Do they actually want to win in 2012 or is this too-soon-after-losing-an-election ideology before electability wishful thinking? I’d like to see a poll of why they think they lost.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republican voters say Alaska Governor Sarah Palin helped John McCain’s bid for the presidency, even as news reports surface that some McCain staffers think she was a liability.

Only 20% of GOP voters say Palin hurt the party’s ticket, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Six percent (6%) say she had no impact, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Ninety-one percent (91%) of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin, including 65% who say their view is Very Favorable. Only eight percent (8%) have an unfavorable view of her, including three percent (3%) Very Unfavorable.

When asked to choose among some of the GOP’s top names for their choice for the party’s 2012 presidential nominee, 64% say Palin. The next closest contenders are two former governors and unsuccessful challengers for the presidential nomination this year — Mike Huckabee of Arkansas with 12% support and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts with 11%.

  1. QB says:

    Dear God, please make her run and I promise to eat my vegetables for a whole week.

  2. Improbus says:


    You want the Republicans to lose, right?

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Don’t worry #2. After Obama does his impression of Hoover (which he modeled his econ plan after) a Repub won’t be elected so much as installed.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Only 20% of GOP voters say Palin hurt the party’s ticket…

    80% is out of touch with reality.

  5. GF says:

    You betcha Palin will be back much to many a snobby little cornflakes dismay.

    Don’t forget about 70% of black voters voted for a gay marriage ban. LOL. Plenty of gun clinging religious folks out there to get her vote after they become disillusioned with The Chosen One and crucify him.

  6. Dallas says:

    As much as a Palin ticket would be another predictable disaster for the GOP, I’d prefer another competing party with good ideas.

    The GOP today is really nothing more than a Taliban. It’s done. Put a fork in it.

  7. ECA says:

    This is sounding like one of those HS groups we had in school…
    ALWAYS voting for their friends..Even when they were the DUMBEST BLONDE with dyslexia..

  8. Jess Hurchist says:

    It reminds me of how the Conservative party behaved in Britain after Tony Blair was elected.
    Their biggest policy plank appeared to be based on the fact that Blair is one letter more than an anagram of liar. The next biggest was being opposed to further integration with the EU even if it was in the country’s best interest.
    They seemed to believe they had a ‘right’ to power.

  9. JimS says:

    This shouldn’t be a surprise. We’re not talking about a high IQ bunch here. These people embrace religion, intolerance, ignorance and hatred. Her self-aggrandizement is at a level they all aspire to. All she has to do is install a few more flush toilets in Alaska and they will consider her a shoo-in for president!

  10. @#10: “These people embrace religion, intolerance, ignorance and hatred.” – As for intolerance and hatred: do we live in the same universe? Where I live “the other” half is the one rampaging in the streets after the election result which didn’t fit what they wanted. Have you seen Right rampaging in the streets in the same way because McCain didn’t win? Intolerance and hatred combined, as usual on the Left, just described in “1984” newspeak.

    Now go watch South Park episode on tolerance as left would have it, altogether with the “Tolerance Camps” and such…

  11. QB says:

    #11 “Have you seen Right rampaging in the streets in the same way because McCain didn’t win?”

    Of course not, they’re too overweight. They don’t have enough health insurance in case of cardiac arrest.

  12. JimS says:

    #11 the protest is over the intolerance and hatred embodied in the election result. Just because the hatred has been voted on doesn’t mean its not hatred.

    But yes let’s refer to a cartoon for new ideas on how to live together and respect each other… great idea Sarah.

  13. jccalhoun says:

    I would be very very surprised if she is still in politics in 4 years. She loves the spotlight and I’m sure Fox News is calling her every day with a job offer .

  14. Bob says:

    She should run, if only to make the Neo-libs on this board go crazy.

  15. QB says:

    Those darn neo-libs are being driven crazy by this. Perhaps it’s her ‘knowledgeability’? 😉

  16. woody says:

    “I’d like to see a poll of why they think they lost.”

    I think Palin helped more than hurt McCain. McCain lost because it was decided before the first early ballot was cast that Obama was sufficiently compromised and was willing to continue the out of control agenda of the neocons. McCain wasn’t very well liked by real conservatives, and neither was Bush/Cheney.

    The progressives should embrace Kucinich, Nader or similar.
    The conservatives would be the Ron Paul and Pat Buchanans, then there might be a difference.

    Politics is for adult children who believe in a difference between the Reps and Dems. Just google Rahm Emmanuel, and you will see that the war ain’t going to end any time soon, Bailouts will continue, and for the environmentalists, a couple a million new consumers and drivers will become citizens every single month.


  17. QB says:

    #18 woody, I’m impressed. You may be the only person here talking like a grown-up.

  18. unreal American says:

    Yup that’s right only 69% or Republicans are Real Americans
    So if there are 55 million registered Republicans that’s only 38 million Real Americans. Boy that represents a lot of 6packs sold. To bad for them enough of us 260 million unreal Americans showed up this time.

    Yes the Republicans have historically been very good at raising money advertising and getting their folks out to vote but they have never been the majority of Americans That 69% of one or two issue Republican voters THE BASE will always show up and vote for the more evangelical candidate. A smart GOP would play to the middle.

    Sarah is my Governor I have met her a few times, (still wouldn’t vote for her) she is not the inept person she is made out to be. She is also not presidential material. If they want they should get she a tutor and she should start studying now for 2012.

  19. small in the pants says:

    I lived in Alaska for 25 years.
    Moved there when I was 21.
    Came back to America in 1997.
    They have flush toilets there now?

  20. QB says:

    Good news! The Republicans do have" rel="nofollow">a plan.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #17 – QB

    Good clip. Thanks.

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #22 – QB

    Is that woman going to be on the republican ticket 2012? 😛

  23. unreal American says:

    small in the pants
    >I lived in Alaska for 25 years.
    >Moved there when I was 21.
    >>They have flush toilets there now?
    Depends on where you live, sanitation in some of the villages still could use some improvement many folk’s vote for Ted for those earmarks

  24. Bud says:

    There is at least a little diversity of thought:

  25. The Commodore says:

    I for one was leaning toward McCain until I learned what his running mate was all about. So for the first time I actually voted against a ticket based on VP choice. That being said, I’m riding the Obama wagon and will fully support his shot at running this government.

    Now, I’m working the beads, praying for an end to 2 year election campaigns. Let’s go back to less than 12 months, please!

  26. small in the pants says:

    My story about going to Alaska in 1972.

  27. small in the pants says:

    I grew up in a little city in Wisconsin.
    When Dave Obey was running for office in the Wisconsin area, I had the opportunity to shake hands with JFK.
    A couple years later, I went to a meeting with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    First time I saw a lot of negroes together.

    my, my,

  28. cgp says:

    What beggars belief is that McCain screams about Obama learning in the office

    and then picks Palin.

    Either he did not know the VP job description or the list of smart female candidates was zero.

  29. Hugh Ripper says:

    Id like to see a poll of independant voters and see how many of them like Palin…

  30. small in the pants says:

    i took my kids to Mt. McKinley in July once.
    We were 3 times across.
    We had a reservation.
    When we got there, there was a sign that said:
    Bear activity.
    Yeah, I had a bear print in my back yard.
    If I stepped in it, it was way bigger than the tracks up in the park.

    We took a bus, buses are only allowed across the pass.
    We got a flat tire.
    Our bus driver had never had a flat.
    One side went up, the other side went down.
    Me and my uncle we changed that tire.
    The driver, an African-American, only thought about how late he was.
    On the fast track back, I saw a big ass moose.
    yada yada


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