preceeded the iceages.

  14. Winston Smith says:

    I get it now.

    Al Gore and his buddies figured out a way to make some money based on climate change.

    Ergo, climate change is not happening. Glaciers are not receding. Permafrost is not melting. The Gulf Current is not slowing.

    As Chip Diller said, “Remain calm. All is well!”

  15. Yell Whisperer says:

    Why is that house on fire?

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 44 John C Dvorak said, “#11 read this..

    http://snurl.com/5oxqu [www_newsbusters_org]”

    Always, follow the money & never listen to what spews from their spokesholes.

  17. mentor972 says:

    Even if it was carried over data, people act as if when areas get snow while the overall average temp of the planet goes up, there’s no global warming. Warm air in other areas cause moisture to come to those colder areas and dump snow.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    #49 Yawn. I gave facts. You rant with noting to refute in response. Typical.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, JCD,

    So what the hell does Al Gore have to do with Global Warming? Is the cause? I notice so many people like to dump it all in his lap.

    Just another hit piece where you shoot the messenger instead of refuting the message. Al Gore must have pissed in a lot of lunch bags to have garnered so much hate.


    The facts remain, NOT as idiots that write newspaper columns, or read the weather forecast on TV pretend, but real, peer reviewed facts.

    So many disillusioned people. So upset because their boys put us in a global recession and now they want to blame it all on Al Gore.

  20. gmknobl says:

    Sorry for anyone who thinks otherwise, but global warming is real. One thing about energy systems though is if you put more energy into a system you will have higher highs and lower lows; in other words, things become more unstable, even if the average rises or stays the same. In our case, we are getting warmer. But the nice thing about actually thinking and using real data gathered over a long period of time though, you can prepare for the worst and do something about it. That way if the worst doesn’t happen, you were at least prepared for it. For anyone who thinks this is a waste of money, it’s not more so than an illegal war AND it will actually help us in the long run even if wrong about warming (which it isn’t). You can’t say that about the war even if they’re right (which they aren’t).

    Yep, keep pointing at small little things as proof when the 99+% shows otherwise. He should correct his error if this article is even right (which it may not be, lying being chief among neocon abilities) and show then that, yep we’re still on an general upward trend. After all, just because you don’t go up every year, doesn’t mean that you haven’t gone up on most others and you won’t still go up next time. It’s like the stock market right now; it is going generally down since a year ago but may still go up on any one given day.

  21. MikeN says:

    >Just another hit piece where you shoot the messenger instead of refuting the message.

    That’s what Al Gore does. They love to talk bad about anyone who is skeptical of what they say.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, Lyin’ Mike,

    The difference is that the deniers don’t have any facts. They invent them. So instead of refuting anything Al Gore has said, they just tell us that he is fat, the SS wastes a lot of electricity at his house, yda, yada, yada. They can’t produce any real facts.

    “Stars and Bars” aka, the Confederate Traitor, did produce something. Yet he took his information mostly from two ignorant sources and one source that said they just don’t understand it.

    Only a wing nut would deny the overwhelming evidence.

  23. #3 Alex,

    If global warming is due to natural causes, a huge source of revenue for activists disappears.

    Anyone who wants to make money on the global warming industry has only to state that global warming is not happening or is not human caused and the hugely deep pockets of ExxonMobil and of big coal will be made available. There’s nowhere near that quantity of money in all of the 501c3s in the world.

    #6 Paddy-O,

    So, with global warming happening (whatever the reason) has anyone compiled the data of how much land in Asia & N. America will be opened up for crop growth that was previously too cold? Also, additional habitable area in those same regions?

    And just where do you think the topsoil will come from? Places that are currently too cold for crops do not have the level of topsoil that the current growing range does.

    Further, yes, the science shows that as the planet warms there will be reduced potential for food growth. Already, we are losing $5 billion per year due to climate change.


    #15 Cow-Paddy again,

    # 15 Paddy-O said, on November 16th, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    # 10 Mr. Fusion said, “Very little. Most of the land has been scraped clean by the Ice Age glaciers.”

    Really? Some of the most productive farmland in the Mid-west US was under the ice sheet. Doesn’t look like it effected it much.

    As I thought. There will be lots of extra farmland in N. America & Asia. And, with warmer temp, more precipitation. So, other than losing some coastline and some warmer temps, N America will do quite well.

    Actually, as expected, Mr. Fusion is right. The low arctic in Canada has a thin layer of grasses on top of rock. And, all of those beautiful lakes that would provide the water for agriculture are held in place by permafrost. When the permafrost melts, you’ll be looking at a very dry landscape.

    But, feel free to post a link to some peer reviewed data suggesting otherwise.

    Oh yeah. You don’t know how to post a link. I forgot.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 56 Misanthropic Scott said, “”Actually, as expected, Mr. Fusion is right. The low arctic in Canada has a thin layer of grasses on top of rock.”

    Actually, as expected, you are wrong. CONFusion wasn’t talking about the “low Artic”. He was talking about areas covered by the last ice sheet.

    Thanks for playing however.

    There is a nice box of Rice-a-Roni for you.
    Also, an “Electricity for Dummies” book…

  25. MikeN says:

    No the deniers have plenty of facts. Perhaps you should reread the original post. Facts that get criticized by the likes of Gore with shoot the messenger type attacks. If Gore and Co had been successful, the current state of the science would be different. It wasn’t peer-review that determined that 1998 is not the warmest year on record(it’s 1934). The hockey stick wasn’t demolished by peer-review.

  26. grog says:

    forget about.


    hooray for you.

  27. Buzz says:


    It is a version of Brain Death to assume that a record cold winter is not the product of global warming. Global Warming does not mean that every instance of temperature on every square inch of Earth will be X-number of degrees warmer. It means the AVERAGE temperature of all square inches goes up.

    More than that, it means the balance has been tipped off nominal center.

    Some areas will be fiercely out of whack. The extremes might shut down the North Atlantic Tractor Currents and precipitate an ice age. Nature might use the “warming” as the trigger for ten thousand years of trouble.

    What we do know for sure is that humanity has the brains to back off and develop alternative energy resources, but perhaps not the will.

    The Earth will survive. Humanity may not.


  28. Stars & Bars says:

    IPCC Scientists Caught Producing False Data To Push Global Warming


  29. Noam Sane says:

    Good ole Al Gore has positioned himself to make hundreds of millions of dollars off this climate hysteria, which pretty much screams “conflict of interest”.

    No, it screams “Capitalism”. Look it up.

    While you’re at it, check the definition of “Conflict of Interest”.

    This brief procedure should help you avoid future embarrassment.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 60 Buzz said, “More than that, it means the balance has been tipped off nominal center.”

    The Earth’s climate is ALWAYS moving from colder to warmer to colder again. There is no “nominal center” or “normal” climate for Earth.

    But, it sure makes it sound scarier if you lie and tell people there is.


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