Photo from Daylife/Reuters Pictures

A bookmaker has turned away numerous gamblers hoping to bet on Barack Obama being assassinated.

William Hill bookmakers, which has received more than 100 requests, informed customers it would never offer odds on the possible targeting of the US President-elect. White supremacists have already allegedly plotted an attack on Obama, America’s first black President.

William Hill spokesman Graham Sharpe said the company had no interest in betting on the possible death or serious injury of any politician or person under any circumstances.

“I cannot imagine why any reputable bookmaker would even consider taking such a bet or any punter contemplate placing one,” Sharpe said.

The bookmaker said that people have asked to bet on prominent possible assassination targets in the past but never on the scale of demand for Obama punts…

It leaves an uneasy feeling and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. We are giving people the chance to express their opinions and make a bit of money but even bookmakers have the occasional moral scruples. We would not be prepared to step over that line.”

Anyone surprised there are punters who feel they can count on American nutballs to venture into presidential assassination?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    “Anyone surprised surprised there are punters who feel they can count on American nutballs to venture into presidential assassination?”

    Not at all. Look what happened to Reagan. Popularity breeds this type of action. I certainly wouldn’t take any action betting against it.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Pretty disgusting if you ask me. You may not like the man, but he is the elected President of this country. Taking bets on the probability of an assassination is despicable. I applaud this guy for not giving in to the lowest denominator.

  3. Mikey Twit says:

    I believe this why the SS method is the classic “shoot first, ask questions later”.

    This ain’t like the JFK or even Reagan attempt. Nowadays, they have snipers at every vantage point when ever the President speaks in public. I’d bet(no pun intended) it would be suicide mission to try and kill the President these days.

  4. cg says:

    It is time we forgot the bitterness and move on.

    I hope the new president will set an example for the young blacks and thus elevate the black race in time.

    I am a conservative but I have a lot of hope for this.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #4 Twit said, “This ain’t like the JFK or even Reagan attempt. Nowadays, they have snipers at every vantage point when ever the President speaks in public.”

    You obviously have no clue as to how Reagan was shot. And yes, the sniper were used when Reagan was Pres.

    Unless Obama or any Pres. stays locked in the White House, a single determined gunman can get anyone.

  6. Dallas says:

    What a disgusting bunch and my hope is their names get published on the internet and they are investigated by the secret service.
    This makes me sick.

  7. Stars & Bars says:

    That’s a sucker bet. Obama is the second coming of Jesus Christ for the NWO. Until he crosses the NWO by attempting to restore power to the people, Obama is perfectly safe.

    These truths are well known among our principal men who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter through the political party system we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished. – 1924 US Banker’s Association Magazine

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 8 Stars & Bars –

    Yep, the last Pres to contemplate fixing this (Kennedy trashing the Fed) was taken out.

    Don’t expect Obama to fix the real underlying problems of the banking system…

  9. Montanaguy says:

    This is what will make the libs suddenly more interested in wiretaps, surveillance and domestic spying .. it will be ‘OK’ now if it’s in THEIR best interest.

  10. Li says:

    Bookies have scruples?

  11. doug says:

    #10. there hasn’t been a serious assassination attempt upon an American president in 25 years, WITHOUT the Bushies’ police state tactics.

    any white supremacists conspiring against Obama would be, like most criminals, remarkably stupid, and could be broken up by conventional law-enforcement methods. as at least one plot already has been.

  12. Montanaguy says:

    The results of intelligence activity is not apparent if you look at “attempts”; it’s the plots that were unwound before they became physical attempts that count. How could you possibly be privy to that info, unless you are in the Secret Service?

  13. Mikey Twit says:


    I’m well aware of how Reagan was shot. Anything is possible, including a lone gunman. But as I said in the nest sentence, nowadays in our “fear of terrorism” mindset, they would be looking to kill the gunman first if they can(hence a suicide mission, or in a gunman’s mindset, a martyr mission), instead of trying to tackle him.

    And Paddy-O, you don’t actually know me or what I do or don’t know, so nothing about me is obvious to you.

  14. doug says:

    #13. “The results of intelligence activity is not apparent if you look at “attempts”; it’s the plots that were unwound before they became physical attempts that count. How could you possibly be privy to that info, unless you are in the Secret Service?”

    presumably, if such was the case, the plotters would be sitting in jail right now, since conspiring to murder the president is a criminal offense.

    and, AFAIK, there were no such plotters arrested and tried during, say, the Clinton years, when the militia movement was active, and a possible source of assassination plots.

    do you think the government would bust up the plots and not arrest the plotters?

  15. chuck says:

    It would be a waste of time and effort to assassinate Obama. 3 days later he be alive again.

  16. Mac Guy says:

    Every American President in the past has had his life threatened. There will always be some nut job who is hellbent on either becoming famous, or silencing the voices in their head.

    I didn’t vote for Obama, but I wish him a long and prosperous life, just as I would do the same for any other decent person.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    #14 Twit “they would be looking to kill the gunman first if they can(hence a suicide mission, or in a gunman’s mindset, a martyr mission), instead of trying to tackle him.”

    Ah, yep. They wouldn’t try to tackle the guy who shot Reagan if it happened today. They would gun him down. LOL! Sure, and kill the Pres and the bystanders. ROFL.

    I’m afraid your stupidity shows, even to those who don’t know you.

  18. Hugh Ripper says:

    Racist groups are not usually known for their intelligence so perhaps Obama is safe from them at least. Even met an intelligent Nazi skinhead?

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #20 Hugh asked, “Even met an intelligent Nazi skinhead?”

    About as many times as I’ve met an intelligent bearded Che fan…

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    #21 Defending racists now, Paddy. Good to see your true colors flying at full mast. You saying that racism is NOT stupidity?

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #22 Hugh. What ARE you babbling about?

    Radicals of all stripes tend to be stupid.

    Where in my post did I defend anyone? Or, are you taking too many meds?

  22. Hugh Ripper says:

    Paddy. Ill spell it out for you. I commented on the stupidity of racist ultra-right wing sconeheads and you leaped in with a (typical) ‘well gee the left wing armchair academic bearded pipe smoking cardigan wearers are stupid too’.

    Why did you feel the need to illustrate this? You don’t agree that racism is stupidity?

  23. mister mustard says:

    #24 – Mr. Ripper

    Not to worry. Paddy-RAMBO is just feeling his oats. After he made that bold, on-line threat to start “piling up liberal bodies”, he feels he is invincible.

  24. Hugh Ripper says:

    #25 I just love how many of our right-winged fruitbats endlessly complain about political correctness but none of them seem to have the guts to speak their minds and admit they are a teensie-weensie bit racist.

    Paddy. Its quite simple. You can clear the air once and for all on this matter by agreeing (or not) that racism is stupidity.

  25. bobbo says:

    Its been interesting to note the change in attitude of the pundits covering Obama. Prior to the election, he was just coasting on his lead and not willing to engage the McCain slurs, NOW he is already the most thoughtful, intelligent, well read, far thinking WORLD LEADER one can “hope for.”

    I’m thinking Obama, like most people, like him or not, was pretty much the same guy before and after any singular date? Same with McCain. I think he “wanted” to do the right thing, but also wanted to win and followed, or at least allowed, the advice he was given by the Bush election team.

    Fingers crossed.

  26. ECA says:

    you can tell WHO will be responsible, by looking at the Election maps…
    Look to the southern states..

  27. Nolimit662 says:

    I am a white man and I am upset that there are so many inbred hillbilly people in my race. I’m talking about you “white supremicists.” You’re all a sad bunch. Ooooooh you spend your sorry lives trying to stamp out the lives of others that don’t match your skin tone. What a shallow life. I pray that we can keep Obama safe. He is going to be the man to turn things around if anyone can. There are equally good and bad in every race I’ve learned through my years living. Obama is a mix of white and black. Get over it. He wants to work for us all. All you “supremicists”, whatever you think you are, just need to assassinate yourselves for the better of all mankind. Thank you!!

  28. Paddy-O says:

    # 24 Hugh Ripper said, “Paddy. Ill spell it out for you.”

    Yep, as I said, I wasn’t defending anyone and you are on the wrong meds.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    #30 Paddy

    S’alright, mate. We all know what you meant 😉

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Hugh Ripper said, “S’alright, mate. We all know what you meant”

    Now you have delusions that you are more than one person. Must be a pretty powerful psychotropic they’ve got you on…


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