Searchlights converge on an unidentified object over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942. The bright blobs around the flashes are anti-aircraft shells exploding.

This UFO was snapped by an American photographer in Tiensten, Hopeh province, China, in 1942. Several people in the photograph appear to be pointing up at the object.

140 Years of UFO pictures.

  1. valcanoman says:

    Our goverment does’t lie to us: “it’s just swamp gas”. Wake up folks.

  2. Vacation Cell Phones says:

    How come with all these cameras in cell phones – so that almost everyone has a camera now – so few pictures of UFO’s ?

  3. Peter_m says:

    Photoshop might not have existed but there is allot you can do in a traditional black room…

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Images of what were claimed to be UFOs were captured on film. Then when video tape cameras appeared, it stopped for a while. Because none of the old double-exposure tricks worked on such cameras. But eventually, experimenters figured out new ways to fake UFOs on video tape, too. And then the digital movie camera came out, and there was another drought of UFOs, until the fakers could figure out how to make them appear in post processing. But now, it should just be admitted that video quality and post processing has gotten to good for anything to be believed as being genuine and not faked. And even many of those old photos and movie footage of the 1940s and 50s, could have been faked by clever people. How much more likely is that, than visitors from light years away came to lark about in our skies?! And why are so many people so damn gullible that they can’t see how stupid it is to hold on to such a belief. And yet, a lot of them ridicule others for following a main stream religion. Like their UFO god is better, cause it shows up on camera. Well Jesus showed up on more food items this year, than UFOs have in a decade. So where’s your E.T. god now Spielberg?

  5. Billy Meier says:

    Look at my stuff. All of it is a fraud, and that was before Photoshop. You know, there actually is some genuinely interesting UFO stuff that is unexplainable, but hoaxers like me make up 99% of the garbage which is why nobody takes this subject seriously.

  6. LDA says:

    I once was looking at what I thought was a small cluster of stars (just two or three fairly close together). After about 30 seconds one of the objects that appeared to be a star instantly (as far as I could perceive) accelerated upwards at about half the speed of a shooting star for about one of two feet (estimated from holding a ruler at arms length in front of you), and then disappeared.

    I can not identify what it was (therefore it was a UFO), I was not tired or under the influence of sickness or chemicals of any sort. Before concluding it was Aliens I would need to proof it was not man made (nothing I know of is anywhere near that fast) or some sort of natural phenomenon.

  7. green says:

    Yay for technological hoaxes. Are you prepped for the invasion yet? They’re trying real hard to convince us. Only ‘jesus” can save us then 😉

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    A few years ago I was out in my back yard with my new telescope. Ya, the one my ma-in-law got me for Christmas. I was focusing on this one bright star in the east. The star kept moving to the south-east. WOW, thought I. (nice narrative, I hope) I tried a stronger magnification. That took another minute of re-focusing. Hey, I’m new to the telescope !!!

    Then I recognized the unmistakable features. That flashing red light. The flashing green light. The solid white light. It was none other than the Flash and Green Lantern flying across my sky alongside Wonder Woman in her invisible plane with the dome light on !!!

    Damn !!! If I only had the attachment ring to connect my camera to the telescope so I could prove I actually saw my comic book heroes.

  9. USO STEWPID says:

    Sorry your UFO was a USO as it was not flying, it was shooting. People are constantly making this mistake. How do I know this? A USO landed and took me to their leader, Steve Jobs.

  10. Dallas says:

    I saw a UFO once and I’ve been praying to it ever since. I now have several followers and interested in starting a church.

    This IS the land of opportunity!

  11. Billy Bob says:

    If you think that the sum of UFO evidence is a few hoax pictures and videos and the testimony of Art Bell guests, then you are simply uneducated about the subject. There is an overwhelming amount of credible eyewitness testimony (e.g. pilots) and physical evidence like radar data, radioactivity at alleged landing sites, and even cell phone video contrary to what the first poster claims.

    You can choose to put your hands over your eyes like a creationist if you wish, but that’s not an accurate characterization of the state of the evidence.

  12. jim h says:

    “Several people in the photograph appear to be pointing up at the object.”

    None that I can see.

  13. Me Too says:

    Once, when I was in Jr. High, around 1978, a buddy and I were lying on our backs in my front yard staring at the stars.

    All of sudden every star in the sky we could see blacked out in a ripple effect as if something flew over us from South to North. There was also a slight feeling of pressure pushing us against the ground. It wasn’t much but definitely there.

    This happened over about a 1 second period and then was gone.

    To this day, I don’t know what it was we saw. UFO? Who knows, but definitely weird.

    Name withheld to avoid ridicule.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Me

    I think that is when you and your buddy had your first kiss.

  15. deowll says:

    The bottom one looks like those caused by the shutter.

    I’ve seen UFOs. That is they were up in the sky and I don’t know what they were.

  16. Glenn E. says:

    #11. Actually “data” is not automatically “evidence” of UFOs or flying saucers. Any true evidence, has to meet repeatable test standards, that determine if it is refutable. I dare say that none of the UFO data gathered ever does this. And therefore isn’t considered scientific evidence. But I’m sure it meets a kind of religious standard as proof of existence. So Ufology should stop posing as scientific, because it uses telescopes and cameras. There are people capturing ghost and spirit images on camera, too. And they’re just as convinced that they things are real, and as they’ve interpreted them.

  17. Li says:

    “How come with all these cameras in cell phones – so that almost everyone has a camera now – so few pictures of UFO’s ?”

    Um, there is such a flood of weird photos on the Internets now from those ubiquitous cameras that it’s impossible to keep track much anymore.

    If all of the hundreds of millions of people who have seen UFO’s and the millions who have met their occupants are suffering from a collective, apparently air-transmissible delusion, that would be a bigger story than aliens dropping by to see whether the violent, emergent type 1 civilization is going to cause trouble.

    If I were a hyper-intelligent space faring race, I would be watching the psychotic, atomic weapon hurling war loving monkey race pretty closely too. It would be pretty stupid not to. . . .


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