VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 12 (UPI) — The Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed that a human foot in a running shoe was found washed ashore near Vancouver, the seventh such incident in 15 months.

RCMP Constable Annie Linteau told CTV News a woman walking her dog Tuesday morning along the banks of the Fraser River spotted the shoe on a rock, apparently washed in by high tide.

The woman called her husband, who contacted police, the report said.

Linteau said the shoe and foot found in the Vancouver suburb of Richmond were to be examined by the British Columbia Coroner’s Office.

Since August 2007, six feet in various brands of running shoes have been found on southwestern British Columbia shores and a seventh just south of the U.S. border in Washington state.

Only one of the first six feet found was determined to be a woman’s and two of the others came from the same man, researchers determined.

Ok, this is just getting weird. What is it going to take to solve this mystery?

  1. Improbus says:

    I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. [rim shot]

  2. G says:

    Sounds like someone should ‘give them a hand’.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Have the police questioned all the people showing up at the Missing Foot Dept.?

    It is a sub-section of the Ministry of Silly Walks.

  4. Wayne says:

    Hmmm, doesnt JC Dvorak have deli near that beach?

  5. jimB says:

    “getting weird”??? This has been weird for quite a while…

  6. Frank Spiele says:

    This is very strange. It not necessarily a nice run of events to be hoenst… the feet must be coming from somewhere.. maybe from people who would not be missed? People who were completely involved with the wrong crowd or something?

    It´s sad. Frank

  7. green says:

    I wonder what shoe company is behind this….
    Sponsorship for 2010 olympics perhaps.

  8. Personality says:

    So at least 4 people are dead or missing at least one foot??? Is no one reporting missing persons up there????

  9. brendal says:

    I used to live on the beach near there – I never saw anything wash up – other than Canadians double-dipping.

  10. Perhaps says:

    Maybe these feet have migrated from the tsunami that happened and are just surfacing here now.

  11. James Hill says:

    #10 – Could a foot hold up that long? I’m guessing it’s homeless, off of #6’s comment.

  12. anon says:

    I think its time to call in scooby doo and the mystery wagon

  13. amodedoma says:

    Send in Scooby Doo! I can’t wait to see the film they’ll make based on this serial killer. It’s obviously someone who hates joggers or informal footwear.

  14. hmm the culprit is doing an excellent job of “a-shoeing” authorities; hahah get it? echewing?! hahaha

  15. amodedoma says:

    The individual responsible for this knows the tides and currents well enough to get an even distribution of remains which are obviously dumped from a boat. Rural joggers are notoriously easy targets. They run on isolated trails on regular time tables. They could be observed from the water but they’d have to be attacked on land, therefore it’s someone who knows the area intimately, probrably grew up there.
    Jogging is bad for your health, this proves it.

  16. BlindStevie says:

    It’s being done by a sicko practical joker who works in the funeral business. Cut the foot off a corpse, stick a shoe on the stump. No one will notice and no missing persons to track. Put the foot into a running shoe & toss from a boat when the tides are right. Very sick and gets lots of attention. Just what the psycho ordered.

  17. McCullough says:

    #17. That’s as good as any theory I have heard so far.

  18. Usagi says:

    You put your left foot in…

    X-treme Hokey-Pokey!

  19. KarmaBaby says:

    I guess someone doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Anyway, how come we can’t get any more details other than brief news blurbs? Are other body parts washing up? Or just feet? Were the feet cut off, chewed off, or what? How old are the feet? What race are they? Do the authorities even have any theories at all? What do they think? Or are they satisfied to just count feet?

    #17, your theory is probably right on the money. ALso, could be cadaver discards from a medical school whose incinerator is broken. Or maybe some crematorium worker having a joke (no corpse missing a foot that can be exhumed later).

  20. JimD says:

    They need some more FLAT-FEET ON THIS CAPER !!! The Game’s a-foot !!!

  21. Hugh Ripper says:

    Sound like they need some cops able to ‘think on their feet’ [boom boom].

  22. McCullough says:

    #20 Has a foot-fetish.

  23. Digby says:

    I think the Canadians are converting to the metric system, aren’t they?

  24. Ron Larson says:

    My theory…

    Someone at a funeral home is have a prank. After all, how many families check to see if the people they are burying have their feet? Even an open casket funeral only shows the top half.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    Maybe we lost another space shuttle and NASA hasn’t told us.

  26. JimD says:

    Procrustes !!! Long Corpses in short coffins !!! The Funeral Homes are DISCARDING THE OVERAGES !!!

  27. Future Chaos says:

    Give me a beer, and I’ll have a lawyer for my alligator.


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