The principal and two vice-principals

No other info on this other than a blurb on a local TV station. Anyone have more? The school’s response?

Today’s Morons are the administrators at a school called the Puckett Attendance Center in Puckett, Mississippi. At this school, it’s against the rules to say the word “Obama.” Students can’t talk about their new president-elect anywhere except history class.

I thought at first this might be one of those Internet things, like the Palin kid giving the finger, but it turns out to be genuine Puckett school policy … but not for the reasons you think. No, this isn’t a school run by anti-Obama racists; it’s a school with kids whose parents are anti-Obama racists, and kids whose parents aren’t. It seems that the potential for racial acrimony over Barack Obama is considered a real threat, so the school decided to nip the potential in the bud by just banning the topic. If nobody talks about Obama, nobody fights about Obama. That’s the logic.

Unfortunately, that won’t work, and here are three reasons why:

* Kids are kids and will talk about what they want to talk about
* The rest of the world now thinks Puckett is Klan central
* This hides the issue. What the school should do is worry about more than “attendance” and use this opportunity to help its latest generation learn more about the way the world is going

  1. deowll says:

    Might just be trying to prevent fist fights. That sort of crap starts at home. Of course the teachers might have the same issues.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, guyver,

    How many parents actually want their schools to tell their children that homosexuality is perfectly normal and experimentation is to be encouraged (which is what these particular Sex Ed teachers promoted)?

    How many parents want the schools teaching their children the world is actually round? Or that there really are millions of little brown babies born each year in the world that will die before their first birthday? Or that Barney is really just a man in a dinosaur suit?

    Sometimes facts are facts.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 web said, “Teachers unions were so crappy in New Orleans they were kicked out. Now they are trying to snivel their way back in. Schools are MUCH better without them.”

    Most unions nowadays are parasitic activities. You should check out the Prison Guard Union in CA. They outright dictate to the state leg what color shoes they wear to the state house.

    Unions in Government should be abolished outright.

  4. #35 – MacGuyver

    >>Shouldn’t we be telling children that gay acts
    >>promotes a higher risk of exposure to AIDS?

    Sure. And we should also be telling them about ways to reduce the risks of HIV infection (as well as unwanted pregnancy, other STDs, etc.) in real life, rather than asinine programs like “abstinence only”.

    >>I also recall reading once a big reason for not
    >>allowing gay men to adopt children was their group
    >>demographics towards being more predisposed
    >>towards pedophilia.

    Don’t believe everything you read, MacGuyver. This is an urban myth, perpetrated by homophobes, hatemongers, and ignoramuses. The truth of the matter is more accurately reflected in the statement by Dr. Nicholas Groth (a recognized expert in the field): “Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual “.

  5. Tricia says:

    I totally agree with the last comment made by Guyver. If they choose that lifestyle than so be it, but don’t shove it down our throats.

    On another note, it amazes me at all the “fake” names left on here. If you have an opinion, why are you so scared to leave your real names?

  6. bobbo says:

    I agree. Lets take “Tricia” for instance. How fake could it be?

  7. Tricia says:

    bobbo said,
    I agree. Lets take “Tricia” for instance. How fake could it be?

    You can believe it or not, that is my “real” name bobbo.

  8. bobbo says:

    Not “Patricia?” And in either case, how much do we know of YOU? as opposed to any post by any other identity?

    Why no surname? Don’t we need a surname tricie? How about soc sec number, age, sex, education, income, street address? Shouldn’t we know all about you Tricie in order to meet your criticism?

    Conversely, I prefer the authors characterization of their philosophy as providing much more “information.”

    Take Mr. Mustard for instance. One spicey Dude. Much better than Thomas or Tommy etc.

    And with that in mind, yea, “Tricia” tells us quite a bit.

  9. Tricia says:

    How juvenile can you get? Come on, do you really not have anything better to do than criticize me just for making one comment. Get a life, you evidently do not have one.

    Oh and BTW, a few thing could be said about “bobbo” too, but I will refrain myself.

  10. Tricia says:

    How juvenile can you get? Come on, do you really not have anything better to do than criticize me just for making one comment. Get a life, you evidently do not have one.

    Oh and BTW, a few things could be said about “bobbo” too, but I will refrain myself.

  11. bobbo says:

    Trixsie==hold a mirror up.

  12. Tricia says:

    Juvenile, just plain juvenile. PERIOD.

  13. bobbo says:

    Ok, one more time. I was struck by the irony of your original post–complaining of the same thing you demonstrated AND having no worthy point to begin with.

    So–prove me wrong. How does using “a real name” improve what is posted?

  14. Tricia says:

    Ok, I NEVER said that using a real name IMPROVED OR DISPROVED anything. I simply made a comment that there were alot of fake names being used. “Tricia” IS my real name, not “Patricia” or anything else. My point was simply that if you are passionate enough about something to leave a comment, then use your real name. Thats it. Nothing else.

  15. bobbo says:

    Tricia–HOW does using your real name make any difference at all to the point made in a post?

    Tricia, Patricia, bobbo, Bobbo, Robert==what possible difference could it make?

    Mr Mustard, Mr Ketchup,- whats the spice?

    Come on, you are almost there—admit it=====come on!!!!!!!

  16. Tricia says:

    I never said it did. You twisted my whole point all together and I am done with you now. Bye Bye.

  17. bobbo says:

    Finally some common sense.

  18. Sky_Armada says:

    This has been completely blown out of proportion. This has nothing to do with the administrators trying to be racist. It has to do with the kids there being racist.

    I know a ton of people that actually go to Puckett. The black kids will walk through the hallways, and scream “Obama” at the white kids. They’re only doing this to try to start a fight. It’s always been against the rules to try to pick a fight with another kid. People are just pissed off because the taunt is “Obama” instead of some other word.


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