Wine may ‘protect against dementia’ – – the route to all good wine

Wine may protect against dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study by Gothenburg University in Sweden. The study, which started in 1968, has followed the drinking and lifestyle habits of 1,458 women. Women were categorised according to types of alcohol consumed and frequency of consumption…

Professor Lauren Lissner, director of the study, said ‘the group with the lowest proportion of dementia was that containing women who said they only drank wine’. She added that the findings should not however be treated as an endorsement of wine consumption on health grounds.

Another study, by the Danish Institute of Preventive Medicine in Copenhagen, agreed with Professor Lissner’s findings, concluding that people who drank wine weekly or monthly were more than two times less likely to develop dementia…It has also been claimed that flavonoids in wine may combat stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases.

Other cell studies have claimed flavonoids are instrumental in preventing obesity (due to improving the body’s ability to break down sugar), bolstering immune defence, reducing tumour incidence and slowing growth of cancer cells.

Research at University College London recently suggested that a small glass of wine a week during pregnancy does not harm children and may even improve their behaviour and vocabulary.

Hmm, let me get this straight. Wine works against dementia, cancer, stroke, and makes kids smarter in the womb. BUT it’s not recommended because of health concerns. WTF?

  1. brendal says:

    ::pours a glass of wine for MM::

  2. sargasso says:

    Swedish Government medical science policy would prohibit outright endorsement of modest wine consumption by medical researchers. The good professor, is politely drawing public attention to something, rather interesting.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 1 brendal said, ::pours a glass of wine for MM::

    No can do. It would react badly with the psychotropic drugs he’s on…

  4. mister mustard says:

    I read the bolded text differently. The good professor is not saying one should stay away from wine on health grounds, merely that her comments should not be construed as advice to start drinking wine just because it may be good for your health.

    If she did that, you’d end up with a bunch of folks like Brenda Lee, chugging 5-6 pints of Mad Dog every day.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    Mad Dog? I thought that stuff was recycled radiator fluid. I recently switched from single malt whiskey’s to the juice. During the week, anyway.

  6. Mac Guy says:

    Well, if this article is true, how does it account for John? Mr. Wine Connoisseur…

  7. James Hill says:

    At least you’ll be happy.

  8. JimD says:

    Let’s not jump to the conclusion that ALCOHOL is the SILVER BULLET in the study !!! “It has also been claimed that flavonoids in wine may combat stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases.” – Flavonoids are also available from grape juice – with NO ALCOHOL !!! In fact, ALCOHOL KILLS CELLS WHEREVER IT GOES and in NO WAY CAN BE CONSIDERED “HEALTH FOOD” !!! So, Winos can FORGET ABOUT THIS STUDY !!! And their Alcohol consumption will soon BLAST ANY MEMORY OF IT OUT OF THEIR ATROPHIED BRAINS !!!

  9. the answer says:

    Tell that to a whino bum. They seem to be quite out of their minds.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    No wonder Liza Minelli is still alive.

  11. JimD..When it comes to the teetotaler community I find it interesting that many are highly religious but deny that Noah immediately grew wine after the flood and Jesus called wine “his blood.”

    No! No! that was orange juice I once heard a baptist claim. The Muslims, of course are worse when it comes to drinking. And then there are the Mormons. I’m not getting how wine is the blood of Christ but it is verboten to the sect. Only the Catholics seem to have a clue.

    I’ve always been convinced that those who harbor an alcohol abstinence attitude want to keep people from any possibility that they will see bullshit when it is presented to them. They obviously believe that alcohol leads to revelation.

  12. Special Ed says:

    Well hell, I’m protected!!

  13. Buzz says:

    That’s crazy talk.

  14. deowll says:

    Anit inflamatory drugs delay the onset of dememtia as well but they will give you a heart attack.

    Sometimes you just can’t win.

    Alcohol and breast cancer go together among other issues.

    Maybe grape juice?

  15. Nimby says:

    I thought the last sentence was fascinating.
    “…a small glass of wine a week during pregnancy does not harm children and may even improve their behaviour and vocabulary.” I’d love to see the research on that!!!

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    # 14 deowll said, in part:

    “Anit inflamatory drugs delay the onset of dememtia as well but they will give you a heart attack.”

    [Assuming he means “anti-inflammatory” and “dementia”] — Except Aspirin.

    Some years ago, while living in Oregon, my spouse and I discovered a charming wine called Grateful Red. The wine itself was so-so, but it had a killer motto: “It is the duty of every wine to be red.”


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