The Topeka-Capital Journal announced on Sunday that planning is underway for an Obama holiday. This isn’t a hoax. Several blogs around the nation have picked up the story. “Yes We Can” rallies have a goal to secure a national holiday for Obama. The link to the Topeka-Capital Journal ( story, which appeared in several blogs, pulled up a blank page, but you can try it here. If you go to the main page of, you can look in the comments on the right sidebar and link to the story from there.

Here’s the gist of the story:

“Yes We Can” rallies have a goal to secure a national holiday for Obama. Planning sessions will be held every Tuesday morning and Tuesday evening at a downtown McDonal’s restaurant in Topeka.

There will also be organized celebrations of Obama’s inauguration to also “celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.”

On Inauguration Day, an “Obama Cake” will be served at the downtown McDonald’s.

I still think it’s a hoax, and if it isn’t it should be. This kind of stuff will backfire for sure.

  1. Ian says:

    What the fuck? Seriously? I mean the man isn’t even in office yet and his cult followers are already proposing a national holiday?

    I am sure half the Obama shill editors on this site are already on their knees begging for more.

  2. Mark says:

    As an Obama supporter, I gotta say this is ridiculous. How about we see what he accomplishes in the White House, wait a decade or two until history has the proper context, then they can start looking at holidays. I don’t know if businesses can afford to keep paying for the increasing amount “national holidays” that people want to add to the calendar.

  3. Improbus says:

    We already have a holiday for presidents. Jeez.

  4. James Hill says:

    Populists leaders are often celebrated this way, ultimately leading to their downfall. Hopefully BHO is smart enough to play this idea down.

    As for the “Obama Cake”, apparently everyone loves chocolate!

  5. contempt says:

    Pleaseeeee… this is just too much.

    Besides, wouldn’t he have to be dead first? From his point of view – hardly worth the trouble.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    We need Reagan on the dime, first.

  7. Oh, for Christ’s sake. A handful of whackadoodles at a McDonald’s in Kansas start a “movement” to get a national holiday for Obama, and all of a sudden it’s “news”?

    #4 – James Hill

    >>As for the “Obama Cake”, apparently
    >>everyone loves chocolate!

    Good one!!

  8. Sycophants & kneepads, together at last.

  9. Raff says:

    I say we vote in 4 more black guys and take off the week.

  10. comhcinc says:

    i knew someone would mention regan.

  11. BigZaphod says:

    That’s insane. If anything, Election Day should be a holiday. That’s something I could get behind.

  12. chuck says:

    Jan 19th (the day before Inauguration day) is Martin Luther King day – a much more appropriate national holiday.

    Obama can have a national holiday when we get around to putting his face on some U.S. currency.

    I suggest this one:

  13. troublemaker says:

    He is the first black to be elected as President. Though I don’t necessarily agree with naming a holiday after him, I can see why someone would be interested in doing so.

  14. Future Chaos says:

    It’s so bad now, there’s less to be thankful for with Thanksgiving. Christmas is shaping up to be host to a higher national suicide rate than usual and for New Years it’s looking worse than this year. You might be standing in line for Easter bread. All the government people will be living high on the hog as usual, as the poor get crushed by the dictatorship. Starbucks is down 97%. Maybe people will open little coffee shops again and you’ll be able to get a cup of coffee for 75 cents again. Those were the days. Now you need a loyalty card or gift card or some other bullshit they thought up to buy a cup of coffee. My cup is 3/4 full. Milk didn’t come down with gasoline.

  15. EvilPoliticians says:

    Obamicans should remember that 48% of popular vote did not go to their chosen one. When they top Reagan in ’84 with 58.8%, maybe – just maybe – they can have their holiday cake and eat it too.

  16. chris says:

    “downtown McDonal’s restaurant”…. suspicious.

    Seriously, why have a holiday when the media leads worship every day?

  17. ivandoga says:

    An to the my follows

    “Let It Be Written” then “Let It Be DONE!!”

    A Lone Rep. in the desert.

  18. Someone says:

    Maybe they’ll just merge it into Festivus.

  19. Hugh Ripper says:

    A black man becomes president and suddenly everyone goes insane? For god sake just man get on with it and judge him upon his actions. This chickenlittleism from the right and personality worship from loonbats is getting out of hand.

  20. gquaglia says:

    Maybe they’ll just merge it into Festivus.

    Nah, I’m thinking Kwanzaa.

  21. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #3 – this wouldn’t be a holiday for Presidents, it would be a holiday for messiahs.

  22. Special Ed says:

    #6 said, “We need Reagan on the dime, first.”

    George Bush got his mothers picture on the one dollar bill.

  23. #24 – Alex W.

    >>Taxes can be structured so that the more you make
    >>the more you bring home AND the more you make the
    >>more taxes you pay.

    Of course there is. That doesn’t seem to be good enough for the Upper Class Republicans, though. Greed begets greed, and they want it ALL.

    As to the Lower Class Republicans, who would actually benefit with Obama’s plan, who knows what they’re thinking? They’d lose money with McCain. Most likely, they just didn’t want to vote fer one a them there darkies.

  24. Someone says:

    And here I thought they would just put him on the penny as he clearly surpasses Lincoln.

  25. Someone says:

    “And his economic policies were beyond stupid. Give money to rich people …”

    Thanks, Alex. Don’t forget your hat.

    Start your next post with:

    You may want to skip this as I can’t be bothered to know that most wealth is first earned….

  26. Buzz says:

    This should only be a holiday in blue states.

  27. Mr Truther says:

    Hey. I work for the gov. I like this. I like this evan better.
    # 9 Raff said, on November 10th, 2008 at 2:50 pm I say we vote in 4 more black guys and take off the week.
    More holidays more holidays.

  28. The E says:

    Anyone can declare any “proposal” and go promote the idea. As far as it becoming law, forget it. The city might make the “declaration” but it will never be a National Holiday in our lifetimes.

  29. badinoff says:

    This is so stupid.

    They should make the new holiday the day George W. Bush leaves office. That way we could call it National “Sayonara, Dumb Ass!” Day.

    Think of the boost to the ailing greeting card industry.

    Plus it would be great to have cards available to send to people who actually think there is real substance to “news” like this.

  30. Jeff says:

    This is a hoax. I won’t even go into the reasons why, but I think pretty much anyone will come to that conclusion that actually reads some of these “rumors.” Even if it were true, which again it is not, I don’t think it would be as bad as the current president who takes off a good two months at the end of summer to spend time at his ranch in Texas.


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