The New Jersey councilman who allegedly urinated on a crowd of concertgoers from the balcony of a Washington, D.C. nightclub swore off booze on Sunday — two days after he was busted for the embarrassing stunt.

Jersey City councilman Steven Lipski has reportedly been arrested for urinating on a crowd of concertgoers from the balcony of a Washington D.C. nightclub.

“I’ve resolved not to touch alcohol again,” two-term Jersey City councilman Steve Lipski told the Fox 5 New York.

He went on to say that the incident was “deeply humiliating, very embarrassing” and troubling,” the Daily News reported.

The 44-year-old Democratic councilman refused to admit to the lewd stunt.

“I can’t comment on that,” he told Fox5 News. “I’m going to continue to do all the good things, and I’m not going to let this overshadow me.”

Lipski was in D.C. to see a Grateful Dead tribute band and was spotted relieving himself by one of the club’s staffers around 9:50 p.m., club sources told the Daily News. He was charged with simple assault.

Messages left at Lipski’s council office, and a Jersey City listing under his name were not immediately returned.

Lipski is now denying the whole incident claiming that he simply spilled a drink. Granted the crowd was partying and perhaps a little lit, but have you ever been so drunk that you couldn’t tell the difference between liqueur and piss?

  1. gquaglia says:

    Probably the best story of the day. That picture is classic. I guess he was still celebrating Barry’s Presidential victory.

  2. Special Ed says:

    He resolves not to touch alcohol again. Maybe he should consider not touching his dick.

  3. geofgibson says:

    After listening to how the Republicans have been pissing, etc. on the public and the Constitution, turns out it is yet another Democrat that actually does it.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    And here, I thought that the government pissing on us was more of a metaphor…

  5. Kanjy says:

    What, no video?

  6. Hey, Fergie pissed herself on stage, and now she’s the darling of the haute couture celebutante set. Paris Hilton was caught on tape sucking dick and taking it every which way, and now she’s the darling of the celebutante set.

    Maybe if this politics thing doesn’t work out for him, he could become a celebutante.

  7. McCullough says:

    Helzerman asks: “have you ever been so drunk that you couldn’t tell the difference between liqueur and piss?”

    Sadly, yes…..was it Saturday night????

  8. Special Ed says:

    Well, at least it wasn’t a blumpkin.

  9. SN says:

    The only thing more lame than a Grateful Dead tribute band is going to see one perform.

  10. Miss_X2b says:

    #2 ROFLMAO!!

  11. Special Ed says:

    #9 – I didn’t RTFA, but if that was the case those people deserved to be pissed on.

  12. The Warden says:

    What this Democrat pol did is just foreshadowing what Obama and Dem controlled congress is about to do to the Unite States.

  13. 12 – Warden

    >>What this Democrat pol did is just foreshadowing
    >>what Obama and Dem controlled congress is about to
    >>do to the Unite States.

    Au contraire. Obama and his able supporters will lead us onward and upward, through the deluge of urine and feces heaved upon us by eight years of incompetent governance, to a new, a better, place.


  14. mcosmi says:

    another dem. moron…what a shocker.

  15. Silk says:

    He’s just Obama drunk…

    Now we gotta live with it…

    ain’t this somethin’

  16. jbenson2 says:

    Classic case of liberal reporting.

    You know something is fishy when the party affiliation is not highlighted in oversize letters in the headline or in the opening sentence.

    Well, golly gee! Surprise, surprise! It was revealed in the 4th paragraph.

    And take a guess how many hours will go by before this story is buried.

  17. jbenson2 says:

    #18 Yellow man thinks Obama is “pretty close to the center.

    Whoa! I think he must have been partying mighty heavy with the drunk Democrat Jersey City councilman Steven Lipski to have such an outrageous view of Obama.

  18. Chris Mac says:

    Shouldn’t we wait until James Hill passes a big McCoiler, before we decide?

  19. Lou says:

    All in a good nights drinking !

  20. Mr Truther says:

    As long as he is peeing on repubs it is ok by me

  21. Pissy News says:

    Please provide us news that we can use. This stuff is good for vegetables.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    He was aiming at the Republicans. They are just upset that some of them actually got hit.


    Better to be pissed on by some second rate city councilor that shit upon by the Republicans.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #19 – Jeff

    >>Palin/Jindal 2012, or the other way around,
    >>fine with me.

    High-five me! That’s super-fine with me!!

    No better way to guaranteed a second term for Obama.

    And that would be a pretty entertaining campaign; Palin, who made a campaign career out of implying that Obama was too “foreign” to be president, running with an ex-Hindu named Piyush Jindal.

  24. Ron Larson says:

    “claiming that he simply spilled a drink. ”

    In a twisted sort of way, he is right. After all, his pee did start as a drink. He just spilled it down this throat.

    “You don’t buy beer. You rent it”.

  25. Compulawyer says:

    He had a license – he apparently just graduated from El Reg’s Apostrophe Refresher Course.

  26. Glenn E. says:

    Justice for the politically connected … Cause a public health hazard (a toxic spill) and you get away with it. Justice for the rest of us …. Spilt on the sidewalk, cause a fly flew into your mouth, and you end up in jail. Cause somehow it was deemed offensive, and a politician got elected banning public spitting. But I’ll bet few politicians have pressed for banning public urinating for years now. They wouldn’t want to limit their options.

  27. Curt says:

    I’ll tell you what makes me laugh. This isn’t the guys first alcohol related incident (apparently he’s well known for getting blasted at this venue) yet “the sheep” in New Jersey happily continue to follow the herd and vote people like this back into office. You reap what you sow. And they say people in the red states are ignorant and stupid?


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