Sarah Palin’s Greatest Accomplishment was…

Ending corruption in Alaska
Fighting the Oil Companies
Becoming Gov. of Alaska
Breathing new life into SNL
Raising an amazing family
Devoting her life to God’s work
Proving you can be over 40 and sexy
Becoming 1st GOP VP Candiate
Inventing “maverick” drinking game
Protecting Russian/US border
Destroying the Republican Party

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  1. QB says:

    James Hill, give me a break. Yulia Tymoshenko is way hotter.

    Gay Angry Republicans still prefer Sarah Palin.

  2. mister mustard says:

    #3 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>And drew crowds of supporters MUCH larger
    >>than McCain did.

    Of course she did. It was a cross between a freak show, a car wreck, and a peep show. That’s why everybody showed up to see Palin.

    McCain lost all credibility when he picked a greenhorn like Palin, whose only redeeming quality was that she looked hot.

  3. Special Ed says:

    I’m heading to the bathroom to squeeze out another James Hill.

  4. James Hill says:

    See what I mean? Total worship. Considering I predicted Obama’s win during the primaries, never voiced support for McCain, and have owned you guys in every political thread for months, you’re the ones showing bitterness.

    Meanwhile, the populist wave that got Obama elected is already starting to lessen. They’ll be lucky to hold on to Congress in two years.

    It’s time to rename this place after me. I do own it, after all.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #34 – Special Ed

    Nooo… not another republican… 😛

  6. doug says:

    #22. actually, I got addicted to Palin schadenfreude during the campaign, so thats why I cant stop.

  7. As I posted on the Poll itself: please name one single other USA politician, except Palin who literally stood up to the Big Oil and demanded (and got) more money from them to give it to the people. Even Great Leader Obama won’t do that.

    I don’t care if she really has 5th grade level education if she governs like that.

  8. #40 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>She just knows how to bargain hard and not let
    >>herself be bought by special interests…

    WTF are you talking about, Paddy-RAMBO?? Has firing all those high-powered weapons at libs made you DAFT?

    When did she “bargain hard”? If there’s anyone who’s a shill for Big Oil, it’s Sarah. The only hint of maverickdom she exhibited was quitting as head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

    Other than that, she’s in bed with them from the word “go”.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Jimy Heel,

    I wouldn’t worship you if you were the last banana cream filled doughnut on earth.

  10. Asdf Qwerty says:

    James, your narcissism is noted. Have fun with that.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    Lets face it, Palin is GWB in a dress. If the She-Bush ever gets into the White House it will be the neo-con second coming.

  12. deowll says:

    The election is over. Find something else to talk about. You are no longer just a disgrace to the human race. You are a huge turn off and boring.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, deowll,

    The election is over. Find something else to talk about. You are no longer just a disgrace to the human race. You are a huge turn off and boring.

    And still the right wing nuts, evangelicals, neo-cons, radio talk show shut in crowd, and man ass loving preachers are still in denial.

    If I turn you off I’m sorry. I wasn’t purposely trying to turn you on, besides, I don’t go that way.


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