Click pics to embiggen, or go here where there are lots more, unfortunately.

  1. comhcinc says:

    i wish my clothes was that awesome.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    The 70s was fucked up in many ways.

  3. LinusVP says:

    I got the Schytts back in the 70’s.

    I thought the fondue tasted funny!

  4. exxon says:

    They look the same today !

  5. Gary in Gilroy says:

    Wow. What a unforgiving sea of ugly. Thank you Mtv for making image more important than content.

  6. Tecban says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but I see a youthful John C. Dvorak in the bottom right picture of Hick. Look at the “I Get NO Spam image” in the left column of the blog.

    John C Dvorak, international man of mystery.

  7. brendal says:

    Denmark does not apologize…apparently, Sweden should.

  8. McCullough says:

    #4. MTV was responsible for the death of Rock and Roll in the US. Aside from the British, Europe made zero contribution to Rock. Name three bands from Europe that made any difference, I dare you…..and I am talking about Rock not pop crap like ABBA.

  9. comhcinc says:

    @#7 the scorpions rammstein KMFDM that is an unfair queston. people in the states have not heard a lot of non english speaking bands.

    rock can be pop just rap and country music. pop just stands for whatever is popular at the moment.

    i know people confuse that alot.

  10. Floyd says:

    This was an era when polyester leisure suits (including the blinding white John Revolta disco suit in the US) were all the rage–very scary. I actually wore polyester pants to work (that was about all there was for sale in those days), but never owned a leisure suit. I was into blue jeans and T shirts when I wasn’t at work.

    None of these bands followed Abba into stardom. I wonder why…

  11. rectagon says:

    Hey, who took the clothes out of my closet????

  12. McCullough says:

    8. #So name three rock bands from Europe that made a difference. This has always perplexed me, that rock is uniquely British/ American. With a few good Australian bands thrown in the mix.

  13. comhcinc says:

    11 i did name three rock bands. all made a difference.

  14. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Didn’t sexy Sarah book all these “maverick” acts to play at Johnny Mack’s inauguration? They’d all rock the republicans hard!

    I expect to see all these acts playing at Station Casinos in the near future.

  15. JimD says:

    The ’70s – best FORGOTTEN !!!

  16. dr says:

    Let’s not forget Tommy Seeberg another lost Scandinavian Rocker….

    His really weird video still around on the web is called “Apache”….

  17. billabong says:

    Gay and developmentally disabled nice look.

  18. James Hill says:

    A weekend of pathetic threads winds up with this.

    Honestly Dave, get a life.

    (One post and I own the whole blog for the day.)

  19. Esteban says:

    Pictured on the second row, right-hand side: Band members Jack, Bull, Chicken, Horse, Ape, Dip, and DU’s own Mr. Cat.

  20. Dude the schytts! I love the schyttes AND their “schytty” wardrobe!

  21. Eric says:

    Insensitive Clods!

    The main reason most Americans and Brits never heard about bands outside of America and England is because most of them didn’t sing in English. Rock Radio in the US never plays anything that isn’t in English

  22. teliscop says:

    No! The Schyttes do NOT have turd colored clothes on.

  23. Swedish guy says:

    The stage costumes were so outrageous mainly for tax reasons. In order to be able to write them off as “work cloths” they had to be extreme enough not be be something you would wear off stage.

  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hick was the Swedish response to Lynard Skynard. They got pretty close on the look but didn’t quite get the sound right because of the overpowering accordion playing.
    Man vat a gutten band!

  25. JimD says:

    # 24 Swedish guy said: “they had to be extreme enough not be be something you would wear off stage.” – and live to tell about it !!!

  26. TomH says:

    Dude….I rock that stuff in the clubs when I go back east to New York….The ladies can’t keep their hands off of me…dude…..I mean seriously….

  27. LukeC says:

    Gert Jonny’s – I look like the guy in the front row.

  28. Buzz says:

    Lower left pic. Front row, right: There’s Waldo.

  29. Rabble Rouser says:

    You gotta love those Polka bands! They have such weird outfits! They still dress like this today!

  30. Ron Larson says:

    I think the reason #8 can’t think of 3 continental European bands is because the US music market refuses to play anything that is not in English. Hence we are limited to only American, Canadian, British, Irish, Aussie, and Kiwi bands.

    When I spend time over in Europe, I hear a lot of amazingly good music that I wish I had heard in the US.

    It is not a matter of talent. It is only marketing (or lack there of).


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