For years they lived in solitary terror of the light beams that caused searing headaches, the technology that took control of their minds and bodies. They feared the stalkers, people whose voices shouted from the walls or screamed in their heads, “We found you” and “We want you dead.”

When people who believe such things reported them to the police, doctors or family, they said they were often told they were crazy. Sometimes they were medicated or locked in hospital wards, or fired from jobs and isolated from the outside world. But when they found one another on the Internet, everything changed. So many others were having the same experiences.

Type “mind control” or “gang stalking” into Google, and Web sites appear that describe cases of persecution, both psychological and physical, related with the same minute details — red and white cars following victims, vandalism of their homes, snickering by those around them.

Identified by some psychologists and psychiatrists as part of an “extreme community” on the Internet that appears to encourage delusional thinking, a growing number of such Web sites are filled with stories from people who say they are victims of mind control and stalking by gangs of government agents.

Although many Internet groups that offer peer support are considered helpful to the mentally ill, some experts say Web sites that amplify reports of mind control and group stalking represent a dark side of social networking. They may reinforce the troubled thinking of the mentally ill and impede treatment.

True Believers – scattered, diverse, unconnected – can now gather into into a group reinforcing their shared delusions.

  1. Future Chaos says:

    “There can be no security where there is fear.”
    Felix Frankfurter

    People are uncertain, so it’s like Murphys Law. If it can go wrong it will and at the worst possible moment. Things always work out one way or another. The reality is that you can’t always control the outcomes.

    Each must tend to their own garden. Life’s messy and there are lots of people who don’t grow anything. You’re a gardener or you are not. It’s the time of the year to start the new topsoil, which will be ready in the Spring. Things take time and people are in a big hurry. There’s security in the soil and no fear. Plant a garden.

  2. Brian says:

    I have seen this in person. My mother for the last 10 years of her life was convinced there was a gang of Mexicans who stalked her, broke into her house to place listening devices, stole stuff and on and on.

  3. James Hill says:

    True Believers – scattered, diverse, unconnected – can now gather into into a group reinforcing their shared delusions.

    And be tracked. While most of us wouldn’t be in favor of the government doing this, it might be handy for someone who has power of attorney over a nutcase to be able to track their online behavior, and react accordingly.

    Of course, would be short a few editors if that happened…

  4. Future Chaos says:

    Mark Twain on fiction, “Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.”

    “There is so little genuine wit in the world, that the little must be made to go a great way.”

    Wit is like money. It takes ten times the wit to maintain a fortune as it took to make the fortune to begin with. “Comedy pays better than tragedy.” It never changes.

  5. MotaMan says:

    I’ve been accused of being a part of such an international gang of whatever you call it.

  6. RBG says:

    Today’s Vancouver Sun has a major front page headline about a mental illness breakthrough that presents schizophrenia and autism as two ends of the spectrum. Schizophrenics are so overly socializing that they hear voices and believe others are watching them, etc. The opposite for autistic folks.

    Vancouver Sun

    “In what’s being hailed as one of the grandest contributions to psychiatry since those of Sigmund Freud, a researcher at Simon Fraser University has published a groundbreaking theory that could change the scientific thinking about mental illness.

    Bernard Crespi, an evolutionary biologist at SFU, has developed a theory – with the help of Christopher Badcock, a sociologist at the London School of Economics – that suggests a “genetic tug of war” could be behind mental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia.”


  7. Future Chaos says:

    Ideas for the current economic meltdown.

    Throw some chocolate in the crockpot and keep busy while things melt.

    Please put in Dvoraks Recipe Nook. It’s a mess people and it’s going to be a mess.


  8. Montanaguy says:

    Oh….I thought they were talking about liberals…

  9. WmDE says:

    Just tried to visit The site was down. I wonder what the usual visitors are making of that.

  10. Future Chaos says:

    Disorder isn’t order.

    “”This is hard data that you can’t argue with,” he said. Even if the theory is not immediately embraced by the scientific community, Crespi hopes it will have a lingering effect on the overall study of mental disorders.

    “I certainly think that it could change the way people think about these major disorders and the way they do research,” he said.

    “It’s not going to happen with the very established people. It’s going to happen with the younger people coming along.”” Vancouver Sun art..

    The established people are less likely to be delusional and prone to linger. I wouldn’t be so sure about what is going to happen with the younger people coming along. I guess he figures he’s ahead of his time. Maybe he is. Maybe not. Wall Street tried to say hard data couldn’t be argued with and the data keeps getting harder. Actual events always run ahead of data. They can’t add more computers to fix the hard data problems. The computers are great for counting the losses though. How’s that for reality?

  11. Future Chaos says:

    “And you basically want to encourage them to be less mentalistic, less over-interpreting with regard to sociality,’ said Bernard Crespi of SFU.

    Less mentalistic? Now you’re talking a whole new generation of Wall St. brokers. Have fun!

  12. Rich says:

    It’s easy to let your imagination carry you away, especially in the light of these realities:

    -Increased government surveillance
    -The existence of “pinhole” cameras and Lilliputian listening devices
    -The existence of wireless keyboard monitors, etc, etc.

    The environment constructed by these elements insures that the schizophrenic and the healthy alike feel unease.

  13. Li says:

    Psychotronic weapons are real. They have been demonstrated to the EU and NZ parliaments, among others, leading to the drafting of legislation against the use of such weapons. Now, a good number of the people complaining about voices are probably suffering from schizophrenia, but some of them are -no doubt- test subjects. The revelation of the Tuskegee airmen and MK-ULTRA programs over the past 20 years should have disabused people of the notion that governments will not use humans as unwitting test subjects in destructive experiments. Having the ability to either drive people crazy, or get them to believe that they are crazy, has great strategic benefits, after all, why would such things not be developed? This is a short summary of what is public about this sort of technology. The general rule is that the black world is 20 years ahead of civilian technology, and that should give you pause. . . .

  14. brian says:

    I think the internet has been providing a common ground meeting place for one fringe group – atheists – for decades.

  15. Future Chaos says:

    Paris, March 18, 1789
    There are rights which it is useless to surrender to the government, and which governments have yet always been found to invade. These are the right of thinking, and publishing our thoughts by speaking or writing; the right of free commerce; the right of personal freedom. These are instruments for administering the government, so peculiarly trust-worthy, that we should never leave the legislature at liberty to change them. Thomas Jefferson

    What is the agenda today? Change, change, change. Give billions of dollars to failed enterpise to create tyrany and spread the losses to every man, woman and child, even those not yet born. It’s the same old thing all over again. Barbary depredations rewarding bad deals made by bad people does not make the prospect of secure commerce more likely. There are plenty of delusional people and they are all in on the $700 bn Washington bailout. Now nobody is sure just where the money is going, “so it fell through.” Now more is being asked for as the losses grow even greater. It’s a piratical government that engages in such actions openly or secretly. Notice that the pirates are being well funded by the Treasury to engage in more piracy. Not the best way to run a government in my humble opinion. GM is next and watch for more legislation to convert their loss to a governmental liability. It will be promoted as change in the way the country does business. Now we can make cars that the government can lose money on. What a deal.

  16. moss says:

    Certainly enough delusional nutballs who think their lame fixation on loser politics is more important than, say, staying on topic. 🙂

  17. soundwash says:

    um…simple. -just turn of your TV.
    shared delusion problem solved.

  18. Future Chaos says:

    Aren’t most political people delusional?

    The body politic, as well as the human body, begins to die as soon as it is born, and carries itself the causes of its destruction.
    Jean Jacques Rousseau

    We’re all losers. Get over it. Politics just makes it worse. The illusion is that it makes it better. That’s why people are delusional.

  19. Future Chaos says:

    Get off topic. Don’t conform.

    Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.
    John F. Kennedy

  20. Ron Larson says:

    That many eh? I’m gonna have to start to make some money off them.


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