(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. ECA says:

    NEW cellphone has better coverage…
    CAN you hear me now…really works.

    Pass the TP..or is this a HAND WIPE??

  2. Raff says:

    polish prostitution

  3. Pete says:

    talk about a shitty job…

  4. Buzz says:

    “Sonya and Raul realized that what really sold like hotcakes was simple relief.”

  5. anon says:

    looks like you mean juanita on the spot

  6. Ivor Biggun says:

    Juan and Juanita saw the potential of pay toilets and decided to go into business for themselves.

  7. Thumpar says:

    The first version of the port-a-potty was a complete failure.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    For people who are full of shit…

  9. Jägermeister says:

    This could come in handy in case you meet Sarah Palin… she’s pretty pissed.

  10. Chris Mac says:

    Great. Now “we” haves to clean up after the Bushes.

  11. bobbo says:

    #9–Jag==interesting video. What a horrible politician Palin is/was/hopefully we will never see again.

    “I want a media the people can trust.”


  12. denacron says:

    Don’t cross the streams!!!

  13. LotsaLuck says:

    Wow! 8 whole posts before this became a Republican/Bush Bash!

    In other news, am looking for a Photoshopped pic of Obama all clowned up that we can use for the next 4 years….

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    The Republicans clean up their defeated candidates after the election.

  15. fitzmaug says:

    Excuse me sirs – Are those to use or to let?

  16. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – bobbo – What a horrible politician Palin is/was/hopefully we will never see again.

    Yes, but I’m sure she’ll continue to be the star up in Alaska. Ignorance breeds simpletons, simpletons votes for Palin.

    “I want a media the people can trust.”

    People want politicians they can trust. Unfortunately those doesn’t grow on trees in Alaska.

    #13 – LotsaLuck – Wow! 8 whole posts before this became a Republican/Bush Bash!

    We’ll try to improve. We’ll aim for top three, okay…

  17. BigBoyBC says:

    Oh, piss boy…

  18. GetSmart says:

    The new NASA life support backpacks were functional, but somewhat less than stylish.

  19. Donal says:

    Go ahead, pull my chain.

  20. 888 says:

    we shit on you all

  21. mister mustard says:

    #9 – Meister

    >>Sarah Palin… she’s pretty pissed.

    Hey! “video no longer available”?? wtf?

  22. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – Mister Mustard

    It’s still there. If it happens again, press CTRL-F5 (full reload) on the YouTube page.

  23. WmDE says:

    “Life’s funny. One day you are working at Lehman Brothers, the next day………….”

  24. the answer says:

    Ballywood presents: ghost busters

  25. mister mustard says:

    #22 – Meister

    >>press CTRL-F5 (full reload)

    Huh. That worked.

    Interesting to see that she says she “now has a perspective on national politics”.

    Whoa. Good thing she wasn’t elected WITHOUT any perspective on national politics.

    Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I have to wonder about McCain though: WHAT WAS HE THINKING??

  26. dlovearl says:

    Yes, now you CAN take it with with you! (*)

    (*) Skydiving, limbo dancing, roller coasters, moon walking and ice skating (hockey excepted) during use are not recommended.

  27. ECA says:

    wE AIM TO please,
    So please AIM…
    I got #@$@$2 in my boot..

  28. Billy Bob says:

    Obama’s National Relief Program created millions of public sector jobs.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, ECA

    For the dishonorable mention, LOL

  30. There’s a lotta sh!t in this town! Send in reinforcements!


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