1. Paddy-O says:

    That’s funny. This is also on http://www.change.gov

  2. Improbus says:


  3. Greg Allen says:

    Funny ’cause it’s true (in the minds of conservatives, anyway).

    I am still kind of stunned that McCain tried to red-bait Obama.

    I thought America had moved beyond fear mongering over the The Secret Red Menace back in the late ’50s.

    It just shows how old and out-of-date are the conservatives, guess.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Funny because it is true. The right wing nuts do believe this.


  5. GF says:

    That’s some funny shit. Give all the white peoples guns to black people…

  6. hhopper says:

    Yeah, and give all the black people’s rhythm to white people.

  7. QB says:

    #6 hhopper, perfect!

    But then, who would dance to polkas?

  8. bac says:

    #7 – “But then, who would dance to polkas?”

    The latinos of course. Latinos will be the new majority.

  9. Digby says:

    So? We all knew this already. That’s why 45% of the damn country did not vote for the Messiah. I can hardly wait to meet my local “CIVILIAN SECURITY FORCE”. Gee Uhbama, you’re the BEST!

  10. Hugh Ripper says:

    #9 – Good to see at least one conservative took the bait. 😀

  11. skunky says:

    #10 see, conservatives don’t do humor…
    see the flop of “An American Carol” this year at the box office.

    which explains why irony is lost on them too.

    “we hate big government” = $10 billion/month in Iraq, outsourced to no-bid contractors. makes perfect logical sense to the conservitarian mind.

  12. deowll says:

    I am a conservitive. This is not funny. It has become the norm I expect from some of the sick pukes on this web site.

  13. Wretched Gnu says:

    This is greatness.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #12 deowll

    This is not funny

    Yup. No sense of humor. Actually, no sense at all. Sore losers.

    BTW, it is spelled conservAtive.

  15. nolimit662 says:

    I’m glad obama won…..All you Obama haters are mostly racist a holes. I’m white and I’m glad a half black man finally made it to the white house. He will achieve great things for america assuming nobody guns him down. I am ashamed to live in a country that still has so much hatred over race. I pray for him.

  16. Dallas says:

    I’ve actually heard even more absurd crap spewing from the religious right. This is what 70% of the republican mindset it like. Creepy.

    They should have made a point about how white girls are gonna date black boys. You know the saying, once you go black…. Oohh that’s gotta sting grandpa.

  17. Aaron says:

    I know this video was made to be tongue-in-cheek but I suggest going to the gun shops around town and simply be a “fly on the wall”-the ignorance that is being disseminated is embarrassing to America!

    The “logic” is that if you buy a fully automatic assault rifle, or hoard ammunition, you can “hide it” and then when the “Government” comes to take it they will not find it, and then somehow you will join a spontaneous “revolution to overthrow the Government.”

    Really? If it were that easy to “overwhelm” the “Government” don’t you think there would be no drug dealers in prison? Good luck with that gun nut!

    Hey, I like to shoot just as much as the next guy, but I’m not stupid enough to get into an armed conflict with a single police officer let alone the U.S. Military. My fear is that these idiots will get started with armed conflicts against local police and create a situation where the Government will have to act!

  18. Peter_m says:

    Back on white porn is going mainstream!

  19. Peter_m says:

    Black on white porn is going mainstream…

  20. Truce says:

    After January 20th, please focus on change.

    Any claims that America is racist or Bush is still to blame is not change, it’s 4 more years of the same.

    Thank you!

  21. doug says:

    “some sort of special mustache?!?!”


    #14. what I found interesting during the campaign was the whole-hearted conservative embrace of (the notoriously humorless) tactics of the Politically Correct:

    first, guilt by association – if you had any doings with some un-PC person (in the GOP mind, Ayers or Wright) you are responsible for their opinions and statements.

    second, defend the indefensible by attacking the attackers. those going after Palin were sexists! (god, that sounded familiar. they must have stolen Hilary Clinton’s playbook)

    third, any criticism is ‘code words.’ even if the criticism has nothing to do with sexism or racism, it can be deflected by claiming that it is merely ‘code words’ for some insidious belief on the part of the critic.

    so GOP, thank you for inviting yourself to the wonderful Politically Correct universe, where ‘that’s not funny!’ is actually the only thing you are allowed to say.

    I hope PJ O’Rourke can find his way home.

  22. GetSmart says:

    For Bob’s sake! Stop providing them (The morans) with better propaganda than they can come up with on their own! Because you’re right, they don’t know it’s satire.


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