HYDERABAD, India, Nov. 8 (UPI):

About 6,000 Muslim clerics from around India approved a fatwa against terrorism Saturday at a conference in Hyderabad.

Maulana Qari Mohammad Usman Mansoorpuri, president of the Jamaiat-Ulama-i-Hind, called terrorism the most serious problem facing Islam, The Hindu reported. He blamed Islamic radicals for their actions and the news media for failing to distinguish between the radicals and the majority of Muslims.

“We have no love for offenders whichever religion they might belong to,” he said. “Our concern is that innocents should not be targeted and the career of educated youth not ruined. The government should ensure transparency in investigation.”

India has the world’s second-largest Muslim population after Indonesia, although Hindus outnumber Muslims. The meeting was also expected to address issues like national integration.

“Islam rejects all kinds of unjust violence, breach of peace, bloodshed, murder and plunder and does not allow it in any form. Cooperation should be done for the cause of good but not for committing sin or oppression,” the fatwa written at the Darul Uloom Deoband, India’s foremost Islamic seminary.

  1. Pagon says:

    Decide for yourself.

    I recommend:


  2. Mac Guy says:

    A positive step. Let’s see how it holds up…

  3. Improbus says:

    Does that mean that terrorists will start bombing everyone with daisies or jasmine flowers?

  4. Special Ed says:

    Do you think the possibility of this happening had anything to do with it?


  5. Future Chaos says:

    ” Mr. DE BORCHGRAVE. Absolutely, sir. I have been trying to explain this until I am blue in the face in Middle Eastern countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan.

    I did the only interview with Mula Omar 3 months before 9/11, which was published in the Washington Times. I asked him, ”Why can you not have television in this country?” He said, ”Well, we are living roughly in the 15th or 16th century compared to where you are living. Imagine if I were to open up the airwaves. It would be just as if your country in the 1700s had been suddenly subjected to what you have on your own airwaves today. There would be a terrible culture shock.””

    It’s a new kind of war. It’s like fighting the Flintstones with the Jetsons running logistics on the Web.

    “That brings me to the Internet. Here I think the laws are very uneven about dismantling Jihadist sites. We know how, in fact, our closest ally in the United Kingdom now is moving precisely to dampen down these messages. We know very easily the Netherlands in fact has introduced very stringent legislation.

    That is part of it. It is like the madrassah is part of it. We have to counter that, but we have to realize these people are way ahead of us. We close down these sites, and they open them up immediately.

    I will give you a classic example. On 9/11, al-Qaeda had one Internet site, Al-Neda.com. We closed that down a year later. Today al-Qaeda’s message is on at least 400 different sites throughout the world. Certainly closing that down, closing sites down, and legally restricting these messages is part of it, but it is almost like the Dutch boy trying to plug holes in the dike.

    What we have to do as well, as I described, is have a very robust and aggressive policy that takes on these messages immediately, that does not allow, for example, if you read in the Washington Post 2 days ago, al-Qaeda to set up a news channel and have their own information on the Internet, and we just watch it and listen to it and shake our heads, but do nothing to combat it and to take it on directly and to deflate precisely the messages that they convey.”

    You find the servers, use EMP bombs. That blows out every circuit, servers, phones the whole works.
    “In the end, the most far-reaching effect of an e-bomb could be psychological. A full-scale EMP attack in a developed country would instantly bring modern life to a screeching halt. There would be plenty of survivors, but they would find themselves in a very different world.”

    To be up against an adversary with petro dollars providing billions of dollars of ideological attacks against us, importantly through schools, in countries that cannot pay for their own secular education or government-provided education, here without any risk of money being diverted—you know, if you write a big check to the Government of Chad maybe it will be spent well. Maybe it will not.

    Our own petro dollars funding our own enemies? Let world oil prices collapse. Gas at 99 cents a gallon and our enemies going broke in on the bargain. Two for one specials. I just paid 2 fifty for a quart of 10W40. It used to be less than a buck. I endorse 20 dollar a barrel petro. That should fix the murderous bastards.

  6. doug says:

    #5. good lord, why in the world would anyone want to take down the jihadist web sites? I mean, talk about an intel gold mine! tap their IP log and you have the addresses of every wannabe in the world!

  7. Future Chaos says:

    It’s wasting power, so nuke the servers. It’s really a Green issue at the end of the day. You can’t depend on that kind of intel.

  8. cgp says:

    How can Islam be called a religion of peace when their clerics issue a call for their adherents to stop killing people?

  9. Special Ed says:

    #9 – I don’t hate them as much as orientals or people from India. Just saying…

  10. deowll says:

    A lot slow but better late than never.

    Not sure how long the oil money will last. At least another 20 to 30 years.

  11. cgp says:

    To counter the extremist minority response.

    In the heart lands of Islam, moderate Islamism has gone the way of the Quakers.

    Extremists have/are killing off the moderates.

  12. M alS says:

    Death to terrorists!

  13. Ooooh… but it’s not considered “terrorism” if it’s in the name of the Jihad against the unbelievers. Amiright? Amiright?

  14. Milo says:

    As WM says above, these pronouncements have all sorts of conditional language woven in. Even if they didn’t, Islam encourages its believers to lie to non-believers so anything they say about things like this could be a lie.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    To call terrorists in islam actual believers is like calling people that bombed abortion clinics here christians.

    Just like the red scare & cold war where americans were given the propaganda they were communists (when they were not) we now have more of the same.

    This is right from the playbook of The Prince. Control teh people with fear and they will follow you anywhere, even to hell.

    1991+ Terrorists
    1946-1990 Commies
    1939-1945 Nazis & Japs
    1920-1939 Anarchists
    1912-1918 The Germans
    1839-1900 The Spanish & Mexicans
    1789-1890 The Indians
    1772-1843 The British
    1789+ Immigrants


  16. James Hill says:

    #9 – I didn’t know today was Pirate Day. AYEEEE!

  17. ECA says:

    Interesting idea…EXCEPT..
    we are talking about regions of the world, that have a 10% coverage of ELECTRICAL supply to their land mass. Only major cities have POWER..
    Only thing you would do, is interrupt CELLPHONE service in most areas..

    AND I dont think that the SERVERS are located ONLY in those MUSLIM countries..

    Question I have is:
    Its a STUPID number..
    If 6000/100,000 clerics said it…IT MEANS NOTHING..
    NOW, if we could get CLERICS to group together and declare Fatwa, on THOSE NOT wishing for PEACE…THAT would mean ALLOT..

  18. Rick Cain says:

    Islam has no central authority, which is why it has been a militant religion for the past 1000 years. Mohammed died, mohammed offed his brother, and it all went to pot after that.


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