It used to be that gays were in the closet. Now it seems that people who voted yes on California Proposition 8 are the ones in the closet. If you admit that you voted yes on 8 to define marriage as heterosexual only, then you are labeled a bigot and a hater. So you can’t tell your friends you voted yes on 8 because they won’t talk to you anymore. And there’s no having a civil conversation with gay marriage supporters to address legitimate reasons why someone might vote yes on 8.

  1. Thomas says:

    If a civil union actually mandated all the rights and privileges of marriage, which it does not, then what’s the point in defining them differently? You are basically saying that CA baked into its Constitution a clarification of semantics in terms of what to name the concept of two people in a contractual union. That is the height of ignorance.

    However, if as is actually the case, corporations or governments are permitted to confer benefits based on whether it is a homosexual or heterosexual union, then you are allowing the government to discriminate based on sexual preference.

    If that were the case, then many, many marriages should not be legal because they do not have nor plan to have children. Further, isn’t it a bit macabre to say that the government in the business of social planning with respect to population control?

    Fortunately, that is not true. The Supreme Court has upheld the notion on many occassions that the First Amendment does indeed mean there is a wall of separation between Church and State as mentioned by the Founding fathers.

  2. DBo says:

    God did not make them gay. Gay is a choice. He made a man and a women and told them to be fruitful and multiply. There are many references in the Bible were God warns against homosexuality. Remember that He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the things they were doing…homosexuality. So any argument that biology has any part in it is crazy.
    As Christians we are called to love everyone and we should. The issue comes with the lifestyle that is wrong.

  3. Jezcoe says:

    #66 DBo

    You seem to have a sort of knowledge that the rest of us lack. That being gay is a choice. Given the social outcast status that comes with outing oneself we must conclude that the choice is very easy. Given that people are kicked out of their homes and shunned by their families in some instances for making the choice to be gay must make it better for them somehow.

    Please make an argument against Homosexuality that is not from the Bible. If you remember the text about Sodom and Gomorrah, when the angels came to Lot and the crowd wanted to “know” the men, Lot offered up his own daughters to be raped by the crowd. If that is showing God your devotion to him then he can sod off.

    And knowing many gay people, the whole “hate the sin, love the sinner” thing is really not appreciated. Actually most Gay people could care less what you think. They just want what we all want. To live our lives in privacy and to be left alone.

  4. Mickleby says:

    Who is the last guy beaten, sodomized, and left for dead for coming out in favor of Prop 8?

    Your insensitivity is shocking.

  5. Billy Bob says:

    As a schizophrenic, I should be have the same rights to marriage between my personalities as “solos”. I don’t see gay activists supporting the rights of my personalities to marry each other, so I must conclude they are bigoted haters.

    Me, myself and I will be picketing in front of GLAAD headquarters tomorrow afternoon, and I hope that everyone who supports equality and basic human rights for schizophrenics will join me.

  6. ‘dro

    >>Oops, I meant 36. It must congenital. 😉

    Have you been hitting the tequila again? It was #22, not #20 or #36.


  7. QB says:

    After reading these last few comments I’m suddenly happy that I’m a Canadian so we can focus on real problems that confront our nation instead of focusing on crap like this.

    Maybe we should sort our banks. Wait, we had time to deal with that already so they’re in good shape.
    OK, we can tackle our trade deficit. Oh damn, we have a surplus.
    Let’s see, maybe dealing with millions of uninsured. Crap.
    How about find a Prime Minister who knows something about the economy. Oops, he an economist.
    OK lobbyists. Shit we have oversight and an independent auditor.

    Well see what happens when you don’t spend countless hours focusing on “value issues”. Your country goes to hell in a handbasket.

  8. Conrack

    It’s more like homo disgust, homo contempt, homo revulsion, homo abhorrence.?.”

    Jesus, boy!! WTF is wrong with you? If you hate homos as much as you say (which I kind of doubt, based on the volume of your denial, heh heh heh), just don’t take it up the ass. What’s the problem?

    You live in a christian nation, if you don’t like it then move to Lesbos, or France.

    I do? Did I miss that part of the Constitution? Or do you consider that “just a goddamned piece of paper”, and you and your Aryan nation buds just make up the rules as you go along?

    And if you’re a “Christian”, I’m siding with the Atheists on this one. That shit should be illegal.

  9. #67 – Jezco

    >>They just want what we all want. To live our >>lives in privacy and to be left alone.

    Sorry, but that’s not possible for the pro-8 set. They enjoy living THEIR lives in privacy and being left alone, but if they see somebody doing something that isn’t part of their lifestyle, **KA-BOOOM!!!** Need to have a law to make that illegal.

  10. Jezcoe says:

    Yes Mr. Mustard. I was trying to express that rational people basically want the same thing out of this world. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Not to be infringed upon by those who somehow believe that what happens in someone else’s bedroom affects their lives.

  11. Digby says:

    The best part of all this is that Newsom won’t be Governor. He decided to define his career with this controversy. Not everyone is as liberal as most of the people of San Francisco. Thank God.

  12. #74 – Jezco

    Yes, there’s something almost perverse and voyeuristic about the way people like Conrack insist on poking their noses into other people’s bedrooms. Kind of creepy, actually.

    There’s WAAAYYY too much interest on their part in matters that, except for the prurient thrills they derive, don’t have a blessed thing to do with them.

  13. Brian says:

    QB #71.

    I appreciate your point, but I beg to differ. This is a real issue. A major civil right has been taken away from an entire class of people because they are different than the majority. This is a violation of basic law. The right to marry for gays should be championed by anyone who wishes to see equality for all. Anything less is simple denial.

  14. grishick says:

    I just think that gov-t should keep its hands off the definition or redefinition of marriage and should instead focus on equality of rights. Defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman or between “one man” and “one woman” or between two adults, or between “one adult female species” and “one adult male species” is the realm of culture, religion, tradition and personal beliefs. This subject should never be on an official ballot, it should not be a legal matter.

  15. QB says:

    #77 Brian, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Personally I’m glad you see things the way you do. This issue has divided the US electorate and has been used as a weapon to win elections far too often recently.

    Buchanan and Nixon saw an opportunity for the right in the US and win elections starting with ’68 by dividing the left over race. The same thing is happening again over sexual orientation and you’ve identified the victims in all this.

    Keep up the good, and sane, fight.

  16. MikeN says:

    So I guess the Supreme Court’s decision of about ten people is the preferred choice of how the issue should be settled? And if they next declared that the Constitution declares taxes should be raised, well that’s ok too.

  17. ray says:

    this “gays is genetic” thing is so retarded. there is x and there is y, no “g” gene. male is x woman is y class. now i will agree that some men have more y in them than x and vice versa for woman, but this does not make them gay, being gay is a choice, and in this day and age when everyone is pushing their agenda of “no God” Christians also have the right to oppose the stances that the Bible tells us is against God, and without being called bigots. You dont like our position, fine, we can still get along, we can agree to disagree. However when you want to go as far as changing institutions of marriage to fit with your agenda, dont expect us to sit back and be cool with it. Yall are the haters with all the bigot talk.

  18. #81 – ‘dro

    >>What? You don’t like the way he hangs onto
    >>religion? Imagine that! talk about irony

    Who said anything about “religion”, ‘dro? I don’t like his creepy obsession with the homosexual lifestyle.

    Like it, don’t like it, makes no nevermind to me. But when someone is fixated on homos, what they do, what they call what they’re doing, how they’re doing it…we’ll that’s just downright perverted.

    The guy should get a life, and stop trying to codify into law how others live theirs. creepy….

    >>You submitted the issue to a vote and
    >>you lost.

    Nope. Voyeuristic deviants like Contrack “submitted the issue to a vote”. They’re not satisfied living their own lives the way they want; the need to control how other people live theirs. How about if we “submitted to a vote” whether or not people with Beaner-like names such as “Pedro” should have equal rights? And it was decided “no”. Would you just “accept it” and “deal with reality”? Hmm?

  19. #84 = ‘dro

    >>The gay community agreed to the vote

    They did? I guess the Drive-by Media forgot to cover that story. The way I read it, the vote was forced by self-proclaimed anti-homosexual (heh heh heh) fanatics and holy rolling extremists. Only 5% of the voters must sign a petition to get a proposition on the ballot. How many gays do you suppose signed that? Probably about as many as blacks would have signed a “keep slavery legal” proposition before the Civil War.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    Come on people. 30 states have rejected this. More will follow. Live with it for now.

  21. Phydeau says:

    As usual, when this issue is raised, I ask people to provide one, just one example of how a specific heterosexual marriage has been damaged by letting a couple of homosexuals somewhere in the country get married.

    And I have never gotten any examples. Just bullsh*t about protecting “Marriage” as if it was a separate entity.

    So once again… Pedro, ray, MikeN, others… are you married? Has your heterosexual marriage been harmed by gays getting married somewhere in the US? Would gay marriage being made legal tempt you or your spouse to divorce and become homosexual? No? Then how, exactly, is “marriage” harmed?

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #87 Phydeau – Whatever. 30 states (and climbing) have placed laws against redefining the word marriage. Live with it.

  23. QB says:

    Paddy-O, you actually have a patchwork of laws now. For example, NY recognizes Canadian same sex marriages. Connecticut has same sex marriages. Arkansas bans same sex couples adopting. Etc.

    What you really have is a patchwork mess and it will continue to consume your politics for a long time. Courts are acting because your legislatures are afraid to act.

    That’s really what you have to live with.

  24. Phydeau says:

    #88 Paddy-O’Giveup

    Your concession has been acknowledged and accepted. You don’t know why the f*ck you’re against gay marriage, you’re just against it. Your mind is made up — I won’t try to confuse you with any facts.

    That’s very refreshing. pedro, ray, MikeN… how about you guys?

  25. Paddy-O says:

    # 90 Phydeau said, “You don’t know why the f*ck you’re against gay marriage, you’re just against it.”

    Typical psycho hate mentality. Probably due to genetic defect. I didn’t vote yes on Prop 8.

  26. Thomas says:

    Huh? Prop 8 was put on the ballot by the anti-gay, “god fearing” people, not the gay community. Why would the gay community submit a proposition that would take rights away from them?

    > But I think God will
    > strike you down by
    > using that kind of language.

    I’ve been asking for him/her/it to strike me down with a bolt of lightening for years. Still waiting. He/she/it must be busy.

    I’m still waiting for a reasonable argument against gay marriage. Clearly, it cannot be procreation as many marriages do not seek such ends. The only answer I have heard is religious ignorance.

  27. Ben says:

    No one addressed the fact that Prop 8 is a California thing. Many people who are not from California are very vocal about this.

    Other states that also had similar ballot initiatives. Yet even people in those states seem to be more vocal about California’s Prop 8 than their own state’s initiatives.

    Can someone explain to me what happened to state’s rights?

  28. Phydeau says:

    #92 Paddy-O’Troll

    > I didn’t vote yes on Prop 8.

    D’oh! My bad, sorry. You’re just a troll, I forgot. Hard to keep the wackos straight. (Heh heh. So to speak.)

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 95 Phydeau said, “D’oh! My bad, sorry.”

    Don’t worry. I’m sympathetic to those who are mentally impaired, whether through drug use or due to genetic defects…

  30. QB says:

    #96 Wow, you must be fun on dates.


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