Wacky Florida

John Ricci


Jensen Beach, Florida — Police in Jensen Beach say they arrested a Connecticut man after he tried to steal communion wafers during a church service.

Jensen Beach is located on the southern east coast, about an hour north of West Palm Beach.

The Martin County Sheriff’s Office says 33-year-old John Samuel Ricci of Canton was cornered by fellow churchgoers when he grabbed a handful of wafers from the priest during communion services Saturday.

The Stuart News reports that Ricci was being held down by six or seven offended parishioners when deputies arrived at St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Jensen Beach.

If it’s not nailed down, someone will try to steal it.

  1. Thomas says:

    I know that Catholic wafers tend to be a bit meatier (no pun in intended) than Protestant wafers but they are still a hair away from eating paper or Styrofoam. Either he didn’t know, was deranged or picked the box instead of chalice and later realized what he’d taken.

  2. GuyFromCT says:

    I knew this guy when he lived in CT. he is a little crazy but hes got some mental issues. I am a Catholic and i agree that the parishoners should have helped him a little bit more than just cornering and pinning him down. he is a good guy, just troubled and in need of some meds.

  3. Dallas says:

    #30 Fusion, LOL. I love your recipe ideas. I need to consider that option.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    This Presbyterian church I use to go to (before I escaped) just used soft bread cubes. Probably cut up that morning. And the Blood of Christ was tart red fruit juice. Nothing alcoholic. But probably not Welsh’s grape either. Then in the military service, they had these thin discs that tasted like Necco root beer wafers, only worse. Not something you’d want to eat more than one of. Ever since seeing “Soylent Green” a few times, I’ve not had much of an appetite for ritual foods.


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