Vetting blunders label 12,000 innocent people as paedophiles, violent thugs and thieves | Mail Online — Big government at work.

More than 12,200 innocent people have been branded criminals by bungling police and Government officials, it has been revealed.

The incorrect records showing them to be paedophiles, violent thugs or other convicts were disclosed to schools, hospitals, nurseries and voluntary groups by the Criminal Records Bureau.

The extent of the misreporting is four times worse than officials had suggested.

Those wrongly accused by the CRB face having their careers blighted. They also have to go through an appeals process to clear their names.

By the time that has finished, they may have been stigmatised and their chance of obtaining a job or training post dashed – disclosures are sent to the potential employee and the applicant on the same day.

The CRB’s annual report indicates that only 680 inaccurate disclosures were made last year – fewer than two each day.

But figures seen by the Daily Mail reveal there were 2,785 last year.

Found by Norman Speight.

  1. Future Chaos says:

    When something fails in business it’s done away with. In government it is given additional funding. It keeps growing like cancer. Once you have a terminal case of brain cancer, it really doesn’t matter. Google is now tracking ailments because the government is too busy creating more losses on more bad investments. Bush is yelling borrow more, loan more. Debt got us into the mess, so more debt will get us out of it. Some logic. Government is half mad and half dead. Take it another step and we can reenact the final solution and go back to the gas chamber days. I figure, let Obama worry about it. Between the UK and the rest of Europe, our mess here seems at least better than their mess. With oil plunging, the Middle East is going to have a big mess. Gas could be down to a dollar fifty a gallon, so your dollar goes further. What a deal. Bread at 50 cents a loaf beats bread lines and free bread. Standing in line takes more time than it’s worth.

  2. Future Chaos says:

    Note: People aren’t standing in line for $40.00 concert tickets these days. Those were the days.

  3. “Pædophiles”?

  4. brendal says:

    “In England, happiness is the lot of the aristocracy only…”

    Said by Jefferson then…still true today.

  5. sargasso says:

    #4. Good quote. But this is a case of good olde English indiscriminate maliciousness, not of good olde English class oppression and institutional racism.

  6. ECA says:

    A data base of Brit criminals has the WRONG data.
    Out of 11,000,000 registered, 12,000 are input WRONG..
    Is that <1%??
    Not that bad.
    The bad part is to have an EVAL, and correction costs about $100-120..
    Even MANUAL entry, that doesnt sound to bad..
    WHAT is funny, is IF’ these were persons that had NO CRIMINAL PAST in the first place.
    Blame it on the TRAINEE..

  7. Greg Allen says:

    Only 12,000?

    America’s terrorist “watch list” is growing by 20,000 suspected terrors EVERY MONTH!

    The suspect list is way over a million with no slowdown.

    Thanks to the Republicans, the bad-guys don’t hate us for our freedoms so much anymore.

  8. deowll says:

    The way things are going the victims of the state could easily end up out numbering the victims of the bad guys. Um, does that make the state the bad guys?

    I wish there were some way to clear the innocent but even when you do it on paper the tarnish lasts.

    I think part of the problem in the states was they were just going by names. They weren’t even checking date of birth and such. They should have been checking thumb prints or something.

  9. brendal says:

    #5 Do you really think a member of the British aristocracy would end up on that list?

  10. teliscop says:

    So? When John Muir’s father would beat him and his brothers, he said, “if it’s not for something you’ve done, it’s for something you will do”.

    The law should follow the wise and sage elder Muir’s advice.

  11. Deep-Thought says:

    I bet this problem can be solved by creating yet another new centralised government database where false data will be falsely declared as false.

  12. JimD says:

    Wanna bet “Barak Hussein Obama” is on Bush’s “terrest” watch list, and they won’t let him on Air Force One !!! Way to go, Repuke TURDS FOR BRAINS !!!


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