Wacky Florida

John Ricci


Jensen Beach, Florida — Police in Jensen Beach say they arrested a Connecticut man after he tried to steal communion wafers during a church service.

Jensen Beach is located on the southern east coast, about an hour north of West Palm Beach.

The Martin County Sheriff’s Office says 33-year-old John Samuel Ricci of Canton was cornered by fellow churchgoers when he grabbed a handful of wafers from the priest during communion services Saturday.

The Stuart News reports that Ricci was being held down by six or seven offended parishioners when deputies arrived at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Jensen Beach.

If it’s not nailed down, someone will try to steal it.

  1. geofgibson says:

    Hmmmm, could alcohol have been involved?

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    He was just hungry for some Jeebus.

  3. JimD says:

    I wonder if they offered the guy a meal if he would repent ??? What would Jesus do ???

  4. Libertican says:

    The pic looks like me in the pews back when I attended a catholic church. It sure felt like an eternity for Mass to end.

  5. Ben says:

    You are only supposed to take one, I think.

  6. Mac Guy says:

    For all you Catholics (current and former) out there…

    “Where’d he hide all the bodies?” 😉

  7. James Hill says:

    Jesus, bet you can’t eat just one.

  8. Adan says:

    He’s a witch!!!!!

  9. morbo says:

    Perhaps he was gathering supplies for the rapture?

  10. bill says:

    This dude is going to BURN…

  11. Dallas says:

    That brings up something I’ve wanted to know. Juest where DOES one buy communion wafers?

    I am considering opening up my own church for tax benefits and to be worshiped, of course. I have wafers is in my to get list. Anybody know where? Is there a recipe?

    I guess I can google it (and I’m sure so will you) but perhaps someone can comment.

  12. John Paradox says:

    If it’s not nailed down, someone will try to steal it.

    Or nailed up….


  13. clone4crw says:

    #3-You’re right. what WOULD Jesus do?

  14. James Hill says:

    #11 – I think we’ve proven that “Worship, noted” is a much more powerful reward than a cracker.

  15. Tecban says:

    #11 There are church supply stores that sell unconsecrated wafers. They are just flour and water, gross.

  16. James Hill says:

    After my smart ass reply, I noted that the Google ads for this page include “Communion Supplies”. Looks like there are all sorts of places, like http://www.echurchdepot.com/.

  17. rectagon says:

    I’m sure Jesus doesn’t mind. However, was the guy hungry or just trying to tick people off? If the former…. feed him. If the later… then nail him down.

  18. jbellies says:

    The wages of trying to prevent ritual cannibalism is some time in the slammer.

  19. floyd says:

    From the look of him, he may think he’s JC, and he’s just really tired of people eating his body and drinking his blood.

  20. He needs to get on Joe Biden’s health insurance program. I understand that covers “hair transplants”.

  21. Cursor_ says:

    Well they were only wafer thin…


  22. Li says:

    This man was obviously hungry and confused, and instead of showing him sympathy and charity they held him down and called the cops?

    He’s not on my speed dial or anything, but I’m sure Jesus isn’t too pleased by that sort of behavior.

  23. Jon says:

    He takes a handful of wafers and the locals jump him, pin him down and call the cops?

    I think *they’re* the nutters, not him.

  24. mojotaker says:

    Hmm, today’s Christians. I’m a christian, not a perfect one, but i know that if i saw this guy, i would have giving him some food.
    Its obvious that he was hungry.

    The members of that church are such hypocrites. I hope that God forgives them.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    This is why the catholic church should always have crackers handy for the hungry. That and oreos, I love those things.

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    “Jensen Beach is located on the southern east coast, about an hour north of West Palm Beach.”

    Wow, that’s confusing! Just where is this place again?

    That guy doesn’t look like an alky to me; looks more like the type who likes to eat Magic Mushrooms and think about God a lot. And possibly invent his own private language, which sounds a lot like English and which he’d just love to have long conversations with you in.

    Florida seems to attract more than its fair share of the type.

  27. gear says:

    Those wafers are great with cheese. I bet the guy was going to have a party and just wanted to put together a plate of appetizers.

  28. Dallas says:

    #28 Bruschetta prepared communion wafers is what I was thinking for my holiday party.


    James Hill, you are invited to worship me at this party.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Dallas,

    Love the recipe and it looks so easy enough. I’m more of a stak ’em kind of guy though. Ya put out the crackers (Dollar Store kind suffice) along with a tub of cottage cheese, some sliced Edam Cheese, sliced pickles, and, if I’m in the mood, green olives with the red pimentos.

    If it is a little fancy ya can jes put the crackers in their own bowl instead of leaven’ ’em in the box. But hey, ya do wanna slice everything first. Otherwise some pig (my sister comes to mind) will try to put a whole pickle and half the cheese on one cracker. Trust me, it always happens.

    And Jimy Heel will worship you to his end. And I think you will probably have him screaming to his god how he worships you.



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