This will get a lot of views I can assure you. Interesting tidbits within.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

  1. moss says:

    Yup. We don’t need science for nuthin’.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Impressive videos.

    Too bad Obama’s “Fairness Doctrine” will shut down these comments.

  3. QB says:

    “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.”

    Abe Simpson

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Blah blah, Mister Coleman. Blah blah blah. We’ve heard you rant before.

    John Coleman is a weatherman, and his opinions on climatology are about as valuable as Willard Scott’s.

  5. Jimbo says:

    I *KNEW* it was all a conspiracy. I just knew it.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #2 – Jay Benson II

    >>Too bad Obama’s “Fairness Doctrine” will
    >>shut down these comments.

    Blah blah, Mr. Benson II. Obama does not support exhuming the Fairness Doctrine.

    Give it up. Your team lost the election. No need to get pissy.

  7. jim h says:

    The problem isn’t the handful of cranks still claiming that 99% of the worlds climate scientists are wrong. It’s that the media continue to cover this issue as a “controversy”. Withing the scientific community, the debate today is over the size and extent of the coming catastrophe. The issue of whether this is happening was settled years ago.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 Mister Mustard said, “#2 – Jay Benson
    Blah blah, Mr. Benson II. Obama does not support exhuming the Fairness Doctrine.”

    “That is why Sen. Obama supports media-ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets.”

    Do you have ANY idea what “network neutrality” is?

  9. the real dvorak says:

    Climate schmimate. Security of energy supply is the key driver.
    Build the military and hold prisoners offshore!
    Oh and by the way, bring on carbon tax!

  10. Brian says:

    1-who said we don’t need science? He’s not blasting science, he’s blasting the scare tactics being used about global warming. Nice try at being funny, but I’m glad it’s not your day job because you’re not funny.

    7-99% of the worlds climate scientists? Really? You think that number is that high?

    The coming catastrophe? Hahaha

    Yes, the climate changes. No, there’s nothing man can do to stop it. No, we aren’t responsible.

    The sooner you people get over yourselves, the sooner you’ll realize mankind is but a speck on the earth, and has no real significance.

  11. mister mustard says:

    #8 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Do you have ANY idea blah blah blah

    No, of course not, RAMBO. Just like everyone else here who does not immediately pay obeisance to the boundless wisdom metered out by the Sage of Radio Shack, I’m completely clueless about everything on God’s green earth.

    I’m sher it’s one a them thar harebrained skemes by the lefty lib commie pinko fag to shut down fair ‘n’ balanced prezentationz of the newz, like broadkast journalist heroez Rush Limbaw, Bill O’Rili, Anne Koulter, an like that. An to stop kritisizms of John “The Weatherman” Coleman. Hey! Weatherman!! Do you suppose he waz part a that terrorist organizashun back in the sixties? Weren’t they weathermen too?


  12. loconavi says:

    Wow! A great eye-opener! We are being fleeced!

  13. LC says:

    No, the problem is still comments like this:

    “The problem isn’t the handful of cranks still claiming that 99% of the worlds climate scientists are wrong”

    You HONESTLY believe 99% of the scientists out there AGREE there is man-made global warming? You really should check your facts.

    Do people REALLY think we’re a threat to mother nature? As the people in New Orleans how much of a “threat” to mother nature they feel they are. How about the people in Florida wiped out by Hurricane Andrew? How about the people in Pompeii?

    As George Carlin once said, if the planet wanted too, it could shake us off like a bad case of fleas. The alarmists need to get over the idea that we, humans, are a threat to the Earth.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 mister mustard said, “>>Do you have ANY idea blah blah blah… No, of course not,”

    I didn’t think so.

  15. Noel says:

    This is a man who blames Katrina on “inferior dykes”. Should we really be giving the time of day to the opinion of a bigot like this? 😉

    Really though, isn’t it better to be safe than sorry? This isn’t like people worrying about people fearing the LHC, scientists really believe in global warming. Even if we aren’t causing global warming, is reducing pollution and growing more trees not still a good thing? Just because a messy back yard MIGHT not kill you, isn’t enough reason to not clean it up.

  16. brendal says:

    Next, they’re going to be coming after blogs like this one…say it ain’t so, Joe.

    ::tosses MM his meds::

  17. Hoolio says:

    Pretty bitter. Made some good points until part#4 when revealed he doesn’t understand that Global warming isn’t just about rising temperatures.

  18. lorenzgl says:

    I would be worried betting all my money on the opinion of some guy that doesn’t provide arguments and obviously has no stake in the whole issue. He will anyway leave this planet long before the shit hits the fan…

  19. sargasso says:

    Coleman is a climate scientist, not just some old weather guy.

  20. chuck says:

    Blah blah blah.

    Can we agree on this:
    1. Reducing pollution is good.
    2. Not wasting energy is good.
    3. Reducing reliance on a single energy source (i.e. oil) is good.

    Do these 3 things, and global warming (climate change/whatever you call it) will not be an issue. Whether you believe it is man-made or not.

  21. Malcolm says:

    There’s a whole lot of people in denial here. Take responsibility for your actions for once in your God-forsaken life Paddy-O-Door!

  22. mister mustard says:

    #20 – Sargasso

    >>Coleman is a climate scientist, not just some
    >>old weather guy.

    Tee hee!

    #12 – LC

    >>As George Carlin once said, if the planet
    >>wanted too, it could shake us off like a bad
    >>case of fleas.

    Unfortunately, a bad case of fleas can’t be “shaken off”. Guess you never had a dog.

  23. mister mustard says:

    #15 – ‘dro

    >>Mister Mustard said: Blah blah blah blah

    I was merely quoting Paddy-RAMBO and the other deniers.

  24. Grandpa says:

    Awww comon guys, how come none of you can see the real problem for what it is. RELIGION! That’s right, it’s all about religion. The fact is there are too many people on this earth, and religion is keeping us from controlling the problem.

  25. Lowfreq says:

    ‘Withing the scientific community, the debate today is over the size and extent of the coming catastrophe. The issue of whether this is happening was settled years ago.’

    Consensus is not science. And not every scientists agrees on the global warming ‘theory’ and they should not be blasted for it. Considering scientists can’t accurately predict the the weather for the next 24 hours, what makes you think they accurately predict what will happen in 100 years.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    # 27 Lowfreq said, “Consensus is not science.”

    Oh, yes it is. The Catholic church had a consensus for centuries that the Earth was the centre of the universe…

    Umm, okay, you win.

  27. Noel says:


    You can’t tell which sports team will win a given game by just looking at their lineup, but you can probably tell whether or not they will do well overall.

  28. The0ne says:

    What I don’t understand is that we anyone can clearly see that pollution damages the environment and the people in them. We might know what will happen in 100 years by my God don’t be so anal as to close your eyes to what is happening now.

    Some of my co-workers are the same way and they’re engineers/scientist themselves. They know that pollution is there, it’s not natural, it’s been cause my man. Why they are still argueing against that is beyond my understanding.

  29. grog says:

    the only people who disagree that global warming is occurring are people whom aren’t yet affected by it and don’t care about people who are affected by it.

    here is a link to an entire nation that may sink beneath the waves

    can we quit pretending it doesn’t exist and quit pretending that hundreds of years of pumping co2 into the atmosphere hasn’t affected the climate and think about solutions?

    enough already.

  30. tcc3 says:

    Paddy, I think *you* may not know what network neutrality is. It has nothing to do with fairness doctrine as applies to tv and radio.


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