A team of Mexican scientists has found that the heated vapor from 80-proof (40% alcohol) tequila blanco, when deposited on a silicon or stainless steel substrate, can form diamond films.

“There is no doubt; tequila has the exact proportion of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms necessary to form diamonds.”

For now, the scientists are continuing to taste test different tequilas´ abilities to produce diamonds. They´re also working on creating doped diamonds, which contain impurities, to serve as semiconductors.

Doped diamonds? Would that be, like, with cocaine or something?

  1. lperdue says:

    Yeah, I KNOW “doping” is s standard part of the semiconductor process, but I could not resist.

  2. Special Ed says:

    I always told my girlfriends, “no hymen, no diamond.” Now I’ll just make them read this and they can take shots of diamonds.

  3. James Hill says:

    Maybe that one North American government wasn’t such a bad idea…

  4. bill says:

    “the scientists are continuing to taste test different tequilas”

    Why didn’t they discover this when I was in college!

    All you can do with beer is make more beer!!

  5. VC says:

    If it wasn’t Saturday, it would still be Friday. Gold can be made from lead. The problem is that the power required to do it costs more than the value of the resulting gold. Information is like that. Silicon is going to be replaced by tuned micro-laser technology and Silicon Valley is going to be a whole different place.

    “A primary objective of the design for the flash and pfn was operation from a readily available power source – e.g. a 1.5 V AA battery, low cost, high efficiency, and small size.”

    You’ll be able to run a laptop on a couple of AA batteries soon.

  6. I’ll drink to that! And I’m confident that the diamonds won’t slit my throat on the way down. The only thing I’m wondering is, once the tequila is sitting in my gut and is under some pressure will diamonds form then? If so, I’m going to start collecting my crap.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    “There is no doubt; tequila has the exact proportion of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms necessary to form diamonds.”

    So, what proportion of a diamond is H & O?

  8. teliscop says:

    “Doped diamonds? Would that be, like, with cocaine or something?”

    Ah. Another person who gets all his info from TV.

  9. Lewis Perdue says:

    #8, Dude, see comment #1

  10. Glenn E. says:

    This will only require DeBeers to buy out all tequila producers, and make new ones illegal. The monopoly lives on!

  11. Glenn E. says:

    Seriously. Every time someone comes up with a synthetic diamond making process, you wouldn’t believe the kitten that DeBeers has over it. And what they then go thru to squash it. All that diamond marking BS, that’s been advertised recently isn’t about thwarting thefts or dishonest appraisals (which still happens). It’s about locking out the synthetic diamonds, and those that might come from sources other than DeBeers controlled mines. Uncertified cut diamonds will get the special appraisal treatment, to determine their origin. Basically, it’s all a price fixed, supply controlled market. Like the Oil Industry. The value of Diamonds isn’t based on any real scarcity, but an artificially maintained one.

    In spite of the more recent US economic “recession”, a dedicated Jared store was just finished being built, a mile from me, near our largest shopping mall. Which already has a number of jewelers within said mall. So I’m wondering if the gem industry won’t soon be getting “bailed out” along with the auto makers?

  12. Buzz says:

    “They´re also working on creating doped diamonds, which contain impurities, to serve as semiconductors.”

    The “doped diamonds.” Are those with cocaine or heroin?

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Does this means that the sequel to Maria Full of Grace would be Maria full of agave?


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