Republican leaders are discussing the future of the Republican Party in Miami. What do you think?

  1. Sinn Fein says:

    1) Expel all the RINO’s
    2) Shoot ALL the lawyers! (for the good of everybody)

  2. Paddy-O says:

    I don’t think the Republican party can survive unless it turns into a conservative party. I don’t think we need 2 Dem parties.

  3. Bill says:


  4. Named says:


    Just curious, but what’s a “conservative” these days? I find that the Repubs are actually a neo-liberal / fascist organization with corporations and government operating hand in hand with the public as a grand facilitator of funding for private enterprise.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 4 Named said, “Just curious, but what’s a “conservative” these days?”

    Same as it was 20, 30, 40 years ago.

  6. dom says:

    How about some different main stream parties?Give the others a chance in debates and such.

  7. loconavi says:

    1.Stop social right wingers from hijacking the party.
    2.Get over the anti-immigration bigot sounding platform that is alienating Blacks, Hispanic and college educated and suburban whites.
    3.Stop making Jack Bauer’s 24 your national security bible.
    4.Stop sucking rich people and big company teet and stop advocating their positions.

  8. Raff says:

    I think the future of the republican party should be based in reality.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 grog said, “wishful thinking, paddy, that ship has long since sailed, now if libertarians could just drop that whole “legalize drugs” thing, we could all get on board.”

    No doubt wishful thinking. I just said what was needed for it to survive. I didn’t mean to say it would make needful changes and thus survive.

    #8 Like I said, we don’t need two Dem parties.

  10. grog says:


    a true conservative simply believes that the government should be guided by the simple principles of individual responsibility, individual freedom, market freedom, strong defense, and governmental fiscal responsibility.

    what the gop has become is part church, part cop, part corporate welfare agent, part drunken sailor. i agree with paddy, they need a strong hand to reel everybody back in line with their core beliefs.

  11. grog says:


    sorry brother, i really wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth.

    what do you think of the libertarians though?

  12. BlackCat40 says:

    They need to get back to political conservatism and get completely away from religious conservatism.

  13. Podgorney says:

    A healthy dose of Ron Paul wouldn’t hurt.

  14. RP says:

    Maybe start thinking like a real republican, Ron Paul…

  15. #2 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>I don’t think the Republican party can survive
    >>unless it turns into a conservative party. I don’t
    >>think we need 2 Dem parties.

    Heh. I was going to say I don’t think the Republican party can survive unless it becomes MORE LIKE the Democratic party.

    They’ve already adopted the most unsavory aspects of the Democratic party. Now if they could just drop the hatemongering, the incestuous relationship with the Military-Industrial Complex, the disdain for education and intelligence, etc., they’d be just like us. Then elections could turn into beauty contests, where the candidate with the best hair and teeth (or in the case of Palin, body) wins.

    In the alternative, they could split into several parties: The Anal Cyst Limbaugh/ Two Dollar Whore Coulter/ Loofah Pad O’Reilly flakes, the moderates, etc. There’s a lot of diversity in the GOP; unfortunately, it’s like the diversity you find at the bottom of a Porta-Potty. Lots of different stuff, but it’s all disgusting.

    >>Same as it was 20, 30, 40 years ago.

    That doesn’t really answer the question. You mean like 20 years ago, when Newt Gingrich was beginning his meteoric rise to super nova-dom?

  16. B. Dog says:

    Let The Decider decide.

  17. Improbus says:

    If the Republicans picked up the Libertarian platform I might come back. Unfortunately, I think the GOP is to far gone for that. The party has been subsumed by the religious right. Physical conservatives, small government and states rights Republicans need not apply.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    It’s hypocritical to claim to be a values-based party when congressional Repubs eliminate (and ignore) oversight and ethics committees, fail to clean up their own house, and put up with the likes of Tom DeLay.

    Looks like they’re going to tell Ted Stevens to stay home, so that’s a start. 2-4 years ago, they would have fought to keep him around. IMHO that’s where they need to start.

    Part two…get rid of the religious influence on policy.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 12 grog said, “sorry brother, i really wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth. what do you think of the libertarians though?”

    No prob. I didn’t take it that way really.

    The libertarians have a lot of conservative policy positions but, IMHO, ignore that fact that gov’t does have some legit roles in maintaining a coherent society. You mentioned drug policy. I haven’t studied the platform in the depth needed to critique much further.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 16 Mister Mustard said, “Heh. I was going to say I don’t think the Republican party can survive unless it becomes MORE LIKE the Democratic party.”

    But, we don’t need two parties to do the job of one. No, it will only become viable again if it goes back to basics of the Founding Fathers and what they envisioned.

  21. Les says:

    I had heard:
    I the gun people could accept the drug people, and the drug people could accept the gun people, almost everyone would be libertarian.

    Of course, it’s not that simple, isolationist foreign policies and all.

    As mentioned above, the Repubs have become far too much like the Dems to tell the diference except on a few issues.

  22. Les says:

    In fact, its pretty hard to tell todays Repubs from JFK style of Dems (Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country)

  23. LibertyLover says:

    #20, I agree. Thought not a rabid Libertarian, I think there are many aspects of their platform people should look at seriously.

  24. Sinn Fein says:

    The New Republican Party = The New Coke = FAIL!

  25. Named says:


    That sounds like the Libertarians rather than Conservative…

    What I understood Conservatives as is protectionist and federal. Free markets yes, but under strict rules and regulations to ensure protection of the populace.

  26. nolimit662 says:

    The Repugnicans need to just realize they’re a huge failure to everyone except the rich and elite 1%. They let someone like Bush lead the party and run for prez when all he’s ever done his while life is screw up any company he’s been in charge of. Then let him run a country? LMFAO!!!! I’m just lovin every day of it watching how the republicans have trashed our country, economy, etc. Rot in hell.

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 26 Named said, “What I understood Conservatives as is protectionist and federal. ”

    Federal? No. States Rights, yes.

  28. Dallas says:

    The future is already being worked – it’s around Palin.

    Have you noticed Palin is all overthe news lately? Well, what is happening is she and the GOP are trying hard to remake her while she is still somewhat in the news.

    Palin left the elections as a stupid moron. The last thing the GOP needs is to have that as the LAST thing people remember Palin as. The objective now is to “remake” Palin as a smart, motherly, worldly figure. Good luck with that but THAT is exactly what is happening. Tune in toany channel and you see that bitch flapping her gums.

    So, there you have it. The GOP is reinventing itself around Palin and basically have thrown McCain under the bus. Why did they lose? McCain, that’s why. He is the fall guy for the loss and that is fine. Palin is not the turd they need to polish for the next election.

  29. brendal says:

    No R would do this in the W.H. –

  30. Marc Perkel says:

    #29 Do you mean that Palin has to graduate from being the lipstick to being the pig?


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