Including Bush’s, there are 39 regrets listed. Any more you’d like to suggest? Admittedly, #4 pretty much covers it all.

In an interview on Veterans Day, President Bush was asked to reflect on his regrets over his two terms in office. Bush said he regrets, “saying some things I shouldn’t have said, like “dead or alive” and “bring em on.” Bush also said he wishes he hadn’t spoken in front of the “Mission Accomplished” banner to declare an end to major combat operations in Iraq in 2003.

Okay, that’s two! Looks like he needs help with the others, so we threw together a brief list of some (thirty-seven) of the things Bush should probably be regretting right about now.

1. His existence
2. His decision to go into politics
3. Not learning how to better run oil companies so he wouldn’t have to go into politics
4. His decision to run for president
5. His decision to run for a second term as president
6. Every word spoken into a microphone since January 20th, 2001
7. That time in 2001 when he shouted at Dick Cheney, “You know what, screw it. You run the country if you’re so smart!”
8. Ignoring the way Alberto Gonzales was always saying, “Geneva Convention, Schmeneva Schmonvention!”
9. Those times when he let Donald Rumsfeld make decisions
10. Revealing the identity of a covert CIA operative. Not cool!
11. That time when he said “Osama, Saddam. What’s the damn difference?”
12. Letting the country fall into economic ruin

— More —

  1. #19 – SnotPoop

    >>America is “Better” than other nations.

    Useta be. Then Dumbya came along, and had his way with America. Now we’re a high-tech banana republic.


  2. RBG says:

    Man, a lot of folks can hardly wait until Obama comes on stream. The sweeter they are, the harder they’ll fall. And they will fall. There is no bigger prize. That’s simply today’s political and cultural reality. No one knows this better than the media. They live and exist for it.

    Obama the next JFK and Lincoln? I guarantee you none of them could survive politically today. Hungry vicious carnivores are now a protected species.


  3. Andrew says:

    Dallas, there is no question you are an economic illiterate. Greenspan is no fall guy, he was in charge of the Fed and the sole person responsible for dropping the rates to effective negative levels which provided the cheap credit for the housing boom. Those are the facts.

    You are so clueless you think I support the bailouts which I don’t. But you also have a lot to learn how a corporation is run. The shareholders appoint the board of directors who then hire the CEO. The CEO is hired via a contract that includes severance pay if fired. Those “golden parachutes” are the shareholders fault ultimately and bound by law whether you like them or not.

    Nothing is funnier then to listent to clueless idiots who don’t understand economics or business.

  4. Andrew says:

    Dallas, there is no question you are an economic illiterate. Greenspan is no fall guy, he was in charge of the Fed and the sole person responsible for dropping the rates to effective negative levels which provided the cheap credit for the housing boom. Those are the facts.

    You are so clueless you think I support the bailouts which I don’t. But you also have a lot to learn how a corporation is run. The shareholders appoint the board of directors who then hire the CEO. The CEO is hired via a contract that includes severance pay if fired. Those “golden parachutes” are the shareholders fault ultimately and bound by law whether you like them or not.

    Nothing is funnier then to listen to clueless idiots who don’t understand economics or business.

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    #19 America is “Better” than other nations…Caring what other nations think of us is already a sign of the decline of America…

    This is American exceptionalism (a neo-con tradmark) in a nutshell. If you think you can stand alone in this world and not give a shit about other nations then think again. Where you gonna sell all those weapons you make? Where you gonna get your oil? Who you gonna get to make your cheap manufactured goods? Where you gonna put your overseas military bases? Who you going bully around when all the victims stand up and say “fuck you”?

    Exceptionalism is part of the sort of thinking that got your country in the the state its in right now and your gonna need the help of other nations to pull yourselves out this mess. Start treating other nations (especially your allies) with respect and who knows, you might get some of that respect back.

  6. Stars & Bars says:


    You simply weren’t in the loop.

    The MISSION was to fool the World, chiefly the U.S. Citizens into expanding the EMPIRE.

    Now the OBAMA will continue the MISSION.

    Nothing will improve/change.

    Remember, I told you so!

    No one would be happier if I was wrong then me.

    Why did Hawaii and Kenya seal Obama’s records until after the election? Is there something to hide? Now that the election is over, will we get to know what’s in those records?

  7. MikeN says:

    >everyone who’s out of diapers and knows how to read recognizes President Rove/Cheney’s complicity in this debacle.

    That was the prosecutor’s first mistake, assuming he knew what was going on. He could have wrapped up his investigation in a few weeks, but decided there was something big to catch. At least he got to settle some scores in the process with Judith Miller(she tipped off the Holy Land Foundation), and Scooter Libby(Marc Rich’s lawyer).

  8. #35 – S&B

    >>Why did Hawaii and Kenya seal Obama’s records
    >>until after the election?

    WTF are you talking about, S&B? Have you been spending too much time in BARS, and now you’re seeing STARS??

    The only evidence that his records were “sealed” comes from discredited World News Daily “reporter” Jerome Corsi. They probably wouldn’t show the records to HIM, because he’s an asshole.

    I saw his Certification of Live Birth, listing his birthplace as Honolulu County, and I’m satisfied. Nobody seems to be disputing that, or even his status as a natural-born citizen, other than Corsi and that fruitcake who filed the lawsuit (the one that was summarily dismissed).

  9. QB says:

    #35 Stars & Bars

    The US State Department and US Senate (they pass a resolution) have verified his citizenship and age like they do for all serious candidates for president. McCain’s “natural born” citizenship was actually more problematic (born in Panama) and the Senate needed to consult some legal scholars on the question. Strangely there was never any worry about McCain’s age. 😉

    I know that’s boring though. But then, there are some bloggers out there who agree with you. And if it’s on the internet then it must be right. Right?

  10. Glenn E. says:

    I like how Obama is already doing pre-presidential addresses on YouTube, in live video. Something Bush could have started doing sometime in his eight years as president, but never did. Probably because he’s so awkward at reading even prepared and rehearsed speeches. Or has that just been a act all these years. One wonders how anyone could be so awkward, in front of cameras, or crowds, for so long? Are all his radio addresses, done in an isolation booth? And heavily edited. Yes, I sure Obama didn’t get it on the first take, either. But at least he’s brave enough to try the new technology. Radio addresses only, in the 21th century? Wow, was Bush ever a Luddite.

  11. QB says:

    #40 Glenn

    Do you think Obama will give up his Blackberry and email?

  12. crimsonfenix says:

    I noticed the list omitted “Not becomming a better strategerist.”

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Confederate Traitor,

    Why did Hawaii and Kenya seal Obama’s records until after the election? Is there something to hide? Now that the election is over, will we get to know what’s in those records?

    Where the hell do you asswipes come up with this crap? All public records were released. If they are private records, and I don’t know any birth records that you might want that would be private, would be up to the family to release.

    And what the eff does Kenya have to do with Bush’s list of regrets?

    What a bunch of dimwits (to be nice for a change).

  14. Buzz says:

    But he is proud of the seven minutes he took to collect his thoughts in front of a kindergarten class when informed that the US had been attacked and was now in a state of total war.


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