National Men Make Dinner Day is for the manly man who is not afraid to wield a hammer, whisk, or spatula. It is not for the guy who burns Mandles or the dude with the Mantyhose. This is a manly man’s special day. Okay, there are rules. The Men Make Dinner Day website has them outlined, but to give you a general idea, here are the highlights: no barbequing, no pouting if your mate picks at your burned toast and claims to have had a huge breakfast – last week.

Men do not have to go with the craziest recipes on the ‘Net, but they should come up with a meal that roughly mimics the major food groups and use ingredients for which they shopped themselves. If the food can be ordered with a phone call, it does not qualify for National Men Make Dinner Day. Tough. Have you seen your mate’s workday, especially if you have been blessed with kids? So suck it up and act like a man. Besides, the last Thursday of the month is National Women Slave In The Kitchen Day (alternately known as Thanksgiving) that keeps women cooking from dusk till dawn and then some, so the least you can do is cook today.

Ah, my favorite holiday. Okay, frozen pizza it is!

  1. sargasso says:

    When is it, National Womans’ Take Out The Garbage Day?

  2. GregA says:

    In morning before you go out and work for her bonbons.

    Take one giant piece of of beef (but the toughest gnarliest cut you can find) , preferably with lots of fat on it. Rub it in salt. Chop one onion, put it in slow cooker. Throw in a bunch of rosemary, and a cup of wine(hard liquor works as well, but no beer, need high alcohol content for this to work), and a couple of tea spoons of the type of garlic that comes in a glass jar all chopped up. Fresh garlic is for suckers.

    Set the slow cooker on low. For bonus points, strain the au jus add gravy flour for beefy gravy.

    High alcohol content of your cooking solvent is key.

  3. Raff says:

    Its always men make dinner day at my house. That is if I want to eat dinner.

  4. Manny Barilow says:

    Nah, the alcohol will probably evaporate if you heat it for any length of time. Instead I recommend putting some premium high-powered horseradish in whatever concoction you manage to come up with…it’ll send them running for the ice cube tray. You’ll never hear about it again.

    (Recipe hint: Shout “Hey what’s the matter? This is great!”)

  5. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    As a generally rules, men should cook most meals. If you leave it up to women they start getting these weird ideas like cutting down on meat, using less fats, and not deep frying.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    “So honey, what’s for dinner?”

    “Peanut butter sandwiches!”

    “But honey, we had those last night, the night before, the night before that and six times last week.”

    “I’m cooking, I decide what to eat. Besides, peanut better is good for you, it puts hair on your chest. Look how well it has worked for me.”

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #7 LOL!

  8. CountSmackula says:

    How retarded.

    I cook 6 days out of 7 most weeks. She does laundry 9 times out of 10 (mostly because she doesn’t like the way I do her clothes). I call it a fair trade.

  9. Named says:

    I cook two meals a day… breakfast for the kids and myself (the wife leaves too early) and then dinner for the whole family. On weekends, I add lunch into the mix. I usually make enough dinner in the evening for a leftover lunch for the wife and I. And if not, I’ll whip up a simple lunch while I’m prepping breakfast.

    I LOVE cooking. I’ve been doing it since I started roasting chicken when I was 14… Thats over 20 years ago. And I’m a pretty damn good cook. Four – Six ingredients is what I shoot for in my meals… Any more than that you risk muddling the flavours. Keep it simple!

    And remember… all the greatest chefs in the world are men.h

  10. Mule says:

    Real men should suck it up and learn to freakin’ cook. Plus, in my experience, women love a man who can cook them a nice meal. The deal in my house is – I cook, my wife does the dishes. Given that I loathe doing dishes, this is a perfect arrangement.

  11. Yes. Fortunately, I spotted something about National Men Make Dinner Day on the day. I’m single and I was planning to pick up some takeout food for dinner that night, but by being properly informed I was able to change my plans and avoid the long lineups.


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