A new Republican ideas site called Rebuild the Party has rejected Marc Perkel’s Idea that the Republican Party should embrace REALITY. Here’s the idea that was deemed inappropriate and rejected. Perhaps there is no hope for the Republicans.

The GOP Platform should be REALITY Based – inappropriate

I believe that it is important for the GOP to embrace REALITY. I think that in the past the party has turned a blind eye to reality and I think that our future depends on our party making reality their friend.

  1. James Hill says:

    Angry liberals continue to show their distrust of Obama by being angry.

    Angry editors trying to make articles out of their own ideas are commentators, not editors, and should be labeled as such.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    “A new Republican ideas site called Rebuild the Party has rejected Marc Perkel’s Idea of REALITY.”

    Hmmm, I wonder why?

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    We’re not angry – we’re celebrating. Ding dong the witch is dead!

  4. James Hill says:

    #3 – See what I mean? You’ve confirmed that there’s no reason to take you seriously.

    Another thread owned by James Hill.

  5. GregA says:


    He has been like that for last week;) Every post concludes that liberals are angry, and he keeps repeating it like an artillary shell of reality just went off above his head, and now he is in some state of PTS syndrome.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Given Repub’s self-analysis so far (moderates are losers, we need to move further right) it’s no wonder they might reject reality, even in the form of that bizarre site. (what the hell is that, anyway?? LOL)

    Give them a few months to let this profound rejection sink in, and the smart ones will see that the USA stopped turning in that direction some time ago.

  7. Noel says:

    What part of the platform is not based in reality.

    Quit trying to push organized reality on us Perkel.

  8. James Hill says:

    #5 – Worship, noted.

    The sad part is that you don’t realize the election has nothing to do this. Considering I predicted the outcome months ago, I wasn’t surprised by a thing.

    Just as I’m not surprised that liberals can’t stop being angry. It’s your nature to be angry, unimaginative, and ineffective. Being in power won’t change any of this.

  9. Little Johnnie says:

    James Hill: based on your posts here, you seem to be rather angry, unimaginative and ineffective. Are you a closet liberal, perchance?!?

  10. James Hill says:

    #10 – LOL! More worship, I love it.

    Not angry at all: It’s too much fun making light of the hacks around here.

    Clearly, the most imaginative: After all, no one here’s proven me wrong.

    Without question, the most effective: I’ve been pulling this shit for years, and the lame threads always become about my greatness, while the decent threads have semi-decent discussion.

    You’re all welcomed to reply as to continue worshiping me.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 6 Olo Baggins of Bywater said, “and the smart ones will see that the USA stopped turning in that direction some time ago.”

    Oh, like the 30 states, including “liberal” CA, that have now banned gay marriage?


  12. Dick Dawkins says:

    Hey Marc,

    Have some wine…according to Dvorak’s recent post it might help your condition.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Paddy….just watch how long that ban lasts.

    Read this:

  14. Marc Perkel says:

    If not for REALITY – I wouldn’t be here. Are you ready to accept REALITY as your creator?

    Darwin loves you!

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    James, mistaking ridicule for adoration is really sick.

  16. Dick Dawkins says:


    Nah dude, I think I’ll stick with bitterly clinging to my god and my guns. In the meantime I could use help with getting no spam. HAR!

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 14 Olo Baggins of Bywater said, “Paddy….just watch how long that ban lasts.”

    Nice, but irrelevant. The bans were democratically implemented by the majority. Thus, that is the direction the majority of the population leans in.

  18. Matt Garrett says:

    Why don’t you Democrats shut the hell up and let us rebuild out own party?

    You have enough to worry about now that you have the keys to the kingdom.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    “Democratically implemented”????

    Are you paying attention at all? The democratic process includes courts, and this ban will get trounced and more. Face it dude, the 1600’s are over.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    20 “and this ban will get trounced and more. ”

    Care to wager how many of the 30 State bans will fall?

  21. Brian says:

    James Hill, I’d suggest you go seek some professional help before you hurt others or yourself. It’s apparent from your mindless rants here lately that Obama’s win has pushed you from the edge into a bottomless abyss of anger and hatred in which you and your ilk no longer run the country.

    And #19 ‘shut the hell up’? haha what are you, 12 years old? Are we going to get a temper tantrum out of you soon, too?

  22. Marc Perkel says:

    Hey – I’m a Republican. I ran for US Senate (Missouri 2000) as a Republican.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #11 – Jimmy

    >> LOL! More worship, I love it!

    You’re the happiest fellow I know, Jimmy. No matter what sort of abuse is heaped on you, no matter how pathetic you look, no matter the inadequacy of your meager arguments, borne of a meager mind, you conclude with “Your worship is noted” and “I own this thread”.

    The only thing you might justly be proud of is predicting Obama’s victory. But don’t be too proud. Everyone with an IQ exceeding single digits predicted that also. If not before Palin’s selection, certainly after.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 Marc Perkel said, “Hey – I’m a Republican. I ran for US Senate (Missouri 2000) as a Republican.”

    Then you know why the Bush admin is so unpopular. They stopped being conservative and started an expensive un-winnable war and spent like drunk sailors.

    Both items are typically the province of libs not conservatives.

  25. JimD says:


  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Paddy….it doesn’t matter. The bans pass because churches are threatened by the scary gays. Maybe instead they should put their money into trying to cure them? (LOL)

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 27 Olo Baggins of Bywater said, “Paddy….it doesn’t matter.”

    Unless, you are determining how the majority of the electorate is leaning.

  28. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Paddy, in CA Obama: 61%, McCain: 37%.

    Which way are they leaning now?

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Unless, you are determining how the majority
    >>of the electorate is leaning.

    There’s nothing quite so effective at Getting Out the Vote as the “GodHatesFags” mentality. Sooooo many people that are sooooo worried about what other people are doing in their private lives; things that have absolutely no effect on them at all. The GodHatesFags contingent should work at shoring up the tattered remains of HETEROSEXUAL marriage before they take on other forms.

    But hey. If slavery had been subjected to a “popular vote”, President-Elect Obama might well be calling McCain “massa”, instead of trouncing him handily in the presidential election.

    Remember, RAMBO, the role of the government is not to take rights away, it’s to protect them. In this, just as in so many other areas, the neocon hatemongers have failed.

    You’d think that with the world going to heck in a handbasket, neocons could utilize their time more productively than by policing other folks’ bedrooms. Of course, many of them walk a fine line themselves.

  30. Evolutionist says:

    “Gods Hates Fags” really isn’t the issue.

    Homosexuality is a disease that, by it’s very nature, kills the genetic line affected by it. The goal of all living organisms is to procreate and pass on the genes. Gays aren’t wired for that act.

    But there is another issue with homosexuality. It has more to do with machismo than hate. Males are at the top of the sexual reproductive ladder. They hunt for their mate. The fact there is somebody else hunting them violates millions of years of evolution and the brain just can’t cope with it. It’s like cannibalism to them. It’s just “wrong.”

    Sure, there are those who don’t mind it. Perhaps they are higher up the evolutionary ladder. Perhaps they have a broken gene. Who really knows?

    This explains why women typically are more accepting of the idea then men. Their ability to “mate” when not in season is nature’s defense mechanism for keeping their mates around between seasons, thus protecting them and their offspring. Men, when having sex with females, are still trying to procreate.

    Briefly, women are wired to have sex just to satisfy. Hetero men are not. Gay men are more woman-like in that regard yet have the hunting instinct of a hetero.


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