The other day, I was contacted by 72-year old man who pleaded with me to share his story with the media and politicians. He and his wife lost all of their savings in the stock market recently. They worked all their lives for this country and now they have nothing. Why? Because of corruption in Washington. That man asked me, “What do I do now Joe?”
Please join me in taking back our country from the elites in Washington by selecting a registration option to the right.
If Hillary can be become Sec. of State, anything is possible in the Obamanation, including J the P joining her in the new administration. Nothing’s too good for America’s Joe! He’s one of us!
“He and his wife lost all of their savings in the stock market recently.”
Huh? Did they have everything in a speculative stock? Your savings should be in cash, so how would this happen? More lies from the not-registered, not really buying a business, plumber.
Quite amazing how Joe the Plumber (who’s name is neither Joe nor is he a plumber) has rocketed from Republican schill to possibly even being a GOP running mate for Sarah Palin.
Astonishing who Americans support to be their leaders only by name recognition. We (really you) are truly a nation of morons.
As an outsider, let me just say I fear for your nation. The republican party has truly become the party of morans and cynical abusers of morans…
Holy crap, I cannot believe this is real… And actually calling it secureourfreedom? Does this guy think he’s the Blackwater of US politics?
Palin/Plumber 2012
#3. I feel your worry about the US as a nation moving forward. However, we are a resourceful nation that needs leadership and once in a while needs to be ‘awakened’.
Good news! We have awakened! We have elected a leader and will soon dump and replace the piece of shit the GOP installed in a couple of months.
We have also awakened, thanks to Obama to top underlying issue – energy independence. With 8 years of Obama, we can be energy independent and Americans will develop those critical technologies for the rest of the world to also free themselves from the middle east sewer.
Like our WWII late awakening, the future is bright. Our biggest challenge now is to fre ourselves from the other national threat – religious, christian taliban infiltration of government.
Joe the tax evader.
Joe the man who wants to buy a business, and never made enough money to afford a pot to piss in.
Joe the fraud.
Joe the bass turd.
Joe the “15 minutes of fame” milker.
#7 So you’re saying what? It looks to me like he’s a born politician.
Good for Joe !!! If he can make a few bucks off of his fleeting fame then so be it. It it mollifies the red necks, trailer trash, evangelicals, and meth/man butt leadership for a while then great.
Besides, what few bucks he makes from his book and appearances will be needed to pay his creditors when he is laid off because there is no work for unskilled plumbers.
Joe the Plumber, Joe Six Pack, Joe the Cop, Joe the Construction Worker, Joe Soldier, the only one missing Joe the Native American and we have the return of the Village People, yes it takes a village.
Never underestimate how gullible the public is…
Oh brother. This loser is the Sanjaya of 2008. By New Year’s Eve, people will be saying “Joe the what?” He SHOULD run with Palin in ’12, on the Whackadoodle ticket.
Abomination is going to give this guy a platform to make a ton of money off of. More than he ever could have dreamed as a legit businessman.
Guess that makes him a politician.
If he had bushy white eyebrows and a gold earring, I’d actually listen to what he had to say…
..about how to best clean my kitchen tile.
The JTP blog does look format challenged.
Interesting find:
“Trying to get a new web site or community rolling is very much like starting a fire.”
The McCain campaign was all chain and little reaction. It was funny though.
Well now that everyone knows that he is not qualified to be a plumber, I guess republican politician is all he has left…
He’s back at work as Joe the Porn Actor
#6 – Energy independence needs to be achieved through more energy, not conservation. That’s where Hussein Obama has it wrong, which is the problem.
He’s on wikipedia.
Then there’s the bullet biting.
“Julie McConnell, a police employee since April, 1995, requested information Oct. 16 on Samuel Wurzelbacher, who gained national attention when he asked presidential candidate Barack Obama a question. Authorities said this was done for non-law enforcement purposes and was a violation of department policy and state policy governing law regarding the use of the Law Enforcement Automated Data System database.
A discipline hearing will be scheduled within the next 10 days to discuss the matter. Ms. McConnell is a member of AFSCME Local 7.”
This didn’t get much national coverage. Joe the Plumber might have a strong case against Ohio for violating his rights. You can’t use police database information for your own purposes. Of course when the plan is to destroy somebody, anything goes.
#22 – F. Chaos
What “purposes” did Ms. McConnell’s search serve? We already knew Joe wasn’t a real plumber, that he didn’t (and never would) make over $250,000/yr, he had no plans or ability to buy the business he worked for as a gypsy “plumber”, and he was a tax evader.
Was there even MORE stuff in his police file that we don’t know about?
Maybe it was a typO. FC could of meant pOrposes
It’s all about Super O now.
Could McCain have picked a worse symbol for his tax programs — someone who actually would be better off under Obama’s tax plan?
Didn’t the McCain campaign even bother to make a cursory check of “Joe the Plumbers” finances on a hand calculator?
It’s kind of amazing that McCain didn’t lose even worse than he did.
News station consider him as political expert.
Esteban, Sugar Ray?
The only Joe that matters is Joe the Vice President.
Is Joe the Plumber’s Grandfather-in-Law, Charles Keating, going to write the introduction to his (coloring) book?
President-Elect Obama could have told this tool that he just won the Playboy Mansion, his own brewery and a million dollars tax free and he still would have complained about something.
Who the fuck is this guy and why should I care? because some 72 year old presidential hopeful mentioned his name? Piss off joe. You are like a soy burger at a BBQ Cooking contest. You can try to sneak in, blend in cause you look like a burger for some small minded person’s side dish, but you got no beef/sustenance.
He and his wife lost all of their savings in the stock market recently.