In an interview on Veterans Day, President Bush was asked to reflect on his regrets over his two terms in office. Bush said he regrets, “saying some things I shouldn’t have said, like “dead or alive” and “bring em on.” Bush also said he wishes he hadn’t spoken in front of the “Mission Accomplished” banner to declare an end to major combat operations in Iraq in 2003.
Okay, that’s two! Looks like he needs help with the others, so we threw together a brief list of some (thirty-seven) of the things Bush should probably be regretting right about now.
1. His existence
2. His decision to go into politics
3. Not learning how to better run oil companies so he wouldn’t have to go into politics
4. His decision to run for president
5. His decision to run for a second term as president
6. Every word spoken into a microphone since January 20th, 2001
7. That time in 2001 when he shouted at Dick Cheney, “You know what, screw it. You run the country if you’re so smart!”
8. Ignoring the way Alberto Gonzales was always saying, “Geneva Convention, Schmeneva Schmonvention!”
9. Those times when he let Donald Rumsfeld make decisions
10. Revealing the identity of a covert CIA operative. Not cool!
11. That time when he said “Osama, Saddam. What’s the damn difference?”
12. Letting the country fall into economic ruin
Including Bush’s, there are 39 regrets listed. Any more you’d like to suggest? Admittedly, #4 pretty much covers it all.
Wow, talk about idiotic, you need to get you facts straight as no covert CIA agent was ever identified in the field. And most importantly while some of Bush’s policies were not good for the economy, such as increasing the size of government and pushing for the American Dream Downpayment Act that let minorities buy homes with no money down, it was Greenspan who is responsible for the housing bubble and now the bursting of it by lowering rates to effective negative levels. The sheer amount of economic illiterates never ceases to amaze me.
The Bush mission now is to rewrite 8 years of failure and to work with the GOP to direct all our current problems to anyone other than himself or the GOP.
Despite those like #1 Andrew (above) and the rest of the ‘good old boys GOP club’ to make Greenspan the fall guy, it won’t work.
After 8 years as Chief Executive of the US, Bush and his cronies are responsible for the running of government.
The heart of the problems we are currently seeing in the financial systems is failure of the Bush administration’s inability to ensure efficiency and ethics in the financial institutions guaranteeing the public interest.
In business, the CEO gets the boot by the stock holders. In government, tax payers, like Andrew, prefer to protect the CEO (the chief of the Executive branch). THAT is a result of an apathetic public.
Uncle Dave,
Thank you for posting this article. It is meaningless but it does give people an outlet to vent their frustrations.
If you would really like to be part of the solution, help people to realize the the President is merely a puppet.
What’s that you say, you don’t believe the Presidents a puppet?
Will Obama repeal Patriot Acts I and II as well as reversing Bush’s signing statement and acknowledging the repeal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act?
Will Obama support Dennis Kucinich’s efforts to bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for deceiving the country into a war or will he protect them against such charges like Nancy Pelosi has done?
Will Obama bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for authorizing torture and will the torture of suspects under U.S. detention, a complete violation of both the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, cease under an Obama administration?
Will Obama withdraw American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan without sending them away again to bomb another broken backed third world country in the name of a UN supported “humanitarian” war?
Will Obama end the warrantless secret surveillance and phone taps of American citizens?
Will Obama follow through on his rhetorical support for the second amendment or will he seek to ban guns as he did in Illinois?
Will Obama cease his support for the Bush administration backed banker bailouts, hated by the majority of Americans, and target the real cause of the problem – the Federal Reserve or will he continue to give taxpayers’ money to banks who are merely hoarding it all for themselves and will use that money to purchase the infrastructure of this country when the DOW reaches four-hundred?
Will Obama seek to continue the militarization of America and preparations for martial law through Northcom and the secret government or will he dismantle the police state that has been constructed over the last eight years by the Bush administration?
No, Obama won’t do any of those things.
You don’t care who’s pulling the strings, you simply want someone with a D in front of their name so you can cheer for the home team.
Bush Derangement Syndrome aside…
He should regret letting Paulson/Bernanke out of the basement to give their apocalypse speech, and tank both the Market and Economy.
Their “enact my bailout or its the end of the world as we know it speech” caused the market to drop 6,000 points, and set in concrete the massive decline of consumer spending.
Then these genuis’s decide the bailout, as originally proposed, is not what should be done.
A few conservatives warned us Paulson has met every crisis with wrong action, and the bailout just another mistake in a long line of mistakes…but everyone got on the bandwagon anyway…
That should be Bush’s regret, not firing both these men when they first approached him with their “lets scare the economy into the Great Depression.”
Obama has already said he won’t lift the unilateral attack order, because he needs it flexibility.
The “change” that’s coming is the reappointment of a bunch of Clinton cronies. Problem is, the reason Clinton wasn’t a total disaster was that he was held in check by a Republican Congress.
Those who had “hope” for a “change” for the “future” will be sorely dissappointed
I guess everyone forgot how there hasn’t been another terrorist attack during his administration. Not bad for a guy the press is so eager to bash.
If George Bush ever actually admits to having any actual regrets, I will assume that he’s finally fallen off the wagon.
My sister and her hubby were in Italy just before the election. While there, a local asked who they voted for. My brother-in-law answered “Obama; we need him” the Italian responded “the world needs him.”
A friend currently visiting Mexico emailed that she has been congratulated on the election results.
Looking back in this very blog, shortly after the election results were known, posters from Canada expressed their satisfaction with the outcome.
For those of you who think like #5 SnotLikeBlasterpoop, I say “wake up!” Change has already happened! It began with the immediate improvement of both our nation’s image and the image of the American people.
Will the laundry list of #3 Stars & Bars all come to fruition? Some will, some won’t. It took 8 years to get into this mess. We now begin the long process of improving it.
The real blame goes to the american public that still will not take matters into their own hands and change this nation.
They will continually keep voting for the same creature with different skin and then whine and moan that nothing changes.
Sober the fuck up, turn off the TV and march on DC if you want REAL change. Toss the whole of the three branches out, rip up the constitution and assemble to start over from scratch.
ONLY then will you have real change and not just a change of image with the same useless methodology.
Change ONLY comes from revolution of the people.
“W” has only one regret.
That he & his gang didn’t think of this ” $700,000,000,000.00 bail-out” sooner.
It is quite a task to spend it all in the four months, he has left.
Just as Bush made Clinton look good. Obama will make Bush look good. A lot of people have a lot of big hopes on Obama. Sadly, they will be disappointed.
What Bush and Clinton before him found out was that being President has nothing to do with power, only prestige.
#1 – Andrew
>>Wow, talk about idiotic, you need to get you
>>facts straight as no covert CIA agent was ever
>>identified in the field.
Read the fucking “regret”, Einstein. And if you don’t think President Rove-Cheney-Bush was responsible for outing Valerie Plame, you’re dumber than you look. Sure, they made “Scooter” the fall guy (although Dumbya was able to get him out of doing hard time in the slammer), but everyone knows what really happened.
The rest of the regrets are spot-on, too. The true list is too long to contemplate.
Worst president EVER. By a long shot.
Bush may have been a bad President but that’s because his handlers would let him be a good one. Serves you right for voting for a drinking buddy.
You get the President you vote for, twice, you morons! Don’t blame Bush, blame yourself.
And, good luck voting for Obama. A lot of hopes are riding on him. You are all going to be disappointed. You have been had, one more time. That is three times in a row.
1.) President was never the choice of Nationalists, since from the beginning he was a Globalist like his rattie father.
2.) President Bush has followed the same polices as Clinton. (Free Trade – NAFTA & WTO, Globalism, and the suppression of our rights) Clinton wanted the power to declare anyone a terriorist, but then a Republican congress stopped it.
3.) Obama is not going to repeal any of the Bush measure or executive orders, but hypocrites like you won’t remember this.
4.) Everyone that voted for Obama because he is black is a racist by definition. And now the “Black Elite” are going around saying that he’s not a real black, but that he’s just unique. So no matter how many blacks you racists elect,the ‘Black’ problem will never go away or be solved. Even if every Black made $100,000 a year above the average white, this will never go away, because they will always be black and commies like you have taught them to wine no matter what, just like all commies/Demoncrats
5.)It’s long overdue to have more than two parties. Most of the elections in previous years have had at least three or four major candidates. That’s how we got Lincoln.
6.) I’m willing to bet that within six months Obama will have made himself despised and hated like no other candidate no matter how much little suck ups like Commie Dave work to stop it. And then just think racists like Commie Dave can go around saying we hate Obama only because he’s black. At least this should anneal our fear of the racists and remove it from the Commie arsenal.
7.) The only real question is will Obama suceed in being the last President prior to the USA be engulfed into the North American Union, where all the commies can finally swallow up our ‘Bill of Rights’ into a Totalitarian Elitist State.
But, whatever, at least if they come late a night it’ll be fellow commies like Commie Dave that get picked up by the Obamanation.
#14- Traaxx
>>Commies…Commie…Commie Dave..suckup Commie
>>Dave..Commies…Commie..commies like
>>Commie Dave
Holy shit. Wow.
Good riddance.
This man has been a child since day one, and a “jeez, whoops, sorry” list of regrets, many of which have been directly responsible for the deaths of thousands in Iraq, is par for the course.
His attitude is like that of a kid who accidentally snapped the wing off your favorite model plane and tries to apologize for it. Except this was a country.
#12, Actually Richard Armitage was the one who outed Plame.
317 – lYIN’ Mike
>>Actually Richard Armitage was the one who
>>outed Plame.
“According to Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, Libby first learned of Valerie Wilson’s employment at the CIA in early June 2003 from Vice President Dick Cheney and proceeded to discuss her with six other government officials in the following days and months before disclosing her name to reporters Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper in early July 2003. Fitzgerald asserts that Vice President Cheney told Libby about Mrs. Wilson’s CIA employment as the two crafted a response to an inquiry about Wilson’s trip from reporter Walter Pincus. While her name was not disclosed to Pincus, Fitzgerald asserts that Pincus’s inquiry “further motivated [Libby] to counter Mr. Wilson’s assertions, making it more likely that [Libby’s] disclosures to the press concerning Mr. Wilson’s wife were not casual disclosures that he had forgotten by the time he was asked about them by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and before the grand jury.”.
#8 – America is “Better” than other nations. Caring what other nations think of us is already a sign of the decline of America. Without America, the rest of the world is nothing and meaningless.
#19 Yup that works. How’s that trade deficit working out for you?
Mustard, I take it then you believe everything that prosecutors say, including with regards to crimes for which they did not file charges?
Richard Armitage was the leak. Only after his leaks did other reporters even ask Libby.
Education! Americans need to get educated, so they are not as easy to manipulate.
#20 QB – thank you.
It’s a “My sh*t don’t stink” attitude of people like SnotLikeBlasterpoop that contributes to the status quo.
I’m thankful we’ll now have a thinking-man at the helm instead of someone who shoots from the hip and asks questions later.
#21 – Lyin’ Mike
>>Mustard, I take it then you believe everything
>>that prosecutors say
I seldom believe what prosecutors say. Too many of them are like Eliot Spitzer, bringing down their wrath on the evils of prostitution while they’re banging some $5000/hr bim on the side.
However, everyone who’s out of diapers and knows how to read recognizes President Rove/Cheney’s complicity in this debacle. Perfectly in keeping with his modus operandi.
I’m looking forward to Bush’s attempt to build his Liebrary. Are there really enough crayons to fill it?
Uncle Dave,
You should be ashamed. Besides being a commie, ya, it’s out now and you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, you stole this list. This list really belongs to Jimy Heel. He owns it. And he owns all the riff raff that have commented on it. Mostly though he owns the list. The whole list. Jimy Heel owns this list.
Getting a little less serious, I wonder how many actually followed the link and read the rest of Jimy Heels list.
#19: That attitude’s precisely why the rest of the world hates us and wants to blow us off the face of the planet.
Even if that was a real list. I’m sure it will pale in comparison to his coming list of pardons.
#27 OverMaster
Don’t worry, we don’t hate you. But we do avoid you. 😉
It’s unfortunate this stupid son of a bitch didn’t choke on a “pretzel” and die in 2000. 9/11 would have never happened and the US wouldn’t be a bankrupt nation.