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First define marriage, then I will let you know.
No!! I think gays should have the same rights as anyone else. But…..they should be considered civil unions or whatever else they want to call it. But not marriage. Because as much as they want to “claim” it’s the same as heterosexual marriage, it’s just not. They can have whatever they want but call it something else. Marriage was intended for a man and a a woman. Period.
If you are going by the definition of “marriage” that has been used in our society in the last 2000 years, no.
Anyone should be able to form a contract between themselves and another. I think this is the basic premise behind civil unions.
Webster say: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law
[Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]
If you don’t know what marriage is TO YOU then you can’t say much.
I oppose gay marriage because I I don’t think it’s natural. That’s it without writing pages upon pages of why and causing more arguments.
In India you can marry a cow, dog etc but it still has to be of OPPOSITE SEX.
Gay marriage is wrong. Gays should be happy with civil unions.
#3, that’s the flaw in the whole argument though when people claim that gay marriage is being banned. There is no such thing as marriage between two people of the same sex. You cannot ban something that does not exist.
What they are really complaining about is that people don’t want to go along with their desire to redefine what the word means.
Oh who the hell cares? Let them get married for crying out loud! What the hell does it matter to you if YOU don’t want to get married to the same sex?
I’m a Republican, and I approve this message.
It should be legal, however I think ‘the gays’ went about it in the wrong way. A strong push on civil unions would perhaps have gone better than marriage which carries religious overtones and then the false thoughts that “churches will be forced to marry them gays”
My ideal situation is that the government would only recognized civil unions, of which most marriages would either be included or grandfathered, and would strictly define a common law marriage, which I do not think anyone should be able to fall into – a declaratory act should be required.
#2 – ManyLimits
>>Marriage was intended for a man and
>>a a woman. Period.
Oh yes? Who “intended” that?
#5 – Theone
>>I oppose gay marriage because I I don’t
>>think it’s natural.
Is it any less natural than a marriage between a member of The Master Race and a darkie?
And BTW, those who claim that homosexuality is “unnatural” should search for the book Biological Exuberance at Amazon. Homosexuality is pervasive thruout the animal kingdom. It’s abnormal, which is to say, out of the norm; rare. But it’s not unnatural.
I’m really ashamed for all of you that are so narrow minded to think that a group of American citizens should not have the same rights as everyone else.
And for the rest that think they should call it something else…. Separate but equal, hmmm how did that work out last time.
# 12 Phydeau said, “And BTW, those who claim that homosexuality is “unnatural” should search for the book Biological Exuberance at Amazon. Homosexuality is pervasive thruout the animal kingdom.”
And so is infanticide & “murder”.
So, you’re okay if I go around doing that, because it’s natural?
I believe that there are two type of marriage.
1st is the religious marriage. This is the one you go to the church for. I have been to these for hetero and same sex couples. This allready exisits. If you are Muslim, you probably wont be having this at the local synagogue. I don’t support any law which would tell any church who they must marry.
2nd is a legal, contractual marriage. This is what you get the marriage license for. This gives you legal protections and rights, mostly in cases where the contract ends (divorce etc). I think this should be available to any two consenting adults who are not realated or allready involved in such a contract. I also believe that this should not be called marriage for people of any orientation, as marriage is the domain of the church.
#14 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>And so is infanticide & “murder”.
I realize this may be a little too “nuanced” for you, but infanticide and murder have an effect on people other than the perpetrators.
Same-sex marriage does not. If you choose not to marry another man (although I hear you think that 2nd-shift cashier at Radio Shack is pretty cute), you are absolutely free not to marry one.
Wtf is it to you if another couple chooses to do so?
For a party that touts itself as the protector of individual freedoms, the Repubs sure love to play the part of nanny/ disciplinarian when it comes to things they don’t like, whether it’s any of their business or not.
#15. I agree but hell, I don’t even support traditional marriage, just shack up. And if you need to protect property, draw up an agreement. Same goes for gays.
# 17 Mister Mustard said, “I realize this may be a little too “nuanced” for you, ”
I realize that the concept of a premise used to support an argument is too “nuanced” for you… 😉
Why are people so threatened by homosexuals that they have to make non-sensical comparisons? For example, ‘if we allow gays to marry, what’s next, marrying your dog?’ One has nothing to do with the other. #14, your comparison of homosexuality to infanticide and murder is like saying ‘oh, you like to eat meat so you must be a cannibal, too’.
# 16 zefyr said, “I’m Gay and what the fight is about for me is to not be treated as a second class citizen. I recently heard that legal marriage gives the couple something like 1600 rights,…”
Then why haven’t I EVER seen you up here championing the rights of polygamists?
i think gay marriage is the stupidest trend going around. gay people have the right to be together, but not to be married. if anything legal should bind them together, it should be a civil union. and it’s unnatural bc i don’t see two male dogs having sex with each other! or any other animal. its all a scam that these people wanna get married, they just want the financial benefits. haha watch “I now pronounce you chuck and larry.” that’s pretty much every gay marriage out there for u
#2, #13 –
Unfortunately, the government has removed marriage as a “right” from the populace and turned it into a privilege. If you don’t believe me, trying getting legally married without a license from the state.
Get government out of the equation and let them do whatever they want and call it whatever they want.
#10 explains it best.
#11 Mister Mustarded
>>Oh yes? Who Intended that?
Look it up. 200 years of history tells you that.
>>Is it any less natural than a marriage between a member of The Master Race and a darkie?
Boy Don’t you sound racist. Yes it is much more unnatural. It’s sick. I’m white and I say “GO OBAMA!!” YESE WE CAN!!
#12 Phydeau
>>And BTW, those who claim that homosexuality is “unnatural” should search for the book Biological Exuberance at Amazon. Homosexuality is pervasive thruout the animal kingdom. It’s abnormal, which is to say, out of the norm; rare. But it’s not unnatural.
It sure is unnatural. Just because animals do it does not make it right. They’re called animals for a reason. So we should call homo’s animals? Sounds good to me. For they are abominations. I believe they are in fact punished by god by giving them high HIV infection rates. Ha!
Whatever makes happy.
Marriage in the legal sense is a legal statement that people live together and are a family in a legal sense.
Has nothing to so with sex.
I don’t care what churches say. Maybe it is a bad thing that marriage means something different to them, but is not the same thing.
But honestly, I don’t care what churches and their followers say. They have no say over me.
What ever happened to the separation of church and state? Just legally declare all unions between two people “civil unions” and grant all of the rights therein. Then your photo album can call it whatever you want.
After being married a few times I don’t understand why anyone would want to be ‘married’
Maybe we should remove marriage altogether and call it something else like a partnership where you are totally liable..
The only reason the gov is involved is they want a paper trail to go after someone if there is a problem.
#17, Not speaking for Paddy-O, but I think he was saying using the “natural” comparison to defend it was not viable as there are many other “natural” acts that are not quite as desirable.
i think what other people do with their lives is their own business. i have no right to tell them what they can do.
Like anything is going to get solved here.
Keep on posting people. Make yourself feel important.
Personally, I don’t care. Homosexuals have yet to prove how this will make them “more equal”, while religious nuts have yet to prove why wrapping heterosexual relationships in a legal context (marriage) is relevant.