MSNBC retracts false Palin story; others duped — As much as a few of the editors here disliked Palin, this BS about her thinking Africa was a country was never posted. It didn’t make any real sense that she was that dumb since she would have to see African dignitaries in Alaska. People wanted her to be that dumb so they took the bait. Meanwhile, Bill Maher ranted about it relentlessly as did many on MSNBC. These people’s lack of skepticism is frightening. This is the media at work. Even the LA Times was duped. The fact was, she denied saying it. Nobody had it on tape and there was no confirming source. Cripes, how hard is it to get things right?

The hoax was limited to the identity of the source in the story about Palin — not the Fox News story itself. While Palin has denied that she mistook Africa for a country, the veracity of that report was not put in question by the revelation that Eisenstadt is a phony.

Eisenstadt’s “work” had been quoted and debunked before. The Huffington Post said it had cited Eisenstadt in July on a story regarding the Hilton family and McCain.

Among the other victims were political blogs for the Los Angeles Times and The New Republic, each of which referenced false material from Eisenstadt’s blog.

Found by Roger Strukhof.

  1. justbil says:

    Wasn’t this story first reported on Fox so called News? Why would any question their veracity especially reporting on the Republican ticket?

  2. justbil says:

    Wasn’t this story first reported on what is euphemistically- Fox News? Why would any question their veracity especially reporting on the Republican ticket?

  3. web says:

    I love the Libs constantly talking about their intellectual prowess. Why do they have to declare it? Who are they trying to convince? If it’s true it will be evident to all.

  4. #93 – WebFingers

    >>I love the Libs constantly talking about their
    >>intellectual prowess.

    Well, you got us on that one, Webbie. We trusted a story that was broken by Fox “news”. That was a muff-up of unbelievable magnitude. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Won’t happen again, I promise you. Fox “news” will be relegated to the dust bin where it belongs, along with shitty comic strips and late-night infomercials.

  5. Super O says:

    MSNBC is in the same class as GMAC. Lose your houses and we’ll throw in lost jobs just for the hell of it. Give us more cash Uncle Sugardaddy Sam. We got a bitchin Camaro.

    Love me two times baby
    Love me twice today
    Love me two times girl
    Cause I got AIDS
    Love me two times baby,
    once for tomorrow,
    once cause I got AIDS

    – Uh…
    – Pretty good Jim Morrison impersonation thhere. I hope those guys have a
    good sense a’ humour and don’t take us into court.
    – Uh, what’s the court?
    – Never mind that, the important thing heree…
    – You mean the People’s Court.
    – The… Now, that’s another story. The impportant thing here is that we get
    to the part where you ask me how I’m gonna get down to the shore.
    – Oh, how you gettin’ down to the shore?
    – Funny you should ask, I’ve got a car now..
    – Ah wow, how’d ya get a car?
    – Oh, my folks drove it up here from the Baahamas.
    – You’re kidding!
    – I must be, the Bahamas are islands. Okay,, the important thing here is
    that, uh, you ask me what kinda car it is.
    – Uh uh, what kinda car do ya’ got?
    – I’ve got a bitchin’ Camar0…

  6. #96 – SuperO,

    I have no idea what point you were trying to make. But, I do have to say that driving here from the Bahamas shouldn’t be any harder than driving from Cuba.

    If your folks weren’t as smart as these guys, perhaps the U.S. should’ve sent them back to wherever they came from.

    For my part, anyone that can turn a car into a seaworthy vessel for a 60 mile cruise over here should be automatically let in.

    Floating Car Refugees Await Ruling

  7. Greg Allen says:

    >> Paddy-O said,
    >> I don’t know. As dumb as someone who believes that increasing taxes on SMBs will cause them to create more jobs?

    Ronald Reagan cut taxes, the deficit went up and the economy tanked.

    Bill Clinton raised taxes, the budget was balanced and we had the longest sustained growth in US history.

    George W. Bush cut taxes, the deficit returned and the economy tanked big time.

    How dumb do you have to be not to pick up on a pattern here?

    Taxes are great for business and jobs when they are used to balance the budget.


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