The Topeka-Capital Journal announced on Sunday that planning is underway for an Obama holiday. This isn’t a hoax. Several blogs around the nation have picked up the story. “Yes We Can” rallies have a goal to secure a national holiday for Obama. The link to the Topeka-Capital Journal ( story, which appeared in several blogs, pulled up a blank page, but you can try it here. If you go to the main page of, you can look in the comments on the right sidebar and link to the story from there.

Here’s the gist of the story:

“Yes We Can” rallies have a goal to secure a national holiday for Obama. Planning sessions will be held every Tuesday morning and Tuesday evening at a downtown McDonal’s restaurant in Topeka.

There will also be organized celebrations of Obama’s inauguration to also “celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.”

On Inauguration Day, an “Obama Cake” will be served at the downtown McDonald’s.

I still think it’s a hoax, and if it isn’t it should be. This kind of stuff will backfire for sure.

  1. James Hill says:

    Looks like the editors chickened out and didn’t approve my post with the word “porn” in it. LOL!

    In any event, the usual holiday hype will cancel out the Obama hype until the inauguration. Then it’s party time!

  2. Carcarius says:

    Exactly, “say it ain’t so Joe!”. Do we need a national holiday for everything? Although if it gives me an extra day off then why not?

  3. kimziah says:

    Yes, lets have a President Obama Day International Holiday. Unite the US and Countries abroad….Yes I’m all for it. Unite Countries and the States OBAMA!!!!!!!!!


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